
/** @file
 * @brief Fixed length block allocator.
   Pools are built from clib vectors and bitmaps. Use pools when
   repeatedly allocating and freeing fixed-size data. Pools are
   fast, and avoid memory fragmentation.

#ifndef included_pool_h
#define included_pool_h




typedef struct
  /** Bitmap of indices of free objects. */
  uword *free_bitmap;

  /** Vector of free indices.  One element for each set bit in bitmap. */
  u32 *free_indices;

  /* The following fields are set for fixed-size, preallocated pools */

  /** Maximum size of the pool, in elements */
  u32 max_elts;

  /** mmap segment info: base + length */
  u8 *mmap_base;
  u64 mmap_size;

} pool_header_t;


free_bitmap 当前池里面,哪些内存块是空闲的(未被使用的,置1),哪些是正在被使用的(置0)。

free_indices  一个动态数组,每一个元素是一个空闲块的编号,数组长度与上述位图中置1的bit数目相同。



max_elts 当前池最多支持的元素的个数

mmap_base 当前池的内存首地址

mmap_size  当前池的内存大小,字节数目。

/** Align pool header so that pointers are naturally aligned. */
#define pool_aligned_header_bytes \
  vec_aligned_header_bytes (sizeof (pool_header_t), sizeof (void *))

/** Get pool header from user pool pointer */
always_inline pool_header_t *
pool_header (void *v)
  return vec_aligned_header (v, sizeof (pool_header_t), sizeof (void *));



extern void _pool_init_fixed (void **, u32, u32);
extern void fpool_free (void *);

/** initialize a fixed-size, preallocated pool */
#define pool_init_fixed(pool,max_elts)                  \
{                                                       \
  _pool_init_fixed((void **)&(pool),sizeof(pool[0]),max_elts);  \



/** Validate a pool */
always_inline void
pool_validate (void *v)
  pool_header_t *p = pool_header (v);
  uword i, n_free_bitmap;

  if (!v)

  n_free_bitmap = clib_bitmap_count_set_bits (p->free_bitmap);
  ASSERT (n_free_bitmap == vec_len (p->free_indices));
  for (i = 0; i < vec_len (p->free_indices); i++)
    ASSERT (clib_bitmap_get (p->free_bitmap, p->free_indices[i]) == 1);


1. 位图中置1的数目与空闲内存块向量长度必须相等。

2. 位图中置1的bit的编号与空闲内存块中的编号必须一 一对应。

always_inline void
pool_header_validate_index (void *v, uword index)
  pool_header_t *p = pool_header (v);

  if (v)
    vec_validate (p->free_bitmap, index / BITS (uword));

#define pool_validate_index(v,i)				\
do {								\
  uword __pool_validate_index = (i);				\
  vec_validate_ha ((v), __pool_validate_index,			\
		   pool_aligned_header_bytes, /* align */ 0);   \
  pool_header_validate_index ((v), __pool_validate_index);	\
} while (0)



/** Number of active elements in a pool.
 * @return Number of active elements in a pool
always_inline uword
pool_elts (void *v)
  uword ret = vec_len (v);
  if (v)
    ret -= vec_len (pool_header (v)->free_indices);
  return ret;



/** Number of elements in pool vector.

    @note You probably want to call pool_elts() instead.
#define pool_len(p)	vec_len(p)

/** Number of elements in pool vector (usable as an lvalue)

    @note You probably don't want to use this macro.
#define _pool_len(p)	_vec_len(p)



/** Memory usage of pool header. */
always_inline uword
pool_header_bytes (void *v)
  pool_header_t *p = pool_header (v);

  if (!v)
    return 0;

  return vec_bytes (p->free_bitmap) + vec_bytes (p->free_indices);

/** Memory usage of pool. */
#define pool_bytes(P) (vec_bytes (P) + pool_header_bytes (P))





/** Local variable naming macro. */
#define _pool_var(v) _pool_##v


/** Queries whether pool has at least N_FREE free elements. */
always_inline uword
pool_free_elts (void *v)
  pool_header_t *p = pool_header (v);
  uword n_free = 0;

  if (v)
      n_free += vec_len (p->free_indices);

      /* Space left at end of vector? */
      n_free += vec_capacity (v, sizeof (p[0])) - vec_len (v);

  return n_free;



/** Allocate an object E from a pool P (general version).

