krpano 教程 - 标签中devices设备类型属性的说明

devices 属性可以在全部标签中设置使用,指定标签在指定的设备时才生效

o	all - use this element on all devices (the default)
o	flash - use this element only in the krpano Flash viewer
o	html5 - use this element only in the krpano HTML5 viewer
o	desktop - use this element only on Desktop
o	mobile - use this element only on Mobiles
o	tablet - use this element only on Tablets
o	css3d - use this element only when CSS-3D-Transforms are available (HTML5 only)
o	webgl - use this element only when WebGL is available (HTML5 only)
o	fullscreensupport - use this element only when the Fullscreen mode is support
o	touchdevice - use this element only on Touch devices
o	gesturedevice - use this element only on Gesture (Multi-Touch) devices
o	ios - use this element only on iOS devices (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
o	ios### - use this element only when the iOS version is higher than ###
o	iphone - use this element only on the iPhone (and iPod Touch)
o	ipod - use this element only on the iPod Touch
o	ipad - use this element only on the iPad
o	retina - use this element only on iOS retina displays
o	android - use this element only on Android devices
o	androidstock - use this element only in the 'stock' (=WebView-based) Android browser
o	blackberry - use this element only on BlackBerry devices
o	chrome - use this element only in the Chrome browser (HTML5 only)
o	firefox - use this element only in the Firefox browser (HTML5 only)
o	ie - use this element only in the Internet Explorer browser (HTML5 only)
o	safari - use this element only in the Safari browser (HTML5 only)
o	opera - use this element only in the (Presto-based) Opera browser (HTML5 only)
o	air - use this element only in the Adobe AIR Player
o	standalone - use this element only in the Standalone Flashplayer
o	windows - use this element only on Windows systems
o	mac - use this element only on Mac OSX systems
o	linux - use this element only on Linux systems

devices="iphone+retina" = iPhone 4, iPhone 5
devices="ipad+retina" = iPad 3, iPad 4
devices="ipad+iOS5.1" = iPad with iOS 5.1 or higher
devices="flash|webgl" = systems with fisheye-distortion support


