【Zipkin】zipkin-dependencies计算 - 源码解析



查找main方法 ZipkinDependenciesJob

case "mysql":


  public void run() {
    Map options = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    options.put("driver", org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver.class.getName()); // prevents shade from skipping
    options.put("url", url);
    options.put("user", user);
    options.put("password", password);
    // 如果 trace_id_high == 1,则跟踪使用128位tranceId取代64位
    // 如果 rance_id_high == 0,用64位   "select trace_id_high from zipkin_spans limit 1"
    boolean hasTraceIdHigh = hasTraceIdHigh();
    Function rowTraceId = r -> r.getLong(hasTraceIdHigh ? 1 : 0);

    long microsLower = day * 1000;
    long microsUpper = (day * 1000) + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMicros(1) - 1;

    String fields = "s.trace_id, s.parent_id, s.id, a.a_key, a.endpoint_service_name, a.a_type";
    if (hasTraceIdHigh) fields = "s.trace_id_high, " + fields;
    String groupByFields = fields.replace("s.parent_id, ", "");
    String linksQuery = String.format(
        "select distinct %s "+
            "from zipkin_spans s left outer join zipkin_annotations a on " +
            "  (s.trace_id = a.trace_id and s.id = a.span_id " +
            "     and a.a_key in ('lc', 'ca', 'cs', 'sa', 'sr', 'ma', 'ms', 'mr', 'error')) " +
            "where s.start_ts between %s and %s group by %s",
        fields, microsLower, microsUpper, groupByFields);

    options.put("dbtable", "(" + linksQuery + ") as link_spans");

    log.info("Running Dependencies job for {}: start_ts between {} and {}", dateStamp, microsLower,

    JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);

    List links = new SQLContext(sc).read()
        // RDD为spark抽象
        // 按照最高位分组 rowTraceId是一个function
        // 按照RowsToDependencyLinks逻辑生成新的RDD
        .flatMapValues(new RowsToDependencyLinks(logInitializer, hasTraceIdHigh))
        // 只取其Value抛弃Key
        // 对DependencyLink进行map操作,参数为lamada函数
        // 数据格式为 [ k->(k->l.parent,v->l.child) , v->l ]
        .mapToPair(l -> Tuple2.apply(Tuple2.apply(l.parent(), l.child()), l))
        // 对map操作的数据进行reduce操作,统计生成最终的DependencyLink
        .reduceByKey((l, r) -> DependencyLink.newBuilder()
          .callCount(l.callCount() + r.callCount())
          .errorCount(l.errorCount() + r.errorCount())


    log.info("Saving with day=" + dateStamp);
    // 存储倒mysql中

其中组装数据的重点在 new RowsToDependencyLinks(logInitializer, hasTraceIdHigh)) 

RowsToDependencyLinks 对应的接口实现

final class RowsToDependencyLinks
    implements Serializable, Function, Iterable>

关注 RowsToDependencyLinks 的call方法,把row信息整合成span,把span信息整合成DependencyLink

public Iterable call(Iterable rows) {
    if (logInitializer != null) logInitializer.run();
    // ByTraceId是DependencyLinkSpanIterator 的内部类
    // ByTraceId 实现了 Iterator>
    Iterator> traces = new DependencyLinkSpanIterator.ByTraceId(rows.iterator(), hasTraceIdHigh);

    if (!traces.hasNext()) return Collections.emptyList();

    DependencyLinker linker = new DependencyLinker();
    List nextTrace = new ArrayList<>();
    while (traces.hasNext()) {
      // ByTraceId的next方法
      Iterator i = traces.next();
      // DependencyLinkSpanIterator的next方法,实际是对row的信息整合成span
      while (i.hasNext()) nextTrace.add(i.next()); 
      // span整合成DependencyLinker
    // 返回List
    return linker.link();

关注点放在 Iterator i = traces.next()  进入DependencyLinkSpanIterator.next代码

    public Iterator next() {
      // next的Row数据
      Row peeked = delegate.peek();
      // 没太搞清楚什么意思,应该是高位tranceId和低位tranceId
      currentTraceIdHi = hasTraceIdHigh ? peeked.getLong(0) : 0L;
      currentTraceIdLo = peeked.getLong(traceIdIndex);
      return new DependencyLinkSpanIterator(
          delegate, traceIdIndex, currentTraceIdHi, currentTraceIdLo);

另一个关注点在 while (i.hasNext()) nextTrace.add(i.next()) 进入 DependencyLinkSpanIterator.indexfor的next方法

  public Span next() {
    Row row = delegate.peek();
    // 从row里面去取spanId
    long spanId = row.getLong(traceIdIndex + 2);
    // 定义一些错误\各个类型的服务名称
    boolean error = false;
    String lcService = null, srService = null, csService = null, caService = null, saService = null,
      maService = null, mrService = null, msService = null;
    while (hasNext()) { // there are more values for this trace
      if (spanId != delegate.peek().getLong(traceIdIndex + 2) /* id */) {
        break; // if we are in a new span