   First search free list.  If nothing is free extend vector of objects.
#define pool_get_aligned(P,E,A)                                         \
do {                                                                    \
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p) = pool_header (P);                      \
  uword _pool_var (l);                                                  \
  STATIC_ASSERT(A==0 || ((A % sizeof(P[0]))==0) || ((sizeof(P[0]) % A) == 0), \
                "Pool aligned alloc of incorrectly sized object");      \
  _pool_var (l) = 0;                                                    \
  if (P)                                                                \
    _pool_var (l) = vec_len (_pool_var (p)->free_indices);              \
  if (_pool_var (l) > 0)                                                \
    {                                                                   \
      /* Return free element from free list. */                         \
      uword _pool_var (i) = _pool_var (p)->free_indices[_pool_var (l) - 1]; \
      (E) = (P) + _pool_var (i);                                        \
      _pool_var (p)->free_bitmap =					\
	clib_bitmap_andnoti_notrim (_pool_var (p)->free_bitmap,        \
	                             _pool_var (i));	               	\
      _vec_len (_pool_var (p)->free_indices) = _pool_var (l) - 1;       \
    }                                                                   \
  else                                                                  \
    {                                                                   \
      /* fixed-size, preallocated pools cannot expand */                \
      if ((P) && _pool_var(p)->max_elts)                                \
        {                                                               \
          clib_warning ("can't expand fixed-size pool");                \
          os_out_of_memory();                                           \
        }                                                               \
      /* Nothing on free list, make a new element and return it. */     \
      P = _vec_resize (P,                                               \
		       /* length_increment */ 1,                        \
		       /* new size */ (vec_len (P) + 1) * sizeof (P[0]), \
		       pool_aligned_header_bytes,                       \
		       /* align */ (A));                                \
      E = vec_end (P) - 1;                                              \
    }									\
} while (0)

/** Allocate an object E from a pool P (unspecified alignment). */
#define pool_get(P,E) pool_get_aligned(P,E,0)



/** See if pool_get will expand the pool or not */
#define pool_get_aligned_will_expand(P,YESNO,A)                         \
do {                                                                    \
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p) = pool_header (P);                      \
  uword _pool_var (l);                                                  \
  _pool_var (l) = 0;                                                    \
  if (P)                                                                \
    {                                                                   \
      if (_pool_var (p)->max_elts)                                      \
        _pool_var (l) = _pool_var (p)->max_elts;			\
      else								\
        _pool_var (l) = vec_len (_pool_var (p)->free_indices);          \
    }                                                                   \
  /* Free elements, certainly won't expand */                           \
  if (_pool_var (l) > 0)                                                \
      YESNO=0;                                                          \
  else                                                                  \
    {                                                                   \
      /* Nothing on free list, make a new element and return it. */     \
      YESNO = _vec_resize_will_expand                                   \
        (P,                                                             \
         /* length_increment */ 1,                                      \
         /* new size */ (vec_len (P) + 1) * sizeof (P[0]),              \
         pool_aligned_header_bytes,                                     \
         /* align */ (A));                                              \
    }                                                                   \
} while (0)



#define pool_get_will_expand(P,YESNO) pool_get_aligned_will_expand(P,YESNO,0)



/** Use free bitmap to query whether given element is free. */
#define pool_is_free(P,E)						\
({									\
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p) = pool_header (P);			\
  uword _pool_var (i) = (E) - (P);					\
  (_pool_var (i) < vec_len (P)) ? clib_bitmap_get (_pool_var (p)->free_bitmap, _pool_i) : 1; \



/** Use free bitmap to query whether given index is free */
#define pool_is_free_index(P,I) pool_is_free((P),(P)+(I))

