Task 1: Search for the requested data.
导航到Search视图。(如果你在主应用程序中,从屏幕左侧的列中单击Search & Reporting。你也可以通过点击屏幕顶部栏上的搜索菜单选项来访问搜索视图。)
Navigate to the Search view. (If you are in the Home app, click Search & Reporting from the column on the left side of the screen. You can also access the Search view by clicking the Search menu option on the bar at the top of the screen.)
Enter a search that returns all web application events that include a purchase action with a web status of 200.
Select the file field in the Interesting Fields list.
Notice that there are two different files that were returned from the web server. They are: error.do and success.do. Our web development team informs us that the success.do is served when the order is processed and error.do is served when there is an error with the information being processed.
The team is only looking for successful purchases, so change your search to only return those.
so we can chick the success.do to achieve it...
You will see fields that do not matter to the team. Use the fields command to only return the action, JSESSIONID and status fields. Does your search run faster using the command?
The fields list looks cleaner, but seeing the events like this might still be confusing for the team.
Task 2: Put the data into an easy to read table.
Replace the fields command with the table command to display the data as a table.
index="main" sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie action=purchase status=200 file="success.do"
| table action,JSESSIONID,status
Change the order of the fields so that JSESSIONID is the first column.
Session IDs are called "UserSessions" in the marketing data. Rename JSESSIONID so that your report matches the marketing data.
index="main" sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie action=purchase status=200 file="success.do"
| table JSESSIONID,action,status
|rename JSESSIONID as UserSessions
Sort UserSessions using the sort command.
index="main" sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie action=purchase status=200 file="success.do"
| table JSESSIONID,action,status
|rename JSESSIONID as UserSessions
| sort UserSessions
Notice that some UserSessions values show up multiple times. Also notice the number of events returned on the Statistics tab.
Remove the sort command and use dedup to remove any identical session values.
How many events are now listed on the Statistics tab?
NOTE: As a best practice and for best performance, place dedup as early in the search as possible.
While having action and status fields displayed was nice for a sanity check of the data, the marketing team will not need to have these displayed. Remove them from your table display.