curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/auth/login -d username=admin -d password=changeme
.main-area {
padding: 30px;
This example shows how to set up SearchBar and SearchControls views using Django tags, and sync them with a SearchManager using tokens.
Note: The Timeline view can't be synced using tokens. Use events instead.
// Configure SplunkJS Stack
scheme: 'https',
host: '',
port: 8089,
authenticate: {username: 'admin', password: 'abcd'},
/* splunkjs.config({
scheme: "https",
host: "localhost",
port: 8089,
authenticate: function(done) {
], function($) {
// Retrieve the session key and username from cookies
var splunkSessionKey = $.cookie("splunk_sessionkey");
var splunkCurrentUser = $.cookie("splunk_username");
// Log in using the session key and username
if (splunkSessionKey) {
done(null, {sessionKey: splunkSessionKey, username: splunkCurrentUser});
// If there is no session key, redirect to the login form
else {
}); */
// Configure the web site's base URL
baseUrl: "static/"
// Set up the Web Framework components
var deps = [
require(deps, function(mvc) {
// Load individual components
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");
var SearchbarView = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchbarview");
var SearchControlsView = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchcontrolsview");
var TableView = require("splunkjs/mvc/tableview");
// Create the search manager and views
var mysearch = new SearchManager({
id: "search1",
search: mvc.tokenSafe("$searchquery$"),
earliest_time: mvc.tokenSafe("$earlyval$"),
latest_time: mvc.tokenSafe("$lateval$"),
app: "search",
preview: true,
required_field_list: "*",
status_buckets: 300
var mysearchbar = new SearchbarView({
id: "searchbar1",
managerid: "search1",
value: mvc.tokenSafe("$searchquery$"),
timerange_earliest_time: mvc.tokenSafe("$earlyval$"),
timerange_latest_time: mvc.tokenSafe("$lateval$"),
default: "index=_internal | head 100",
el: $("#mysearchbar1")
var mysearchcontrols = new SearchControlsView({
id: "searchcontrols1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mysearchcontrols1")
var mytable = new TableView({
id: "table1",
managerid: "search1",
el: $("#mytable1")