简单封装,I  为内存块的编号

/** Free an object E in pool P. */
#define pool_put(P,E)							\
do {									\
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p) = pool_header (P);			\
  uword _pool_var (l) = (E) - (P);					\
  ASSERT (vec_is_member (P, E));					\
  ASSERT (! pool_is_free (P, E));					\
  /* Add element to free bitmap and to free list. */			\
  _pool_var (p)->free_bitmap =						\
    clib_bitmap_ori_notrim (_pool_var (p)->free_bitmap,              	\
                             _pool_var (l));	                        \
  /* Preallocated pool? */                                              \
  if (_pool_var (p)->max_elts)                                          \
    {                                                                   \
      ASSERT(_pool_var(l) < _pool_var (p)->max_elts);                   \
      _pool_var(p)->free_indices[_vec_len(_pool_var(p)->free_indices)] = \
                                 _pool_var(l);                          \
      _vec_len(_pool_var(p)->free_indices) += 1;                        \
    }                                                                   \
  else                                                                  \
    vec_add1 (_pool_var (p)->free_indices, _pool_var (l));		\
} while (0)

/** Free pool element with given index. */
#define pool_put_index(p,i)			\
do {						\
  typeof (p) _e = (p) + (i);			\
  pool_put (p, _e);				\
} while (0)



/** Allocate N more free elements to pool (general version). */
#define pool_alloc_aligned(P,N,A)					\
do {									\
  pool_header_t * _p;							\
  if ((P))                                                              \
    {                                                                   \
      _p = pool_header (P);                                             \
      if (_p->max_elts)                                                 \
        {                                                               \
           clib_warning ("Can't expand fixed-size pool");		\
           os_out_of_memory();                                          \
        }                                                               \
    }                                                                   \
  (P) = _vec_resize ((P), 0, (vec_len (P) + (N)) * sizeof (P[0]),	\
		     pool_aligned_header_bytes,				\
		     (A));						\
  _p = pool_header (P);							\
  vec_resize (_p->free_indices, (N));					\
  _vec_len (_p->free_indices) -= (N);					\
} while (0)

/** Allocate N more free elements to pool (unspecified alignment). */
#define pool_alloc(P,N) pool_alloc_aligned(P,N,0)



/** Low-level free pool operator (do not call directly). */
always_inline void *
_pool_free (void *v)
  pool_header_t *p = pool_header (v);
  if (!v)
    return v;
  clib_bitmap_free (p->free_bitmap);

  if (p->max_elts)
      int rv;

      rv = munmap (p->mmap_base, p->mmap_size);
      if (rv)
	clib_unix_warning ("munmap");
      vec_free (p->free_indices);
      vec_free_h (v, pool_aligned_header_bytes);
  return 0;

/** Free a pool. */
#define pool_free(p) (p) = _pool_free(p)


/** Optimized iteration through pool.

    @param LO pointer to first element in chunk
    @param HI pointer to last element in chunk
    @param POOL pool to iterate across
    @param BODY operation to perform

    Optimized version which assumes that BODY is smart enough to
    process multiple (LOW,HI) chunks. See also pool_foreach().
#define pool_foreach_region(LO,HI,POOL,BODY)				\
do {									\
  uword _pool_var (i), _pool_var (lo), _pool_var (hi), _pool_var (len);	\
  uword _pool_var (bl), * _pool_var (b);				\
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p);					\
  _pool_var (p) = pool_header (POOL);					\
  _pool_var (b) = (POOL) ? _pool_var (p)->free_bitmap : 0;		\
  _pool_var (bl) = vec_len (_pool_var (b));				\
  _pool_var (len) = vec_len (POOL);					\
  _pool_var (lo) = 0;							\
  for (_pool_var (i) = 0;						\
       _pool_var (i) <= _pool_var (bl);					\
       _pool_var (i)++)							\
    {									\
      uword _pool_var (m), _pool_var (f);				\
      _pool_var (m) = (_pool_var (i) < _pool_var (bl)			\
		       ? _pool_var (b) [_pool_var (i)]			\
		       : 1);						\
      while (_pool_var (m) != 0)					\
	{								\
	  _pool_var (f) = first_set (_pool_var (m));			\
	  _pool_var (hi) = (_pool_var (i) * BITS (_pool_var (b)[0])	\
			    + min_log2 (_pool_var (f)));		\
	  _pool_var (hi) = (_pool_var (i) < _pool_var (bl)		\
			    ? _pool_var (hi) : _pool_var (len));	\
	  _pool_var (m) ^= _pool_var (f);				\
	  if (_pool_var (hi) > _pool_var (lo))				\
	    {								\
	      (LO) = _pool_var (lo);					\
	      (HI) = _pool_var (hi);					\
	      do { BODY; } while (0);					\
	    }								\
	  _pool_var (lo) = _pool_var (hi) + 1;				\
	}								\
    }									\
} while (0)

/** Iterate through pool.

