Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated [fail]


1、ubuntu 13.10下安装ATI显卡驱动----



  * Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting SystemD login management service[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated[74G[[31mfail[39;49m]

   其中* Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated [fail]这一条特刺眼


start on (filesystem
          and (started dbus or runlevel [2345]))
stop on runlevel [016]


  3、ubuntu启动的时候,按ESC键,进入启动菜单,按E键进入启动配置界面,将quiet修改为text,按F10键进入命令行模式。然后转到dbus目录下执行make uninstall命令把装的dbus卸载掉。


你可能感兴趣的:(Starting Reload cups, upon starting avahi-daemon to make sure remote queues are populated [fail])