* tree - jQuery EasyUI
* Licensed under the GPL:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
* Copyright 2010 stworthy [ [email protected] ]
* Node is a javascript object which contains following properties:
* 1 id: An identity value bind to the node.
* 2 text: Text to be showed.
* 3 checked: Indicate whether the node is checked selected.
* 3 attributes: Custom attributes bind to the node.
* 4 target: Target DOM object.
* 首先要明白,tree控件包装的思想,tree包装结构是:
* 节点(
tag as a tree and then return it.
* 包装tree外层标签,默认tree的外层标签是一个ul,其实不使用tree控件并不依赖于ul
function wrapTree(target) {
var tree = $(target);
wrapNode(tree, 0);
* 包装指定的节点,如果depth为0表示包装的是一个树节点的外层,这个ul很像是节点的ul标签
function wrapNode(ul, depth) {
$('>li', ul).each(function () {
var node = $('').prependTo($(this));
var text = $('>span', this).addClass('tree-title').appendTo(node).text();
$.data(node[0], 'tree-node', {
text: text
var subTree = $('>ul', this);
if (subTree.length) {
wrapNode(subTree, depth + 1);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
return tree;
function expandNode(target, node) {
var opts = $.data(target, 'tree').options;
var hit = $('>span.tree-hit', node);
if (hit.length == 0) return; // is a leaf node
if (hit.hasClass('tree-collapsed')) {
hit.removeClass('tree-collapsed tree-collapsed-hover').addClass('tree-expanded');
var ul = $(node).next();
if (ul.length) {
if (opts.animate) {
} else {
ul.css('display', 'block');
} else {
var id = $.data($(node)[0], 'tree-node').id;
var subul = $('
request(target, subul, {id: id}); // request children nodes data
function collapseNode(target, node) {
var opts = $.data(target, 'tree').options;
var hit = $('>span.tree-hit', node);
if (hit.length == 0) return; // is a leaf node
if (hit.hasClass('tree-expanded')) {
hit.removeClass('tree-expanded tree-expanded-hover').addClass('tree-collapsed');
if (opts.animate) {
} else {
$(node).next().css('display', 'none');
function toggleNode(target, node) {
var hit = $('>span.tree-hit', node);
if (hit.length == 0) return; // is a leaf node
if (hit.hasClass('tree-expanded')) {
collapseNode(target, node);
} else {
expandNode(target, node);
* 给树控件绑定事件,包括节点的鼠标划入划出,单击、双击,奇怪的是这里没有看到右击事件
* @param target
function bindTreeEvents(target) {
var opts = $.data(target, 'tree').options;
var tree = $.data(target, 'tree').tree;
$('.tree-node', tree).unbind('.tree').bind('dblclick.tree', function () {
$('.tree-node-selected', tree).removeClass('tree-node-selected');
if (opts.onDblClick) {
var target = this; // the target HTML DIV element
var data = $.data(this, 'tree-node');
opts.onDblClick.call(this, {
id: data.id,
text: data.text,
attributes: data.attributes,
target: target
}).bind('click.tree', function () {
$('.tree-node-selected', tree).removeClass('tree-node-selected');
if (opts.onClick) {
var target = this; // the target HTML DIV element
var data = $.data(this, 'tree-node');
opts.onClick.call(this, {
id: data.id,
text: data.text,
attributes: data.attributes,
target: target
// return false;
}).bind('mouseenter.tree', function () {
return false;
}).bind('mouseleave.tree', function () {
return false;
$('.tree-hit', tree).unbind('.tree').bind('click.tree', function () {
var node = $(this).parent();
toggleNode(target, node);
return false;
}).bind('mouseenter.tree', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('tree-expanded')) {
} else {
}).bind('mouseleave.tree', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('tree-expanded')) {
} else {
$('.tree-checkbox', tree).unbind('.tree').bind('click.tree', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('tree-checkbox0')) {
} else if ($(this).hasClass('tree-checkbox1')) {
} else if ($(this).hasClass('tree-checkbox2')) {
return false;
function setChildCheckbox(node) {
var childck = node.next().find('.tree-checkbox');
childck.removeClass('tree-checkbox0 tree-checkbox1 tree-checkbox2')
if (node.find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox1')) {
} else {
function setParentCheckbox(node) {
var pnode = getParentNode(target, node[0]);
if (pnode) {
var ck = $(pnode.target).find('.tree-checkbox');
ck.removeClass('tree-checkbox0 tree-checkbox1 tree-checkbox2');
if (isAllSelected(node)) {
} else if (isAllNull(node)) {
} else {
function isAllSelected(n) {
var ck = n.find('.tree-checkbox');
if (ck.hasClass('tree-checkbox0') || ck.hasClass('tree-checkbox2')) return false;
var b = true;
n.parent().siblings().each(function () {
if (!$(this).find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox1')) {
b = false;
return b;
function isAllNull(n) {
var ck = n.find('.tree-checkbox');
if (ck.hasClass('tree-checkbox1') || ck.hasClass('tree-checkbox2')) return false;
var b = true;
n.parent().siblings().each(function () {
if (!$(this).find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox0')) {
b = false;
return b;
function loadData(target, ul, data) {
// clear the tree when loading to the root
if (target == ul) {
var opts = $.data(target, 'tree').options;
function appendNodes(ul, children, depth) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var li = $('').appendTo(ul);
var item = children[i];
// the node state has only 'open' or 'closed' attribute
if (item.state != 'open' && item.state != 'closed') {
item.state = 'open';
var node = $('').appendTo(li);
node.attr('node-id', item.id);
// store node attributes
$.data(node[0], 'tree-node', {
id: item.id,
text: item.text,
attributes: item.attributes
if (opts.checkbox) {
