
2.11 一切都是对象


// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exericise 1, page 89

// object/

// Create a class containing an int and a char that are not intitialized

// and print their values to verify that Java performs default initialization.


public class PrimitiveTest {

    static int i;

    static char c;   

    public static void main(String[] args) {     

       System.out.println("int = " + i);

       System.out.println("char = " + c);



练习2:参照本章HelloDate.java这个例子,创建一个“Hello World”程序,该程序只要输出这句话即可。

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exericise 2, page 89

// object/

// Following the example in this chapter, create a "hello, world"

// program that simply displays that statement.


public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {     

       System.out.println("Hello World!");




// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exericise 3, page 90

// object/

// Find the code fragments involving ATypeName and turn them into a program

// that compiles and runs.


public class ATNTest {     

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       class ATypeName {

           int i;

           double d;

           boolean b;

           void show() {






       ATypeName a = new ATypeName();

       a.i = 3;

       a.d = 2.71828;

       a.b = false;    ;




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object Exercise 4 page 90

// Turn the DataOnly code fragments into a program that compiles and runs


public class DataOnlyTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       class DataOnly {

           int i;

           double d;

           boolean b;

           void show() {






       DataOnly data = new DataOnly();

       data.i = 3;

       data.d = 2.71828;

       data.b = false;    ;




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 5, page 90

// Modify the previous exercise so that the values of the data in DataOnly are

// assigned to and printed in main().


public class DOTest2 {     

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       class DataOnly {

           int i;

           double d;

           boolean b;

           void show() {






       DataOnly data = new DataOnly();

       data.i = 234;

       data.d = 2.1234545;

       data.b = true;     ;




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 6, page 90

// Write a program that includes and calls the storage() method defined as a

// code fragment in this chapter.


public class StorageTest { 

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       class StoreStuff {

           int storage(String s) {

              return s.length() * 2;



       StoreStuff x = new StoreStuff();





// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 7, page 90

// Turn the Incrementable code fragments into a working program.


class StaticTest {

    static int i = 47;


class Incrementable {

    static void increment() { StaticTest.i++; }


public class ITest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println("StaticTest.i= " + StaticTest.i);

    StaticTest st1 = new StaticTest();

    StaticTest st2 = new StaticTest();

    System.out.println("st1.i= " + st1.i);

    System.out.println("st2.i= " + st2.i);

    Incrementable sf = new Incrementable();


    System.out.println("After sf.increment() called: ");

    System.out.println("st1.i = " + st1.i);

    System.out.println("st2.i = " + st2.i);


    System.out.println("After Incrementable.increment called: ");

    System.out.println("st1.i = " + st1.i);

    System.out.println("st2.i = " + st2.i);




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 8, page 90

/* Write a program that demonstrates that, no matter how many objects you

* create of a particular class, there is only one instance of a particular

* static field of that class.



class StaticTest {

    static int i = 47;



class Incrementable {

    static void increment() { StaticTest.i++; }



public class OneStaticTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       System.out.println("StaticTest.i= " + StaticTest.i);

       StaticTest st1 = new StaticTest();

       StaticTest st2 = new StaticTest();

       System.out.println("st1.i= " + st1.i);

       System.out.println("st2.i= " + st2.i);


       System.out.println("After Incrementable.increment() called: ");

       System.out.println("st1.i = " + st1.i);

       System.out.println("st2.i = " + st2.i);


       System.out.println("After Incrementable.increment called: ");

       System.out.println("st1.i = " + st1.i);

       System.out.println("st2.i = " + st2.i);

       st1.i = 3;

       System.out.println("After st1.i = 3, ");

       System.out.println("st1.i = " + st1.i);

       System.out.println("st2.i = " + st2.i);

       System.out.println("Create another StaticTest, st3.");

       StaticTest st3 = new StaticTest();

       System.out.println("st3.i = " + st3.i);




// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 9, page 90

// Write a program that demonstrates that autoboxing works for all the primitive // types and their wrappers.


public class AutoboxTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       boolean b = false;

       char c = 'x';

       byte t = 8;

       short s = 16;

       int i = 32;

       long l = 64;

       float f = 0.32f;

       double d = 0.64;

       Boolean B = b;

       System.out.println("boolean b = " + b);      

       System.out.println("Boolean B = " + B);

       Character C = c;

       System.out.println("char c = " + c);

       System.out.println("Character C = " + C);

       Byte T = t;

       System.out.println("byte t = " + t);

       System.out.println("Byte T = " + T);

       Short S = s;

       System.out.println("short s = " + s);

       System.out.println("Short S = " + S);

       Integer I = i;

       System.out.println("int i = " + i);

       System.out.println("Integer I = " + I);

       Long L = l;

       System.out.println("long l = " + l);

       System.out.println("Long L = " + L);

       Float F = f;

       System.out.println("float f = " + f);

