The Trouble With Multicore-David Patterson

看了RISC之父David Patterson文章后的一些摘要:The Trouble With Multicore


  1. 背景:

2003年左右,chipmakers开始意识到 处理器的性能无法继续提升了;无法提升的原因:虽然可以继续make transistors smaller and faster,但是散热问题无法解决;于是产生了multicore microprocessors

  1. multicoresoftware application的执行速度,取决于“程序的并行性”
  2. 提高程序并行性的挑战--- load balancing, sequential dependencies, and synchronization
  3. 提高多核利用率,已经try的解决方法:
    1. Languages for parallel programmingSince 1960--- failure
    2. New computer architecturesuch as EI Dorado; --- failure
    3. Software that will automatically parallelized existing programs; --- maybe success
  1. 该问题今后10年可能的解决方法:
    1. GPU成为主流,替代现有的multicore
    2. 提高程序的并行性;

Research Accelerator for Multiple Processors (RAMP) project ---


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