6.824 2020 Lecture 2: Infrastructure: RPC and threads
Threads and RPC in Go, with an eye towards the labs
- Why Go?
- Threads
- Thread = "thread of execution"
- Why threads?
- I/O concurrency
- Multicore performance
- Convenience
- Is there an alternative to threads?
- Threading challenges:
- shared data
- coordination between threads
- deadlock
- What is a web crawler?
- Crawler challenges
- Serial crawler:
- ConcurrentMutex crawler:
- ConcurrentChannel crawler
- Why is it not a race that multiple threads use the same channel?
- Is there a race when worker thread writes into a slice of URLs, and master thread reads that slice, without locking?
- When to use sharing and locks, versus channels?
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- RPC message diagram:
- Software structure
- Go example: kv.go on schedule page
- A few details:
- RPC problem: what to do about failures?
- What does a failure look like to the client RPC library?
- Simplest failure-handling scheme: "best effort"
- Q: is "best effort" easy for applications to cope with?
- Q: is best effort ever OK?
- Better RPC behavior: "at most once"
- some at-most-once complexities
- What if an at-most-once server crashes and re-starts?
- Go RPC is a simple form of "at-most-once"
- What about "exactly once"?
Why Go?
- good support for threads
- convenient RPC
- type safe
- garbage-collected (no use after freeing problems)
- threads + GC is particularly attractive!
- relatively simple
After the tutorial, use https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html
- a useful structuring tool, but can be tricky
- Go calls them goroutines; everyone else calls them threads
Thread = “thread of execution”
- threads allow one program to do many things at once
- each thread executes serially, just like an ordinary non-threaded program
- the threads share memory
- each thread includes some per-thread state:
- program counter, registers, stack
Why threads?
- They express concurrency, which you need in distributed systems
I/O concurrency
- Client sends requests to many servers in parallel and waits for replies.
- Server processes multiple client requests; each request may block.
- While waiting for the disk to read data for client X,
- process a request from client Y.
Multicore performance
- Execute code in parallel on several cores.
- In background, once per second, check whether each worker is still alive.
Is there an alternative to threads?
- Yes: write code that explicitly interleaves activities, in a single thread.
- Usually called “event-driven.”
- Keep a table of state about each activity, e.g. each client request.
- One “event” loop that:
- checks for new input for each activity (e.g. arrival of reply from server),
- does the next step for each activity,
- updates state.
- Event-driven gets you I/O concurrency,
- and eliminates thread costs (which can be substantial),
- but doesn’t get multi-core speedup,
- and is painful to program.
Threading challenges:
shared data
- e.g. what if two threads do n = n + 1 at the same time?
- or one thread reads while another increments?
- this is a “race” – and is usually a bug
- -> use locks (Go’s sync.Mutex)
- -> or avoid sharing mutable data
coordination between threads
- e.g. one thread is producing data, another thread is consuming it
- how can the consumer wait (and release the CPU)?
- how can the producer wake up the consumer?
- -> use Go channels or sync.Cond or WaitGroup
- cycles via locks and/or communication (e.g. RPC or Go channels)

Let’s look at the tutorial’s web crawler as a threading example.
What is a web crawler?
