"""Presets for various network configurations"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from . import symbol_builder
# 这个函数就是给指定网络和输入数据尺寸生成一些参数配置
def get_config(network, data_shape, **kwargs):
"""Configuration factory for various networks
network : str
base network name, such as vgg_reduced, inceptionv3, resnet...
data_shape : int
input data dimension
kwargs : dict
extra arguments
if network == 'vgg16_reduced':
if data_shape >= 448:
# 和下面else里面的from_layers做对比可以看出,对于输入图像为512*512的情况,需要额外增加5个卷积层,
# 而如果是300*300(else那部分),则需要额外增加4个卷积层
from_layers = ['relu4_3', 'relu7', '', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [512, -1, 512, 256, 256, 256, 256]
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sizes = [[.07, .1025], [.15,.2121], [.3, .3674], [.45, .5196], [.6, .6708], \
[.75, .8216], [.9, .9721]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = [20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] # normalization如果等于-1,表示该层不做normalization
steps = [] if data_shape != 512 else [x / 512.0 for x in
[8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]]
# relu4_3表示原来VGG16网络中的第4个块中的第3个卷积,relu7表示原来的VGG16网络中的fc7层(VGG16最后一共有3个fc层,
# 分别为fc6,fc7,fc8),后面的4个‘’表示在VGG16基础上增加的4个卷积层。这6层就是做特征融合的时候要提前特征的层。
from_layers = ['relu4_3', 'relu7', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [512, -1, 512, 256, 256, 256] # 对应层的卷积核个数,这里-1表示extracted features
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
sizes = [[.1, .141], [.2,.272], [.37, .447], [.54, .619], [.71, .79], [.88, .961]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = [20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
steps = [] if data_shape != 300 else [x / 300.0 for x in [8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 300]]
if not (data_shape == 300 or data_shape == 512):
logging.warn('data_shape %d was not tested, use with caucious.' % data_shape)
return locals() # locals函数返回以上这些变量
elif network == 'inceptionv3':
from_layers = ['ch_concat_mixed_7_chconcat', 'ch_concat_mixed_10_chconcat', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [-1, -1, 512, 256, 256, 128]
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sizes = [[.1, .141], [.2,.272], [.37, .447], [.54, .619], [.71, .79], [.88, .961]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = -1
steps = []
return locals()
elif network == 'resnet50':
num_layers = 50
image_shape = '3,224,224' # resnet require it as shape check
network = 'resnet'
from_layers = ['_plus12', '_plus15', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [-1, -1, 512, 256, 256, 128]
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sizes = [[.1, .141], [.2,.272], [.37, .447], [.54, .619], [.71, .79], [.88, .961]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = -1
steps = []
return locals()
elif network == 'resnet101':
num_layers = 101
image_shape = '3,224,224'
network = 'resnet'
from_layers = ['_plus12', '_plus15', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [-1, -1, 512, 256, 256, 128]
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sizes = [[.1, .141], [.2,.272], [.37, .447], [.54, .619], [.71, .79], [.88, .961]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = -1
steps = []
return locals()
elif network == 'mobilenet':
from_layers = ['activation22', 'activation26', '', '', '', '']
num_filters = [-1, -1, 512, 256, 256, 128]
strides = [-1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
pads = [-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sizes = [[.1, .141], [.2,.272], [.37, .447], [.54, .619], [.71, .79], [.88, .961]]
ratios = [[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], [1,2,.5,3,1./3], \
[1,2,.5], [1,2,.5]]
normalizations = -1
steps = []
return locals()
msg = 'No configuration found for %s with data_shape %d' % (network, data_shape)
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# 这个函数就是用来获得整个网络的结构信息,包括新增的用于特征融合的层,生成anchor的层等等。
# 该函数主要是调用symbol_builder.py脚本中的几个函数来执行导入和生成symbol的操作。
def get_symbol_train(network, data_shape, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for get symbol for train
network : str
name for the base network symbol
data_shape : int
input shape
kwargs : dict
see symbol_builder.get_symbol_train for more details
if network.startswith('legacy'):
logging.warn('Using legacy model.')
return symbol_builder.import_module(network).get_symbol_train(**kwargs)
# 调用get_config函数得到一些配置参数
config = get_config(network, data_shape, **kwargs).copy()
# 得到的配置参数config再加上kwargs里面的其他配置参数
# 调用symbol_builder.py脚本中的get_symbol_train函数得到symbol
return symbol_builder.get_symbol_train(**config)
def get_symbol(network, data_shape, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for get symbol for test
network : str
name for the base network symbol
data_shape : int
input shape
kwargs : dict
see symbol_builder.get_symbol for more details
if network.startswith('legacy'):
logging.warn('Using legacy model.')
return symbol_builder.import_module(network).get_symbol(**kwargs)
config = get_config(network, data_shape, **kwargs).copy()
return symbol_builder.get_symbol(**config)