       System.out.println("Float F = " + F);

       Double D = d;

       System.out.println("double d = " + d);

       System.out.println("Double D = " + D);   




// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 10, page 90

// Write a program that prints three arguments taken from the command line. To do // this you'll need to index into the command-line array of Strings.


public class CommandArgTest_10 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int[] a = {1, 2, 3};

        System.out.println("a[0] = " + a[0]);

        System.out.println("a[1] = " + a[1]);

        System.out.println("a[2] = " + a[2]);




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 11, page 90

// Turn the AllColorsOfTheRainbow into a program that compiles and runs.


public class Rainbow {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       AllTheColorsOfTheRainbow atc = new AllTheColorsOfTheRainbow();

       System.out.println("atc.anIntegerRepresentingColors = " + atc.anIntegerRepresentingColors);



       System.out.println("After color change, atc.anIntegerRepresentingColors = " + atc.anIntegerRepresentingColors);

       System.out.println("atc.hue = " + atc.hue);  




class AllTheColorsOfTheRainbow {

    int anIntegerRepresentingColors = 0;

    int hue = 0;

    void changeTheHueOfTheColor(int newHue) {

       hue = newHue;


    int changeColor(int newColor) {

       return anIntegerRepresentingColors = newColor;      





// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 12, page 90

/* Find the code for the second version of, which is the simple

* comment documentation example. Execute Javadoc on the file and view the

* results with your Web browser.



import java.util.*;


/** The first Thinking in Java example program.

* Displays a string and today's date.

* @author Burce Eckel

* @author

* @version 4.0



public class DocTest {

    /** Entry poing to class & application.

    * @param args array of string arguments

    * @throws exceptions No exceptions thrown


    public static void main(String[] args) {

       System.out.println("Hello, it's: ");

       System.out.println(new Date());




Output: (55% match)





// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 13 - 1

/* Run, and

* through Javadoc. Verify the resulting documentation with your Web browser.



/** A class comment */

public class Documentation1 {

    /** A field comment */

    public int i;

    /** A method comment */

    public void f() {}




// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 13 - 2

/* Run, and

* through Javadoc. Verify the resulting documentation with your Web browser.


import java.util.*;


// object/



* Uses

* System.out.println(new Date());




public class Documentation2 {

    Date d = new Date();

    void showDate() {

     System.out.println("Date = " + d);





// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 13 - 3

/* Run, and

* through Javadoc. Verify the resulting documentation with your Web browser.


import java.util.*;


// object/


* You can even insert a list:



  1. Item one


  2. Item two


  3. Item three




public class Documentation3 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       Date d = new Date();

       System.out.println("d = " + d);




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 14, page 90

// Add an HTML list of items to the documentation in the previous exercise.

import java.util.*;


// object/


* You can even insert a list:



  1. Item one


  2. Item two


  3. Item three





       * Another test list



  1. One


  2. Two


  3. Three




public class Documentation4 {


       /** Let's try a public field list



  1. One


  2. Two


  3. Three




       public int i = 2;



       * A private field list (-private to see)



  1. One


  2. Two


  3. Three




       private int j = 3;



       * Another list can be inserted here to help explain the

       * following method call



  1. One


  2. Two


  3. Three


       * but may be formatted differently in Method Summary



    public static void main(String[] args) {



       * Let's try another test list here



  1. One


  2. Two


  3. Three




       Date d = new Date();

       System.out.println("d = " + d);




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercies 15, page 91

/* Take the program in Exercise 2 and add comment documentation to it. Extract

* this comment documentation into an HTML file using Javadoc and view it with

* your Web browser.





* Public class contained in file of the same name that includes main()



public class HelloDocTest {


    /** main method executed by java



    public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println("Hello World!");




// object/

// TIJ4 Chapter Object, Exercise 16, page 91

/* In the Initialization and Cleanup chapter, locate the

* example and add Javadoc documentation. Extract this comment documentation

* into and HTML file using Javadoc and view it with your Web browser.



// initialization/

// Demonstration of both constructor

// and ordinary method overloading.


/** creates type Tree wth two constructors and one info method



class Tree {

    int height;


    /** no-argument constructor

    * assigns height = 0



    Tree() {

       System.out.println("Planting a seedling");

       height = 0;



    /** constructor taking an int argument,

    * assigns height that int argument



    Tree(int initialHeight) {

       height = initialHeight;

       System.out.println("Creating new tree that is " + height + " feet tall");



    /** method to print height of tree object



    void info() {

       System.out.println("Tree is " + height + " feet tall");



    /** overloaded method to print string argument

    * and height of a tree object



    void info(String s) {

       System.out.println(s + ": Tree is " + height + " feet tall");




/** class to test construction of tree objects



public class Overloading {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

           Tree t = new Tree(i);


 "overloading method");


       // Overloaded constructor:

       new Tree();