    @param VAR A variable of same type as pool vector to be used as an
    @param POOL The pool to iterate across.
    @param BODY The operation to perform, typically a code block. See
                the example below.

    This macro will call @c BODY with each active pool element.

    It is a bad idea to allocate or free pool element from within
    @c pool_foreach. Build a vector of indices and dispose of them later.
    Or call pool_flush.

    @par Example
    proc_t *procs;   // a pool of processes.
    proc_t *proc;    // pointer to one process; used as the iterator.

    pool_foreach (proc, procs, ({
        if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_RUNNING)

        // check a running proc in some way

    @warning Because @c pool_foreach is a macro, syntax errors can be
    difficult to find inside @c BODY, let alone actual code bugs. One
    can temporarily split a complex @c pool_foreach into a trivial
    @c pool_foreach which builds a vector of active indices, and a
    vec_foreach() (or plain for-loop) to walk the active index vector.
#define pool_foreach(VAR,POOL,BODY)					\
do {									\
  uword _pool_foreach_lo, _pool_foreach_hi;				\
  pool_foreach_region (_pool_foreach_lo, _pool_foreach_hi, (POOL),	\
    ({									\
      for ((VAR) = (POOL) + _pool_foreach_lo;				\
	   (VAR) < (POOL) + _pool_foreach_hi;				\
	   (VAR)++)							\
	do { BODY; } while (0);						\
    }));								\
} while (0)



找出连续的0 bit, 分别对他们进行遍历。

其实遍历过程是这样分成trunk进行遍历的。   10000  1  1  1000  10  1  100  1  ,  每一个trunk中最多只设置了1个bit。


/** Returns pointer to element at given index.

    ASSERTs that the supplied index is valid.
    Even though one can write correct code of the form
        p = pool_base + index;
    use of @c pool_elt_at_index is strongly suggested.
#define pool_elt_at_index(p,i)			\
({						\
  typeof (p) _e = (p) + (i);			\
  ASSERT (! pool_is_free (p, _e));		\
  _e;						\

返回第 i 号内存块的地址。

/** Return next occupied pool index after @c i, useful for safe iteration. */
#define pool_next_index(P,I)                                            \
({                                                                      \
  pool_header_t * _pool_var (p) = pool_header (P);                      \
  uword _pool_var (rv) = (I) + 1;                                       \
  _pool_var(rv) =                                                       \
    (_pool_var (rv) < vec_len (P) ?                                     \
     clib_bitmap_next_clear (_pool_var (p)->free_bitmap, _pool_var(rv)) \
     : ~0);                                                             \
  _pool_var(rv) =                                                       \
    (_pool_var (rv) < vec_len (P) ?                                     \
     _pool_var (rv) : ~0);						\
  _pool_var(rv);                                                        \


/** Iterate pool by index. */
#define pool_foreach_index(i,v,body)		\
  for ((i) = 0; (i) < vec_len (v); (i)++)	\
    {						\
      if (! pool_is_free_index ((v), (i)))	\
	do { body; } while (0);			\



 * @brief Remove all elements from a pool in a safe way
 * @param VAR each element in the pool
 * @param POOL The pool to flush
 * @param BODY The actions to perform on each element before it is returned to
 *        the pool. i.e. before it is 'freed'
#define pool_flush(VAR, POOL, BODY)                     \
{                                                       \
  uword *_pool_var(ii), *_pool_var(dv) = NULL;          \
  pool_foreach((VAR), (POOL),                           \
  ({                                                    \
    vec_add1(_pool_var(dv), (VAR) - (POOL));            \
  }));                                                  \
  vec_foreach(_pool_var(ii), _pool_var(dv))             \
  {                                                     \
    (VAR) = pool_elt_at_index((POOL), *_pool_var(ii));  \
    do { BODY; } while (0);                             \
    pool_put((POOL), (VAR));                            \
  }                                                     \
  vec_free(_pool_var(dv));                              \


