
原题出处:HDOJ Problem Index by Type,http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/typeclass.php


HDU Water~~~

  1. HDU 1004 Let the Balloon Rise
  2. HDU 1005 Number Sequence
  3. HDU 1008 Elevator
  4. HDU 1012 u Calculate e
  5. HDU 1013 Digital Roots
  6. HDU 1014 Uniform Generator
  7. HDU 1015 Safecracker
  8. HDU 1017 A Mathematical Curiosity
  9. HDU 1020 Encoding
  10. HDU 1021 Fibonacci Again
  11. HDU 1022 Train Problem I
  12. HDU 1031 Design T-Shirt
  13. HDU 1032 The 3n + 1 problem
  14. HDU 1033 Edge
  15. HDU 1036 Average is not Fast Enough!
  16. HDU 1037 Keep on Truckin'
  17. HDU 1038 Biker's Trip Odometer
  18. HDU 1039 Easier Done Than Said?
  19. HDU 1046 Gridland
  20. HDU 1048 The Hardest Problem Ever
  21. HDU 1049 Climbing Worm
  22. HDU 1052 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing
  23. HDU 1062 Text Reverse
  24. HDU 1064 Financial Management
  25. HDU 1070 Milk
  26. HDU 1073 Online Judge
  27. HDU 1076 An Easy Task
  28. HDU 1082 Matrix Chain Multiplication
  29. HDU 1084 What Is Your Grade?
  30. HDU 1098 Ignatius's puzzle
  31. HDU 1113 Word Amalgamation
  32. HDU 1124 Factorial
  33. HDU 1128 Self Numbers
  34. HDU 1129 Do the Untwist
  35. HDU 1141 Factstone Benchmark
  36. HDU 1144 Prerequisites?
  37. HDU 1145 So you want to be a 2n-aire?
  38. HDU 1148 Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament
  39. HDU 1152 Brownie Points I
  40. HDU 1157 Who's in the Middle
  41. HDU 1163 Eddy's digital Roots
  42. HDU 1170 Balloon Comes!
  43. HDU 1178 Heritage from father
  44. HDU 1194 Beat the Spread!
  45. HDU 1196 Lowest Bit
  46. HDU 1197 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers
  47. HDU 1200 To and Fro
  48. HDU 1201 18岁生日
  49. HDU 1202 The calculation of GPA
  50. HDU 1205 吃糖果
  51. HDU 1218 Blurred Vision
  52. HDU 1219 AC Me
  53. HDU 1225 Football Score
  54. HDU 1228 A + B
  55. HDU 1229 还是A+B
  56. HDU 1230 火星A+B
  57. HDU 1231 最大连续子序列
  58. HDU 1234 开门人和关门人
  59. HDU 1235 统计同成绩学生人数
  60. HDU 1238 Substrings
  61. HDU 1239 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again
  62. HDU 1256 画8
  63. HDU 1260 Tickets
  64. HDU 1262 寻找素数对
  65. HDU 1266 Reverse Number
  66. HDU 1274 展开字符串
  67. HDU 1276 士兵队列训练问题
  68. HDU 1279 验证角谷猜想
  69. HDU 1282 回文数猜想
  70. HDU 1302 The Snail
  71. HDU 1303 Doubles
  72. HDU 1304 A Contesting Decision
  73. HDU 1305 Immediate Decodability
  74. HDU 1306 String Matching
  75. HDU 1308 What Day Is It?
  76. HDU 1313 Round and Round We Go
  77. HDU 1314 Numerically Speaking
  78. HDU 1318 Palindromes
  79. HDU 1320 Inversion
  80. HDU 1321 Reverse Text
  81. HDU 1323 Perfection
  82. HDU 1324 Pseudo-Random Numbers
  83. HDU 1326 Box of Bricks
  84. HDU 1327 Definite Values
  85. HDU 1328 IBM Minus One
  86. HDU 1334 Perfect Cubes
  87. HDU 1335 Basically Speaking
  88. HDU 1338 Game Prediction
  89. HDU 1339 A Simple Task
  90. HDU 1342 Lotto
  91. HDU 1346 Coconuts, Revisited
  92. HDU 1347 Grandpa is Famous
  93. HDU 1361 Parencodings
  94. HDU 1379 DNA Sorting
  95. HDU 1390 Binary Numbers
  96. HDU 1393 Weird Clock
  97. HDU 1395 2^x mod n = 1
  98. HDU 1397 Goldbach's Conjecture
  99. HDU 1407 测试你是否和LTC水平一样高
  100. HDU 1408 盐水的故事
  101. HDU 1412 {A} + {B}
  102. HDU 1431 素数回文
  103. HDU 1443 Joseph
  104. HDU 1444 Maya Calendar
  105. HDU 1462 Word Crosses
  106. HDU 1491 Octorber 21st
  107. HDU 1508 Alphacode
  108. HDU 1544 Palindromes
  109. HDU 1555 How many days?
  110. HDU 1557 权利指数
  111. HDU 1562 Guess the number
  112. HDU 1577 WisKey的眼神
  113. HDU 1587 Flowers
  114. HDU 1591 Encoded Love-letter
  115. HDU 1592 Half of and a Half
  116. HDU 1597 find the nth digit
  117. HDU 1673 Optimal Parking
  118. HDU 1677 Nested Dolls
  119. HDU 1678 Shopaholic
  120. HDU 1701 ACMer
  121. HDU 1708 Fibonacci String
  122. HDU 1709 The Balance
  123. HDU 1719 Friend
  124. HDU 1720 A+B Coming
  125. HDU 1721 Bother
  126. HDU 1725 Find minimal sum
  127. HDU 1736 美观化文字
  128. HDU 1792 A New Change Problem

