cpplint 集成到visual studio中

1. 建议安装python2, python3可能会有问题。

cpplint.py integration 
cpplint.py integration makes it easy to check that a source file conforms to the style guide. To do this, just go to Tools > External Tools > Add. Specify: 
Title: cpplint.py 
Command: C:\depot_tools\python_bin\python.exe 
Arguments: C:\depot_tools\cpplint.py --output=vs7 $(ItemPath) 
Initial directory: $(ItemDir) 
Check Use Output window 
To create a keyboard shortcut: Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard. Select Tools.ExternalCommand1. (This assumes cpplint.py is your first external command in your Tools menu.) Press a shortcut key (let's say Alt+L) and Assign it. Press OK.
