vue 父组件 子组件数据_数据透视表的Vue组件

vue 父组件 子组件数据

数据透视表 (vue-pivot-table)

A vue component for pivot table.


安装 (Install)

TODO: publish on npm & add npm i --save command

待办事项:在npm上发布并添加npm i --save命令

用法 (Usage)

Java脚本 (Javascript)

// Import the component
import Pivot from '@marketconnect/vue-pivot-table' // Not published yet!

export default {
  // Register the component
  components: { Pivot },
  // Basic data for component props
  data: () => {
    return {
      data: Object.freeze([{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }]),
      fields: [],
      colFields: [{
        getter: item => item.x,
        label: 'X'
      rowFields: [{
        getter: item => item.y,
        label: 'Y'
      }, {
        getter: item => item.z,
        label: 'Z'
      reducer: function(sum, item) {
        return sum + 1




道具 (Props)

Prop Type Default Description
data Array [] Dataset to use in the pivot ; each element should be an object
fields Array [] Fields to display in the "Available fields" zone
row-fields Array [] Fields to use as rows by default
col-fields Array [] Fields to use as columns by default
reducer function (sum, item) => sum + 1 Function applied to reduce data in the pivot table
available-fields-label-text String 'Available fields' Text for available fields drag area zone
cols-label-text String 'Columns' Text for the columns drag area zone
rows-label-text String 'Rows' Text for the rows drag area zone
hide-settings-text String 'Hide settings' Text for the "hide settings" button
show-settings-text String 'Show settings' Text for the "show settings" button
Struts 类型 默认 描述
data Array [] 用于数据透视的数据集; 每个元素应该是一个对象
fields Array [] 在“可用字段”区域中显示的字段
row-fields Array [] 默认情况下用作行的字段
col-fields Array [] 默认情况下用作列的字段
reducer function (sum, item) => sum + 1 应用于减少data透视表中data功能
available-fields-label-text String 'Available fields' 可用字段的文本拖动区域区域
cols-label-text String 'Columns' 列拖动区域区域的文本
rows-label-text String 'Rows' 行拖动区域区域的文本
hide-settings-text String 'Hide settings' “隐藏设置”按钮的文字
show-settings-text String 'Show settings' “显示设置”按钮的文字

栏位格式 (Field format)

Each element in the arrays fields, rowFields or colFields should be an Object with this format:


  • label (String): text to display in the draggable button

    label ( String ):在可拖动按钮中显示的文本

  • getter (function): Function to apply on an element of data to get the field value

    getter ( function ):应用于data元素以获取字段值的函数

  • sort (function, optional): Function to order fields in the pivot table header ; if no value is provided, javascript-natural-sort will be applied

    sort ( function ,可选):用于对数据透视表标题中的字段进行sort function ; 如果未提供任何值,则将应用javascript-natural-sort

  • headerSlotName (String, optional): Name of the slot to use to format the header in the pivot table ; if no slot name is provided, the value will be displayed as found in data

    headerSlotName ( String ,可选):用于格式化数据透视表中的标题的插槽的名称; 如果未提供插槽名称,则该值将显示为数据中找到的值

插槽 (Slots)

All the pivot table data display can be formatted with slots, configured in the tag.


字段标题 (Field headers)

The slot attribute must match the slotName previously set on your field prop.


The slot-scope should not be changed in order to access the value in the template.


价值观 (Values)

The slot attribute must be set to value.


The slot-scope should not be changed in order to access the value in the template.


大型数据集 (Large datasets)

If you plan on using this component with large datasets, we strongly advise you to use Object.freeze on your data object.



请参阅 。

建立 (Build)

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# Build js libraries in dist folder
npm run build


vue 父组件 子组件数据

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