jtds"Network error IOException Connection refused: connect"问题解决

用jtds作驱动程序连接SQL Server常常遇到这个问题:
java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException Connection refused: connect

Why do I get java.sql.SQLException: "Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect" when trying to get a connection?

The "Connection refused" exception is thrown by jTDS when it is unable to connect to the server. There may be a number of reasons why this could happen:

  1. The server name is misspelled or the port number is incorrect.
  2. SQL Server is not configured to use TCP/IP. Either enable TCP/IP from SQL Server's Network Utility app or have jTDS connect via named pipes (see the URL format for information on how to do this).
  3. There is a firewall blocking port 1433 on the server.

To check whether TCP/IP is enabled and the port is not blocked you can use "telnet 1433". Until telnet doesn't connect, jTDS won't either. If you can't figure out why, ask your network administrator for help.


解决问题当然是先按照官网来检查了,于是一步步查下来,发现符合现象2,但是通过网络管理工具察看TCP/IP,正常。而现象确实与上文描述相同,打了sp3,sp4补丁。后telnet localhost:1433结果老出现在端口23失败,把防火墙关了,还是错。启动telnet服务,用netstat -a看没有1433,只好改了ms server得端口,可还错原来命令错 telnet localhost 1455不用中间的冒号。可是还是出现“不能打开到“”的连接,登录失败,原来连接字符串错:jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1455/应该为jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1455/SSH
