关于 ORA-01012: not logged on

 在一次启动oracle 数据库(测试环境)的时候,出现了ora-ORA-01012
SQL> conn /as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup;
ORA-01012: not logged on
SQL> conn /as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup;
ORA-01012: not logged on
SQL> exit


shutdown immediate


这个时候 如果直接连接数据库的话会出现

Connected to an idle instance.


这个是应该是因为关闭得不够干净的原因吧,因为在操作系统查看进程的时候 ps -ef |grep ora 还会有大把的进程没有关闭掉

oracle@srv55 ~]$ ps -ef |grep ora
oracle    50529      1  0 Apr12 ?        00:17:19 /home/oracle/u01/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
oracle    67708      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:01:01 ora_pmon_eshore
oracle    67710      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:47 ora_psp0_eshore
oracle    67712      1  0 Apr13 ?        01:04:52 ora_vktm_eshore
oracle    67716      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:09 ora_gen0_eshore
oracle    67718      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:14 ora_diag_eshore
oracle    67720      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:31 ora_dbrm_eshore
oracle    67722      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:12:52 ora_dia0_eshore
oracle    67724      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:10 ora_mman_eshore
oracle    67726      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:53 ora_dbw0_eshore
oracle    67728      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:51 ora_dbw1_eshore
oracle    67730      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:01:12 ora_dbw2_eshore
oracle    67732      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:52 ora_dbw3_eshore
oracle    67734      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:50 ora_dbw4_eshore
oracle    67736      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:01:20 ora_dbw5_eshore
oracle    67738      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:06:09 ora_lgwr_eshore
oracle    67740      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:01:50 ora_ckpt_eshore
oracle    67742      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:21 ora_smon_eshore
oracle    67744      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:03 ora_reco_eshore
oracle    80981      1  0 Apr13 ?        00:00:04 ora_q003_pridtct
oracle   104531      1  0 Apr17 ?        00:00:00 oraclepridtct (LOCAL=NO)
oracle   104586      1  0 Apr17 ?        00:00:00 oraclepridtct (LOCAL=NO)
oracle   104851      1  0 Apr17 ?        00:00:00 oraclepridtct (LOCAL=NO)
oracle   106810      1  0 Apr09 ?        00:02:24 ora_pmon_pridtct


当我把这些进程杀了之后(其实我只是kill -9 67708),然后再启动,数据库就能正常启动了