HDU Data Structure - Dancing Links

  1. HDU 3156 Repair Depots

HDU Data Structure - LCA

  1. HDU 2586 How far away ?

HDU Data Structure - Suffix Array(Suffix Tree)

  1. HDU 1403 Longest Common Substring

HDU Data Structure - Segment Tree

  1. HDU 1156 Brownie Points II
  2. HDU 1166 敌兵布阵
  3. HDU 1255 覆盖的面积
  4. HDU 1264 Counting Squares
  5. HDU 1394 Minimum Inversion Number
  6. HDU 1540 Tunnel Warfare
  7. HDU 1541 Stars
  8. HDU 1542 Atlantis
  9. HDU 1543 Paint the Wall
  10. HDU 1556 Color the ball
  11. HDU 1698 Just a Hook
  12. HDU 1754 I Hate It
  13. HDU 3303 Harmony Forever
  14. HDU 3333 Turing Tree

HDU Data Structure - Keyword Tree

  1. HDU 1075 What Are You Talking About
  2. HDU 1247 Hat’s Words
  3. HDU 1251 统计难题
  4. HDU 1298 T9
  5. HDU 1671 Phone List

HDU Data Structure - Others

  1. HDU 1434 幸福列车
  2. HDU 1509 Windows Message Queue
  3. HDU 1512 Monkey King
  4. HDU 1710 Binary Tree Traversals

HDU Deduce

  1. HDU 1023 Train Problem II
  2. HDU 1030 Delta-wave
  3. HDU 1041 Computer Transformation
  4. HDU 1130 How Many Trees?
  5. HDU 1131 Count the Trees
  6. HDU 1133 Buy the Ticket
  7. HDU 1134 Game of Connections
  8. HDU 1143 Tri Tiling
  9. HDU 1207 汉诺塔II
  10. HDU 1223 Order Count
  11. HDU 1246 自共轭Ferrers图
  12. HDU 1267 下沙的沙子有几粒?
  13. HDU 1291 Closing Ceremony of Sunny Cup
  14. HDU 1292 "下沙野骆驼"ACM夏令营
  15. HDU 1293 The Number of Paths
  16. HDU 1297 Children’s Queue
  17. HDU 1438 钥匙计数之一

HDU Oh My God(who can solve these problems?)

  1. HDU 1120 The Bulk
  2. HDU 1122 Direct Visibility
  3. HDU 1340 Cog-Wheels
  4. HDU 1344 Nonst
  5. HDU 1349 Fold-up Patterns
  6. HDU 1351 Leaky Cryptography
  7. HDU 1354 Choose Your Own Adventure
  8. HDU 1359 As the Crow Flies
  9. HDU 1362 The Bermuda Triangle
  10. HDU 1363 Deformed Wheel
  11. HDU 1364 Illusive Chase
  12. HDU 1365 Puzzle Out
  13. HDU 1366 The Willy Memorial Program
  14. HDU 1367 Parallel Expectations
  15. HDU 1368 University Entrance Examination
  16. HDU 1369 Erdos Numbers
  17. HDU 1377 A Well-Formed Problem
  18. HDU 1378 Formatting Text
  19. HDU 1383 Company
  20. HDU 1386 Elevator Simulation
  21. HDU 1389 Markov Trains