      Row next = delegate.next(); // row for the same span
      // 获取key
      String key = emptyToNull(row, traceIdIndex + 3); // a_key
      // 获取服务名称
      String value = emptyToNull(row, traceIdIndex + 4); // a_service_name
      if (key == null || value == null) continue; // neither client nor server
      switch (key) {
        case "lc":
          lcService = value;
        case "ca":
          caService = value;
        case "cs":
          csService = value;
        case "sa":
          saService = value;
        case "ma":
          maService = value;
        case "mr":
          mrService = value;
        case "ms":
          msService = value;
        case "sr":
          srService = value;
        case "error":
          // 如果span有一个名为“error”的标记,而不是注释,则该span是错误的
          // a span is in error if it has a tag, not an annotation, of name "error"
          error = BINARY_ANNOTATION_TYPE_STRING == next.getInt(traceIdIndex + 5); // a_type

    // 客户端地址比客户端发送所有者更权威
    // The client address is more authoritative than the client send owner.
    if (caService == null) caService = csService;

    // Finagle标签两边(“ca”、“sa”) 相同画,则跳过客户端这样就不会被误认为是环回请求
    // Finagle labels two sides of the same socket ("ca", "sa") with the same name.
    // Skip the client side, so it isn't mistaken for a loopback request
    if (saService != null && saService.equals(caService)) caService = null;

    //parent ID 为 traceIdIndex + 1
    long parentId = row.isNullAt(traceIdIndex + 1) ? 0L : row.getLong(traceIdIndex + 1);
    Span.Builder result =
        Span.newBuilder().traceId(traceIdHi, traceIdLo).parentId(parentId).id(spanId);

    if (error) {
      result.putTag("error", "" /* actual value doesn't matter */);
    // 返回构建结果
    if (srService != null) {
      return result
    } else if (saService != null) {
      Endpoint localEndpoint = ep(caService);
      // When span.kind is missing, the local endpoint is "lc" and the remote endpoint is "sa"
      if (localEndpoint == null) localEndpoint = ep(lcService);
      return result
          .kind(csService != null ? Span.Kind.CLIENT : null)
    } else if (csService != null) {
      return result.kind(Span.Kind.SERVER).localEndpoint(ep(caService)).build();
    } else if (mrService != null) {
      return result
    } else if (msService != null) {
      return result
    return result.build();
另一个关注点在 linker.putTrace(nextTrace)  这个方法对Span进行整合成DependencyLinker
  public DependencyLinker putTrace(List spans) {
    if (spans.isEmpty()) return this;
    // 通过List spans 构建一棵树
    // span信息,spanNode parent,List child
    SpanNode traceTree = builder.build(spans);
    if (logger.isLoggable(FINE)) logger.fine("traversing trace tree, breadth-first");
    // traceTree.traverse() 进行广度优先遍历
    for (Iterator i = traceTree.traverse(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      SpanNode current = i.next();
      Span currentSpan = current.span();
      if (logger.isLoggable(FINE)) {
        logger.fine("processing " + currentSpan);

      Kind kind = currentSpan.kind();
      // When processing links to a client span, we prefer the server's name. If we have no child
      // spans, we proceed to use the name the client chose.
      if (Kind.CLIENT.equals(kind) && !current.children().isEmpty()) {

      String serviceName = currentSpan.localServiceName();
      String remoteServiceName = currentSpan.remoteServiceName();
      if (kind == null) {
        // Treat unknown type of span as a client span if we know both sides
        if (serviceName != null && remoteServiceName != null) {
          kind = Kind.CLIENT;
        } else {
          logger.fine("non remote span; skipping");

      String child;
      String parent;
      switch (kind) {
        case SERVER:
        case CONSUMER:
          child = serviceName;
          parent = remoteServiceName;
          if (current == traceTree) { // we are the root-most span.
            if (parent == null) {
              logger.fine("root's client is unknown; skipping");
        case CLIENT:
        case PRODUCER:
          parent = serviceName;
          child = remoteServiceName;
          logger.fine("unknown kind; skipping");

      boolean isError = currentSpan.tags().containsKey("error");
      if (kind == Kind.PRODUCER || kind == Kind.CONSUMER) {
        if (parent == null || child == null) {
          logger.fine("cannot link messaging span to its broker; skipping");
        } else {
          addLink(parent, child, isError);

      // Local spans may be between the current node and its remote parent
      Span remoteAncestor = firstRemoteAncestor(current);
      String remoteAncestorName;
      if (remoteAncestor != null
        && (remoteAncestorName = remoteAncestor.localServiceName()) != null) {
        // Some users accidentally put the remote service name on client annotations.
        // Check for this and backfill a link from the nearest remote to that service as necessary.
        if (kind == Kind.CLIENT && serviceName != null && !remoteAncestorName.equals(serviceName)) {
          logger.fine("detected missing link to client span");
          addLink(remoteAncestorName, serviceName, false); // we don't know if there's an error here

        if (kind == Kind.SERVER || parent == null) parent = remoteAncestorName;

        // When an RPC is split between spans, we skip the child (server side). If our parent is a
        // client, we need to check it for errors.
        if (!isError && Kind.CLIENT.equals(remoteAncestor.kind()) &&
          currentSpan.parentId() != null && currentSpan.parentId().equals(remoteAncestor.id())) {
          isError = remoteAncestor.tags().containsKey("error");

      if (parent == null || child == null) {
        logger.fine("cannot find remote ancestor; skipping");

      addLink(parent, child, isError);
    return this;








