android-cmake 配置



Android CMake Installation

This file gives instructions on how to properly setup your NDK for cmake.


* android ndk r5b * android sdk * ant -- for command line build of android projects These instructions will work on Linux, but may work on Mac OSX or Windows with slight modification. android-ndk-r5b can be found here: Read its documentation, specifically the Standalone Toolchain. Assumming you read the documentation, follow steps for creating a standalone toolchain. export NDK=~/android-ndk-r5b $NDK/build/tools/ --platform=android-5 \ --install-dir=$HOME/android-toolchain //notes:对于4.0,--platform=android-14 android-sdk can be found here: Please install that, and add it to your path. ANDROID_SDK=~/android-sdk-linux_86 export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools:$PATH Lets try the hello-cmake sample.

Ubuntu Quick Start

Lets assume you have ANDROID_CMAKE pointing to the android-cmake directory. Export a working directory, this will be where the script downloads the ndk to WORK=$HOME (如果没有,执行如下命令下载 hg clone $HOME/android/android-cmake)
This will pull down the ndk r5, and setup a NDK standalone toolchain:
  cd $ANDROID_CMAKE/scripts
  ./ $WORK
//ln -fs $destination/android-toolchain /opt/android-toolchain,一定要成功,否者可能出问题
Add the toolchain location to your bashrc or otherwise export it to your env:
  echo export ANDTOOLCHAIN=$ANDROID_CMAKE/toolchain/android.toolchain.cmake >> $HOME/.bashrc

Now when you re-source your bashrc, you can run cmake with the toolchain:
  mkdir build
  cd build

alias trick

Add these lines to your bashrc: export ANDTOOLCHAIN=$ANDROID_CMAKE/toolchain/android.toolchain.cmake alias android-cmake='cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDTOOLCHAIN ' Then to run cmake for android do: cd $MY_CMAKE_PROJECT mkdir build cd build android-cmake ..

你可能感兴趣的:(android-cmake 配置)