vs clean或rebuild时自动删除dll的解决方法

The bin folder is just the binary output from a build, so when you clean your solution, all the assemblies in the bin folder get deleted. You should reference the assemblies from some other location. One suggestion is to create a Shared Resources folder within your project, copy your assemblies to that folder, then reference them from that folder. This way they won't get deleted from  bin on a clean/rebuild and Visual Studio will copy them there as needed.

1. Right-click on the References folder in your project and choose Add Reference...
2. Use the browse functionality to locate the assemblies you want to reference (don't worry about manually copying them to/from your bin folder)
3. After the reference is added, right-click on the reference in your references list and choose Properties
4. Make sure the Copy Local property is set to True

This will ensure that assembly is copied to your bin folder on every build.


引用dll后,右键该dll,确保Copy Local property 设置为true。

