Office Web App 安装完之后发现在线查看Word或者PPT发生错误解决方案

1.       原因:




A.      Word Viewing Service 应用程序

B.      PowerPoint Service 应用程序



2.       解决方法:




#Enable Word Web App:


$e = Get-SPServiceApplication | where {$_.TypeName.Equals("Word Viewing Service 应用程序")}

$e.WordServerIsSandboxed = $false


#Enable PowerPoint Web App – you need to answer “Y” for each command:


Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedViewing $false

Get-SPPowerPointServiceApplication | Set-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -EnableSandboxedEditing $false




3.       结果


 After following above steps viewing and editing of PowerPoint files worked without any issue. But for word files editing worked but viewing encountered the same issue,

Wonder what’s wrong with the issue and came no solutions.. But after I edit the uploaded word file and saved and viewed on browser everything worked fine there after.


It’s recommended not to follow these steps on production environment and should not install Office Web Apps on a DC









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