Flash Builder 4等Flex学习资料汇总


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flex学习资料汇总:Flash Builder 4、Flex 4 SDK 以及 Flash Catalyst

  • Adobe Flex 4 Help
    • Using Flex 4
    • Using Flash Builder
    • Creating data-driven applications with Flex
    • Tutorials
  • Adobe Flex 4 Beta 语言参考
  • 学习 Flash Builder 4 和 Flex 4 SDK (包含文章和视频教程,内容如下)
    • Learn about Flash Builder 4
      • Video: Introducing Flash Builder 4
        Discover new design-centric, data-centric, and developer productivity features in the beta.
      • Tutorial: What’s New in Flash Builder 4
        Learn about the three main feature themes in this release.
      • Resources: Flex for ColdFusion developers Learning Center
        Explore the new data-centric development features of Flash Builder 4 beta.
    • Learn about Flex 4 SDK
      • Tutorial: What’s New in Flex 4 SDK
        Learn what you’ll find as you explore the Flex 4 SDK beta.
      • Tutorial: Differences between Flex 3 SDK and Flex 4 SDK
        Learn about the differences in architecture, components, layouts, use of states, and effects.
      • Tutorial: Effects in Adobe Flex 4 SDK ― Part 1: Basic Effects
        See the basic infrastructure of the new effects in this release.
    • Working with Flash Builder 4
      • Video: Developer Productivity in Flash Builder 4
        Presenter: David Zuckerman; Adobe
      • Video: Handling Large Recordsets in Flash Builder 4
        Presenter: Tim Buntel; Adobe
      • Video: Debug and Test Code in Flash Builder 4
        Presenter: David Zuckerman; Adobe
      • Video: Work with Flex 4 SDK in Flash Builder 4
        Presenter: David Zuckerman; Adobe
      • Video: PHP Services in Flash Builder 4 (Part 1)
        Presenter: Tom Lane; Adobe
      • Video: PHP Services in Flash Builder 4 (Part 2)
        Presenter: Tom Lane; Adobe
  • Flash Builder、 Flex SDK以及Flash Catalyst视频教程 (很多,进入看看吧)
  • GotoAndLearn上的两个关于Flash Catalyst 和 Flex 4 的视频教程:教程一 、教程二
  • Adobe Flex 新特性和Flex 3迁移手册 (PDF下载)
  • Flash Builder 4 新特性繁体介绍 (感謝 RiS社群 提供好資源)
  • Kenshin的资料总汇