if (item.checked) {
} else {
if (item.children) {
var subul = $('
if (item.state == 'open') {
} else {
subul.css('display', 'none');
appendNodes(subul, item.children, depth + 1);
} else {
if (item.state == 'closed') {
} else {
// $('').prependTo(node);
for (var j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
var depth = $(ul).prev().find('>span.tree-indent,>span.tree-hit').length;
appendNodes(ul, data, depth);
* request remote data and then load nodes in the
function request(target, ul, param) {
var opts = $.data(target, 'tree').options;
if (!opts.url) return;
param = param || {};
var folder = $(ul).prev().find('>span.tree-folder');
type: 'post',
url: opts.url,
data: param,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
loadData(target, ul, data);
if (opts.onLoadSuccess) {
opts.onLoadSuccess.apply(this, arguments);
error: function () {
if (opts.onLoadError) {
opts.onLoadError.apply(this, arguments);
* get the parent node
* param: DOM object, from which to search it's parent node
function getParentNode(target, param) {
var node = $(param).parent().parent().prev();
if (node.length) {
return $.extend({}, $.data(node[0], 'tree-node'), {
target: node[0],
checked: node.find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox1')
} else {
return null;
function getCheckedNode(target) {
var nodes = [];
$(target).find('.tree-checkbox1').each(function () {
var node = $(this).parent();
nodes.push($.extend({}, $.data(node[0], 'tree-node'), {
target: node[0],
checked: node.find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox1')
return nodes;
* Get the selected node data which contains following properties: id,text,attributes,target
function getSelectedNode(target) {
var node = $(target).find('div.tree-node-selected');
if (node.length) {
return $.extend({}, $.data(node[0], 'tree-node'), {
target: node[0],
checked: node.find('.tree-checkbox').hasClass('tree-checkbox1')
} else {
return null;
* Append nodes to tree.
* The param parameter has two properties:
* 1 parent: DOM object, the parent node to append to.
* 2 data: array, the nodes data.
function appendNodes(target, param) {
var node = $(param.parent);
var ul = node.next();
if (ul.length == 0) {
ul = $('
// ensure the node is a folder node
if (param.data && param.data.length) {
var nodeIcon = node.find('span.tree-file');
if (nodeIcon.length) {
var hit = $('').insertBefore(nodeIcon);
if (hit.prev().length) {
loadData(target, ul, param.data);
* Remove node from tree.
* param: DOM object, indicate the node to be removed.
function removeNode(target, param) {
var node = $(param);
var li = node.parent();
var ul = li.parent();
if (ul.find('li').length == 0) {
var node = ul.prev();
if (ul[0] != target) {
* select the specified node.
* param: DOM object, indicate the node to be selected.
function selectNode(target, param) {
$('div.tree-node-selected', target).removeClass('tree-node-selected');
* Check if the specified node is leaf.
* param: DOM object, indicate the node to be checked.
function isLeaf(target, param) {
var node = $(param);
var hit = $('>span.tree-hit', node);
return hit.length == 0;
$.fn.tree = function (options, param) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
switch (options) {
case 'options':
return $.data(this[0], 'tree').options;
case 'reload':
return this.each(function () {
request(this, this);
case 'getParent':
return getParentNode(this[0], param);
case 'getChecked':
return getCheckedNode(this[0]);
case 'getSelected':
return getSelectedNode(this[0]);
case 'isLeaf':
return isLeaf(this[0], param); // param is the node object
case 'select':
return this.each(function () {
selectNode(this, param);
case 'collapse':
return this.each(function () {
collapseNode(this, $(param)); // param is the node object
case 'expand':
return this.each(function () {
expandNode(this, $(param)); // param is the node object
case 'append':
return this.each(function () {
appendNodes(this, param);
case 'toggle':
return this.each(function () {
toggleNode(this, $(param));
case 'remove':
return this.each(function () {
removeNode(this, param);
var options = options || {};
return this.each(function () {
var state = $.data(this, 'tree');
var opts;
if (state) {
opts = $.extend(state.options, options);
state.options = opts;
} else {
var optex = {};
try {
optex = eval("({" + $(this).attr("data-options") + "})");
} catch (ex) {
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.tree.defaults, {
url: $(this).attr('url'),
animate: ($(this).attr('animate') ? $(this).attr('animate') == 'true' : undefined)
}, options, optex);
$.data(this, 'tree', {
options: opts,
tree: wrapTree(this)
if (opts.url) {
request(this, this);
$.fn.tree.defaults = {
url: null,
animate: false,
checkbox: false,
onLoadSuccess: function () {
onLoadError: function () {
onClick: function (node) {
}, // node: id,text,attributes,target
onDblClick: function (node) {
} // node: id,text,attributes,target
public in
name varchar2(10),gender varchar2(4),birthdate date
drop type p
what 什么
your 你
name 名字
my 我的
am 是
one 一
two 二
three 三
four 四
five 五
class 班级,课
six 六
seven 七
eight 八
nince 九
ten 十
zero 零
how 怎样
old 老的
eleven 十一
twelve 十二
spring security 3中推荐使用BCrypt算法加密密码了,以前使用的是md5,
Md5PasswordEncoder 和 ShaPasswordEncoder,现在不推荐了,推荐用bcrpt
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
String password = "1234
SELECT m.a,m.b, INNER JOIN (select a,b,COUNT(*) AS rank FROM test.`A` A GROUP BY a HAVING rank>1 )k ON m.a=k.a
(2)多表查询 ,