- 微服务架构
- SpringCloud
- 版本选择
- 创建父工程
- 创建子工程
- 开启热部署
- cloud-provider-payment8001
- cloud-consumer-order80
- 工程重构
- 官网入口:SpringCloud
- SpringCloud=分布式微服务架构的一站式解决方案,是多种微服务架构落地技术的集合体,俗称微服务全家桶
- 包含技术:
- 服务注册与发现 —— Eureka
- 服务调用 —— Ribbon、Feign
- 服务熔断与降级 —— Hystrix
- 服务网关 —— Zuul
- 服务分布式配置 —— SpringCloud Config
- 服务开发 —— SpringBoot
- 负载均衡
- 服务消息队列
- 服务监控
- 全链路追踪
- 自动化构建部署
- 服务定时任务调度操作
- 组件迭代升级
- 注册中心:
- (X)Eureka
- (√)Zookeeper、Consul、Nacos
- 服务调用:
- 服务调用2:
- 服务降级:
- (X)Hystrix
- (√)Resilience4j、Alibaba Sentinel
- 服务网关:
- (X)Zuul
- (√)SpringCloud Gateway
- 服务配置:
- 服务总线:
- SpringBoot版本选择
- SpringCloud版本选择
- 二者间版本依赖关系

- 更详细的版本选择:查看
"git": {
"commit": {
"time": "2020-03-26T13:30:01Z",
"id": "ab4aa32"
"branch": "ab4aa3207fc1032aee8542fb119539d5b1f48c59"
"build": {
"version": "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"artifact": "start-site",
"name": "start.spring.io website",
"versions": {
"initializr": "0.9.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"spring-boot": "2.2.6.RELEASE"
"group": "io.spring.start",
"time": "2020-03-26T13:31:28.994Z"
"bom-ranges": {
"azure": {
"2.0.10": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
"2.1.7": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.2.0.M1",
"2.2.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1"
"codecentric-spring-boot-admin": {
"2.0.6": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
"2.1.6": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.2.0.M1",
"2.2.1": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1"
"solace-spring-boot": {
"1.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
"solace-spring-cloud": {
"1.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
"spring-cloud": {
"Finchley.M2": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M3 and <2.0.0.M5",
"Finchley.M3": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M5 and <=2.0.0.M5",
"Finchley.M4": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M6 and <=2.0.0.M6",
"Finchley.M5": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M7 and <=2.0.0.M7",
"Finchley.M6": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1",
"Finchley.M7": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2",
"Finchley.M9": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <=2.0.0.RELEASE",
"Finchley.RC1": "Spring Boot >=2.0.1.RELEASE and <2.0.2.RELEASE",
"Finchley.RC2": "Spring Boot >=2.0.2.RELEASE and <2.0.3.RELEASE",
"Finchley.SR4": "Spring Boot >=2.0.3.RELEASE and <2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"Finchley.BUILD-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.1.0.M3",
"Greenwich.M1": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M3 and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
"Greenwich.SR5": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.1.14.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"Greenwich.BUILD-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.1.14.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.2.0.M4",
"Hoxton.SR3": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M4 and <2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"Hoxton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
"spring-cloud-alibaba": {
"2.2.0.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
"spring-cloud-services": {
"2.0.3.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
"2.1.7.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.2.0.RELEASE",
"2.2.3.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
"spring-statemachine": {
"2.0.0.M4": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1",
"2.0.0.M5": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2",
"2.0.1.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE"
"vaadin": {
"10.0.17": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
"14.1.21": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1"
"dependency-ranges": {
"okta": {
"1.2.1": "Spring Boot >=2.1.2.RELEASE and <2.2.0.M1",
"1.4.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1"
"mybatis": {
"2.0.1": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE",
"2.1.2": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE"
"geode": {
"1.2.5.RELEASE": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M5 and <2.3.0.M1",
"1.3.0.M3": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT",
"1.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
"camel": {
"2.22.4": "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1",
"2.24.3": "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.2.0.M1",
"3.1.0": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1"
- 版本确定
- SpringCloud:Hoxton.SR3 / SR1
- SpringBoot:2.2.5.RELEASE / 2.2.2
- SpringCloud Alibaba:2.1.0.RELEASE
- Java:Java8
- Maven:3.5及以上
- MySQl:5.7及以上
- 修改pom.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- 所有的父级项目的packaging都为pom,packaging默认类型jar类型,如果不做配置,maven会将该项目打成jar -->
<!-- 统一管理jar -->
<!-- dependencyManagement作用:锁定版本+子模块不用再写groupId、version -->
<!-- 只声明依赖的版本号、作用域,而不引入 -->
<!-- 子项目声明依赖,并且没有指定具体版本时,才会从父项目中继承
若子项目指定版本号,会使用子项目指定的jar包版本 -->
<!--spring boot 2.2.5-->
<!--spring cloud Hoxton.SR3-->
<!--spring cloud alibaba 2.1.0.RELEASE-->
<!-- MySql -->
<!-- Druid连接池 -->
<!-- mybatis-springboot整合 -->
<!-- log4j日志 -->
- maven clean install
- 子工程添加devtools依赖
- 父工程添加maven编译插件

- 重启IDEA
- 新建maven工程
- 修改pom.xml
- 编写application.yml
- 编写主启动类PaymentMain8001.java
- 编写业务类
- 测试
- 新建maven工程
- 修改pom.xml,注意不要添加数据库相关的jar
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- 引入公共模块 -->
<!-- 健康监控 -->
<!-- 热部署 -->
- 编写application.yml
# 浏览器访问网址默认就是80端口
port: 80
- 编写主启动类OrderMain80.java
- 编写业务类
- entities
- RestTemplate
- config配置类
public class ApplicationContextConfig {
public RestTemplate getrRestTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
public class OrderController {
public static final String PAYMENT_URL = "http://localhost:8001";
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public CommonResult<Payment> create(Payment payment) {
return restTemplate.postForObject(PAYMENT_URL + "/payment/create", payment, CommonResult.class);
public CommonResult<Payment> getPayment(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return restTemplate.getForObject(PAYMENT_URL + "/payment/get/" + id, CommonResult.class);
- 测试
- 原因:entities在两个子工程中都存在
- 新建maven工程 cloud-api-commons
- 修改pom.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
- 将entities等公共部分添加进来
- maven clean install
- 改造之前的两个项目
- pom.xml 引入 cloud-api-commons 的maven坐标
<!-- 引入公共模块 -->
- 删除entities等公共部分,修改mapper文件中引用的实体类