Silverlight 5 发布,新特性翻译及简单的特性解释



Improved media support

  • Low Latency Audio Playback: Use the SoundEffect API to trigger low-latency sound
  • (SL可以通过新的声音API播放一些音效,比如爆炸、按键音等,是通过XNA实现的)
  • Variable Speed Playback: allows video to be played at different speeds and supports fast-forward and rewind. At up to twice the speed, audio pitch correction allows users to watch videos while preserving a normal audio pitch.
  • (SL可以控制视频播放的速度,前进、后退、倍速播放)
  • H/W Decode of H.264 media: Significant performance improvements with H.264 media decoding of unprotected content
  • (提高了硬件解码H.264的性能)
  • DRM Key Rotation/LiveTV Playback: Long-running live TV playback protected through the use of rotating licenses
  • (长时间直播的DRM支持)
  • Application-Restricted Media: Prevents playback of protected content in unauthorized applications
  • (在未签名的应用程序中播放版权保护的内容的支持)

Improved Text support

  • Text Tracking & Leading: Exercise fine-grained control over the spacing between characters and lines in your text
  • (文本方面的提升,个人认为这个非常重要!!!原来SL的文字挤成一团,没法看。这个提升在用户体验方面非常巨大,对于我们现在的项目非常重要!哦,太激动忘了翻译了:支持设置文字间距和行距)
  • Linked Text Containers: Create linked RichTextBlocks that allow text to flow seamlessly from one to the next
  • (相互链接的文本容器,这个主要是为了做环绕、多列效果的,个人感觉这种实现方式稍微有点2。。)
  • OpenType and Pixel Snapped Text : Improved text clarity
  • (OpenType字体的支持和“像素锐化”,翻译的估计不对,通俗解释就是原来当文字的线条是1像素的时候,有可能这1像素在整个布局显示中不是正好处于1像素的位置,因此SL会将这一像素做模糊处理,文字边缘也有类似的情况。现在不会了,文字将比原来更加清晰。这点对于用户体验也非常重要。)
  • Postscript vector printing: reduces the size of print jobs and improves rendering quality of text
  • (矢量打印支持,终于支持矢量打印了,降低了打印的大小和提高了文本的质量。原来都是位图惹的祸,现在没事了。)
  • Performance improvements for Block Layout Engine.
  • (提升了文本布局引擎的性能)

Building next-generation business applications

  • PivotViewer -- now included in SDK. Adds support for dynamic client-based collections, XAML-based visuals, and customizability.
  • (新控件,有兴趣可以研究一下。基本上是DeepZoom在应用方面的延伸。)
  • ClickCount: Add support for multi-click to your application
  • (NND,终于支持点击数量了。。。请允许我骂街。。。因为到了5才支持。。。实在。。。翻译:鼠标单击支持计数器,根据计数器判断单击、双击还是多击(-_-!))
  • Listbox/ComboBox type-ahead text searching: Listboxes and ComboBoxes can now scroll based on text input
  • (ListBox和ComboBox支持通过键盘输入来定位项的位置。就是列表上直接键盘输入可以定位某一个选项,没仔细研究,估计要设置用来检索的对象的属性,自动匹配和定位,有点作用,基本上是桌面应用的体验)
  • Ancestor RelativeSource Binding: Bind to a property on a parent control
  • (可以绑定到父控件的属性,这个其实非常有用,绑定用多了的同学知道)
  • Implicit DataTemplates: Allow DataTemplates to be defined implicitly
  • (隐式绑定,没仔细研究,大概意思就是可以根据数据的类型绑定到不同的DataTemplate)
  • DataContextChanged event
  • (DataContextChanged事件,非常有用的事件。之前是通过UserControlLoaded中挂Binding实现的,有了这个会方便很多,是非常好的提升)
  • Added PropertyChanged to the UpdateSourceTrigger enum
  • (Trigger增加了属性变化的类型)
  • Save File and Open File Dialog: Specify a default filename when you launch your SaveFileDialog and specify a default directory when you launch your OpenFileDialog
  • (这个也是非常重要的提升,保存文件的时候终于提供默认文件名了。。原来竟然以安全为名以不支持。。最后还是解决了,可见用户体验永远是第一位)
  • Databinding Debugging: Set a breakpoint directly in XAML, examine locals, and debug your bindings
  • (数据绑定调试,个人意见。。不支持这个功能可以显著的锻炼分析问题的逻辑思维能力)
  • Custom Markup Extensions: Execute custom code at XAML parse time
  • (解释Xaml时支持执行自定义代码。这个没用过,不太明白)
  • Binding on Style Setters: You can now specify a binding within a style
  • (Style Setter上支持绑定,没用过,难道说支持<Setter Property="..." Value="{Binding}" />这种写法了?)


Silverlight 5 performance improvements

  • Parser Performance Improvements: Improved XAML parse times for UserControls & ResourceDictionaries
  • (UserControl和ResourceDictionaries解释Xaml的性能提升了,很好!)
  • Network Latency Improvements: Significant performance improvement in ClientHttpWebRequest scenarios
  • (提升了ClientHttpWebRequest的性能)
  • H/W accelerated rendering in IE9 windowless mode: Silverlight now uses the new SurfacePresenter APIs for H/W accelerated rendering in IE9 windowless mode
  • (IE9中Windowles模式下使用了新的API,性能提升)
  • Multicore JIT: Shortens the start-up time for Silverlight apps
  • (多核心支持)
  • 64-bit browser support
  • (64位支持)


Graphics improvements

  • Improved Graphics stack: The graphics stack has been re-architected to add features such as Independent Animations
  • (重新设计了图像栈的架构,加入了新特性例如IndependentAnimations,这个不了解。。)
  • 3D: Use the XNA API on the Windows platform to gain low-level access to the GPU and draw vertex shaders and low-level 3D primitives. Includes Render targets, XNA built-in effects, surface composition settings for depth/stencil buffers and multi-sample anti-aliasing
  • (通过XNA框架可以通过更低的级别访问GPU等,提升了3D性能)

Silverlight 5 extends features of the "Trusted Application" model

Silverlight 5 extends features of the ‘Trusted Application’ model to the browser for the first time. These features, when enabled via a group policy registry key and an application certificate, mean users won’t need to leave the browser to perform complex tasks:


  • Multiple window support: Launch multiple top-level windows inside a SL OOB application
  • (多窗口支持。。SE系统是采用的模拟窗口,当时就是因为SL不支持多窗口。。现在OOB模式下可以弹窗口了,到此位置可以说基本上终结了WinForm。)
  • Full-Trust in-browser: Using Group Policy, deploy signed in-browser applications that harness the full power of full-trust functionality
  • (浏览器内的完全信任模式)
  • In-browser HTML support: Host your WebOC within an in-browser SL application
  • (浏览器内的HTML支持,上一版本只支持OOB下使用WebBrowser控件,让人抓狂。。。但现在是否必须FullTrust才能用??继续抓狂。。。放弃HTML吧,如果你用SL)
  • Unrestricted File System Access: Read from and write to any directory on your system, from a full-trust application
  • (不受限的文件系统访问,可以读写任意文件夹。。。但是必须完全授信。。)

P/Invoke support : Allows existing native code to be run directly from Silverlight




