Row-set columns types |
Name(Signature) |
Description |
int,T | posexplode(ARRAY |
Explodes an array to multiple rows with additional positional column of int type (position of items in the original array, starting with 0). Returns a row-set with two columns (pos,val), one row for each element from the array. |
string1,...,stringn |
json_tuple(string jsonStr,string k1,...,string kn) |
Takes JSON string and a set of n keys, and returns a tuple of n values. This is a more efficient version of the |
string 1,...,stringn |
parse_url_tuple(string urlStr,string p1,...,string pn) |
Takes URL string and a set of n URL parts, and returns a tuple of n values. This is similar to the |
T |
explode(ARRAY |
Explodes an array to multiple rows. Returns a row-set with a single column (col), one row for each element from the array. |
T1,...,Tn |
inline(ARRAY |
Explodes an array of structs to multiple rows. Returns a row-set with N columns (N = number of top level elements in the struct), one row per struct from the array. (As of Hive 0.10.) |
T1,...,Tn/r | stack(int r,T1 V1,...,Tn/r Vn) | Breaks up n values V1,...,Vn into r rows. Each row will have n/r columns. r must be constant. |
Tkey,Tvalue |
explode(MAP |
Explodes a map to multiple rows. Returns a row-set with a two columns (key,value) , one row for each key-value pair from the input map. (As of Hive 0.8.0.). |
explode (array)
select explode(array('A','B','C'));
select explode(array('A','B','C')) as col;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(array('A','B','C')) tf;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(array('A','B','C')) tf as col;
explode (map)
select explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30));
select explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) as (key,value);
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) tf;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) tf as key,value;
posexplode (array)
select posexplode(array('A','B','C'));
select posexplode(array('A','B','C')) as (pos,val);
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view posexplode(array('A','B','C')) tf;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view posexplode(array('A','B','C')) tf as pos,val;
inline (array of structs)
select inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02')));
select inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) as (col1,col2,col3);
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) tf;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) tf as col1,col2,col3;
stack (values)
select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01');
select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') as (col0,col1,col2);
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') tf;
select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') tf as col0,col1,col2;