MQL is the Matrix Query Language. Similar to SQL, MQL consists of a set of statements that help the administrator set up and test an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database quickly and efficiently.

MQL acts an interpreter for ENOVIA Live Collaboration and can be used in one of three modes:
• Interactive Mode
• Script Mode
• Tool Command Language (Tcl) Mode

Tcl Overview
Tcl is a universal scripting language that offers a component approach to application development. Its interpreter is a library of C procedures that have been incorporated into MQL. MQL/Tcl offers the following benefits to ENOVIA Live Collaboration users:
• Rapid development—Compared with toolkits where you program in C (such as the Motif toolkit), there is less to learn in order to use Tcl and less code to write. In addition, Tcl is an interpreted language with which you can generate and execute new scripts on the fly without recompiling or restarting the application. This enables you
to test and fix problems rapidly.
• Platform independence—Tcl was designed to work in a heterogeneous environment. This means that a Tcl script that was developed under Windows can be executed on a UNIX platform. After a developer has completed design and testing, a program object can be created using the code providing users with immediate access to the new application. This also solves the problem of a need to distribute new applications.
• Integration support—Because a Tcl application can include many different library packages, each of which provides a set of Tcl commands, an MQL/Tcl script can be used as a communication mechanism to allow different applications to work with ENOVIA Live Collaboration.


MQL Command Options

c:/enoviav6r2009/studio/bin/winnt/mql.exe -b Mx_qtest

mql -c "modify person Joe phone 598-4354 FAX 598-4355;"

-install -bootfile matrix-NEW -user Scott -password Tiger -driver Oracle/OCI80
