
Endian Ogino

2012-11-17  -  公开
My first experience with the new uiautomatorviewer:
"unable to connect to the adb. check if adb is installed correctly"

Challenge Accepted:
1. ScreenshotAction class has this in its run() method when !DebugBridge.isInitialized()

2. DebugBridge is not initialized when it can't find the "platform-tools" folder which it gets via the property """

3. The above property is set (in windows) in uiautomatorviewer.bat:
call %java_exe% -Djava.ext.dirs=%javaextdirs% -jar %jarpath% %*

4. Strange that it is empty isn't it. Changing the above line in my case to:
call %java_exe% -Djava.ext.dirs=%javaextdirs% H:\android-sdk\tools -jar %jarpath% %*

This solves the issue, and UI Automator Viewer is up. The app is pretty neat with all the "mouse over"-"find view" feature.