

newff Create a feed-forward backpropagation network.

Obsoleted in R2010b NNET 7.0. Last used in R2010a NNET 6.0.4.
The recommended function is feedforwardnet.


 net = newff(P,T,S)
 net = newff(P,T,S,TF,BTF,BLF,PF,IPF,OPF,DDF)


 newff(P,T,S) takes,
   P  - RxQ1 matrix of Q1 representative R-element input vectors.
   T  - SNxQ2 matrix of Q2 representative SN-element target vectors.
   Si  - Sizes of N-1 hidden layers, S1 to S(N-1), default = [].
         (Output layer size SN is determined from T.)
 and returns an N layer feed-forward backprop network.

 newff(P,T,S,TF,BTF,BLF,PF,IPF,OPF,DDF) takes optional inputs,
   TFi - Transfer function of ith layer. Default is 'tansig' for
         hidden layers, and 'purelin' for output layer.
   BTF - Backprop network training function, default = 'trainlm'.
   BLF - Backprop weight/bias learning function, default = 'learngdm'.
