mapwingis 动态加载与渲染


Shapefile Class  中的  Categories属性,设置相应的实例进行不同的渲染。

mapwingis 动态加载与渲染_第1张图片




mapwingis 动态加载与渲染_第2张图片

ctNaturalBreaks   //自然断裂

The position of breaks are chosen to minimize the sum of square deviations within categories. The algorithm is heuristic, therefore gives only approximation of the real position of natural breaks. Nevertheless it's recommended as a default classification suitable in most cases.//选择断裂位置是为了最小化类别内的平方偏差之和。该算法是启发式的,因此只给出自然断裂的实际位置的近似值。不过,建议将其作为适用于大多数情况的默认分类。(但不适用于动态渲染)

ctUniqueValues //唯一值

A category will be created for each unique value of the field.//将为字段的每个唯一值创建一个类别

ctEqualIntervals //等间隔

To define the upper bound of a category the expression will be used: (IndexOfCategory + 1) * (MaxValue - MinValue) / NumberOfClasses.//要定义类别的上限,将使用表达式(IndexOfCategory + 1) * (MaxValue - MinValue) / NumberOfClasses

ctEqualCount //数量相等

The bounds of categories will be chosen in such a manner that each of them will have equal number of objects which belongs to it. In practice this condition is rarely achieved because of the rounding problems, objects with the same values, etc.//类别边界的选择方式应确保每个类别所属对象的数量相等。实际上,由于舍入问题、具有相同值的对象等,很少实现这种情况。

ctStandardDeviation //标准偏差

Six categories will be created, the range of each of them will be equal to the standard deviation of the field data. Three categories will hold values greater then mean and three - lower than it.//将创建六个类别,每个类别的范围将等于现场数据的标准偏差。三个类别的值比平均值大,比平均值低三个。

ctEqualSumOfValues //相等值

The sum values of the classification field will be roughly the same for all categories.//分类字段的总和对于所有类别都大致相同