- goal is to fetch all web pages, e.g. to feed to an indexer
- web pages and links form a graph
- multiple links to some pages
- graph has cycles
Crawler challenges
- Exploit I/O concurrency
- Network latency is more limiting than network capacity
- Fetch many URLs at the same time
- To increase URLs fetched per second
- => Need threads for concurrency
- Fetch each URL only once
- avoid wasting network bandwidth
- be nice to remote servers
- => Need to remember which URLs visited
- Know when finished
We’ll look at two styles of solution [crawler.go on schedule page]
package main
import (
func Serial(url string, fetcher Fetcher, fetched map[string]bool) {
if fetched[url] {
fetched[url] = true
urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
for _, u := range urls {
Serial(u, fetcher, fetched)
type fetchState struct {
mu sync.Mutex
fetched map[string]bool
func ConcurrentMutex(url string, fetcher Fetcher, f *fetchState) {
already := f.fetched[url]
f.fetched[url] = true
if already {
urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
var done sync.WaitGroup
for _, u := range urls {
u2 := u
go func() {
defer done.Done()
ConcurrentMutex(u2, fetcher, f)
func makeState() *fetchState {
f := &fetchState{}
f.fetched = make(map[string]bool)
return f
func worker(url string, ch chan []string, fetcher Fetcher) {
urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
ch <- []string{}
} else {
ch <- urls
func master(ch chan []string, fetcher Fetcher) {
n := 1
fetched := make(map[string]bool)
for urls := range ch {
for _, u := range urls {
if fetched[u] == false {
fetched[u] = true
n += 1
go worker(u, ch, fetcher)
n -= 1
if n == 0 {
func ConcurrentChannel(url string, fetcher Fetcher) {
ch := make(chan []string)
go func() {
ch <- []string{url}
master(ch, fetcher)
func main() {
fmt.Printf("=== Serial===\n")
Serial("http://golang.org/", fetcher, make(map[string]bool))
fmt.Printf("=== ConcurrentMutex ===\n")
ConcurrentMutex("http://golang.org/", fetcher, makeState())
fmt.Printf("=== ConcurrentChannel ===\n")
ConcurrentChannel("http://golang.org/", fetcher)
type Fetcher interface {
Fetch(url string) (urls []string, err error)
type fakeFetcher map[string]*fakeResult
type fakeResult struct {
body string
urls []string
func (f fakeFetcher) Fetch(url string) ([]string, error) {
if res, ok := f[url]; ok {
fmt.Printf("found: %s\n", url)
return res.urls, nil
fmt.Printf("missing: %s\n", url)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not found: %s", url)
var fetcher = fakeFetcher{
"http://golang.org/": &fakeResult{
"The Go Programming Language",
"http://golang.org/pkg/": &fakeResult{
"http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/": &fakeResult{
"Package fmt",
"http://golang.org/pkg/os/": &fakeResult{
"Package os",
Serial crawler:
- performs depth-first exploration via recursive Serial calls
- the “fetched” map avoids repeats, breaks cycles
- a single map, passed by reference, caller sees callee’s updates
- but: fetches only one page at a time
- can we just put a “go” in front of the Serial() call?
- let’s try it… what happened?
ConcurrentMutex crawler:
- Creates a thread for each page fetch
- Many concurrent fetches, higher fetch rate
- the “go func” creates a goroutine and starts it running
- func… is an “anonymous function”
- The threads share the “fetched” map
- So only one thread will fetch any given page
- Why the Mutex (Lock() and Unlock())?
- One reason:
- Two different web pages contain links to the same URL
Two threads simultaneouly fetch those two pages
T1 reads fetched[url], T2 reads fetched[url]
Both see that url hasn’t been fetched (already == false)
Both fetch, which is wrong
The lock causes the check and update to be atomic
- So only one thread sees already==false
- Another reason:
- Internally, map is a complex data structure (tree? expandable hash?)
Concurrent update/update may wreck internal invariants
Concurrent update/read may crash the read
- What if I comment out Lock() / Unlock()?
- go run crawler.go
- go run -race crawler.go
- Detects races even when output is correct!
- How does the ConcurrentMutex crawler decide it is done?
- sync.WaitGroup
- Wait() waits for all Add()s to be balanced by Done()s
i.e. waits for all child threads to finish
- [diagram: tree of goroutines, overlaid on cyclic URL graph]
- there’s a WaitGroup per node in the tree
- How many concurrent threads might this crawler create?
ConcurrentChannel crawler
- a Go channel:
- a channel is an object
- a channel lets one thread send an object to another thread
- ch <- x
- the sender waits until some goroutine receives
- y := <- ch
- for y := range ch
- a receiver waits until some goroutine sends
- channels both communicate and synchronize
- several threads can send and receive on a channel
- channels are cheap
- remember: sender blocks until the receiver receives!
- “synchronous”
- watch out for deadlock
- ConcurrentChannel master()
- master() creates a worker goroutine to fetch each page
- worker() sends slice of page’s URLs on a channel
- multiple workers send on the single channel
- master() reads URL slices from the channel
- At what line does the master wait?
- Does the master use CPU time while it waits?
- No need to lock the fetched map, because it isn’t shared!
- How does the master know it is done?
- Keeps count of workers in n.
- Each worker sends exactly one item on channel.
Why is it not a race that multiple threads use the same channel?
Is there a race when worker thread writes into a slice of URLs, and master thread reads that slice, without locking?
- worker only writes slice before sending
- master only reads slice after receiving
So they can’t use the slice at the same time.
When to use sharing and locks, versus channels?
- Most problems can be solved in either style
- What makes the most sense depends on how the programmer thinks
- state – sharing and locks
- communication – channels
- For the 6.824 labs, I recommend sharing+locks for state,
and sync.Cond or channels or time.Sleep() for waiting/notification.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- a key piece of distributed system machinery; all the labs use RPC
goal: easy-to-program client/server communication
hide details of network protocols
convert data (strings, arrays, maps, &c) to “wire format”
RPC message diagram:
Client Server
Software structure
client app handler fns
stub fns dispatcher
RPC lib RPC lib
net ------------ net
Go example: kv.go on schedule page
- A toy key/value storage server – Put(key,value), Get(key)->value
- Uses Go’s RPC library
- Common:
- Declare Args and Reply struct for each server handler.
- Client:
- connect()'s Dial() creates a TCP connection to the server
get() and put() are client “stubs”
Call() asks the RPC library to perform the call
- you specify server function name, arguments, place to put reply
library marshalls args, sends request, waits, unmarshalls reply
return value from Call() indicates whether it got a reply
usually you’ll also have a reply.Err indicating service-level failure
- Server:
- Go requires server to declare an object with methods as RPC handlers
Server then registers that object with the RPC library
Server accepts TCP connections, gives them to RPC library
- The RPC library
- reads each request
creates a new goroutine for this request
unmarshalls request
looks up the named object (in table create by Register())
calls the object’s named method (dispatch)
marshalls reply
writes reply on TCP connection
- The server’s Get() and Put() handlers
Must lock, since RPC library creates a new goroutine for each request
read args; modify reply
A few details:
- Binding: how does client know what server computer to talk to?
- For Go’s RPC, server name/port is an argument to Dial
Big systems have some kind of name or configuration server
- Marshalling: format data into packets
- Go’s RPC library can pass strings, arrays, objects, maps, &c
Go passes pointers by copying the pointed-to data
Cannot pass channels or functions
RPC problem: what to do about failures?
e.g. lost packet, broken network, slow server, crashed server
What does a failure look like to the client RPC library?
- Client never sees a response from the server
- Client does not know if the server saw the request!
- [diagram of losses at various points]
Maybe server never saw the request
Maybe server executed, crashed just before sending reply
Maybe server executed, but network died just before delivering reply
Simplest failure-handling scheme: “best effort”
- Call() waits for response for a while
If none arrives, re-send the request
Do this a few times
Then give up and return an error
Q: is “best effort” easy for applications to cope with?
A particularly bad situation:
- client executes
- Put(“k”, 10);
- Put(“k”, 20);
- both succeed
- what will Get(“k”) yield?
[diagram, timeout, re-send, original arrives late]
Q: is best effort ever OK?
- read-only operations
- operations that do nothing if repeated
- e.g. DB checks if record has already been inserted
Better RPC behavior: “at most once”
- idea: server RPC code detects duplicate requests
- returns previous reply instead of re-running handler
- Q: how to detect a duplicate request?
- client includes unique ID (XID) with each request
- uses same XID for re-send
- server:
if seen[xid]:
r = old[xid]
r = handler()
old[xid] = r
seen[xid] = true
some at-most-once complexities
- this will come up in lab 3
- what if two clients use the same XID?
- big random number?
combine unique client ID (ip address?) with sequence #?
- server must eventually discard info about old RPCs
- when is discard safe?
- idea:
- each client has a unique ID (perhaps a big random number)
per-client RPC sequence numbers
client includes “seen all replies <= X” with every RPC
much like TCP sequence #s and acks
- or only allow client one outstanding RPC at a time
- arrival of seq+1 allows server to discard all <= seq
- how to handle dup req while original is still executing?
- server doesn’t know reply yet
- idea: “pending” flag per executing RPC; wait or ignore
What if an at-most-once server crashes and re-starts?
- if at-most-once duplicate info in memory, server will forget
- and accept duplicate requests after re-start
- maybe it should write the duplicate info to disk
- maybe replica server should also replicate duplicate info
Go RPC is a simple form of “at-most-once”
- open TCP connection
- write request to TCP connection
- Go RPC never re-sends a request
- So server won’t see duplicate requests
- Go RPC code returns an error if it doesn’t get a reply
- perhaps after a timeout (from TCP)
- perhaps server didn’t see request
- perhaps server processed request but server/net failed before reply came back
What about “exactly once”?
unbounded retries plus duplicate detection plus fault-tolerant service
Lab 3