关于Havok Vision SDK 8.2.4版本更新的通知

关于Havok Vision SDK 8.2.4版本更新的通知

Vision SDK 8.2.4: 本次更新主要包括脚本,vFroge(场景编辑器),导出器,Havok AI等

我们很高兴的宣布:2011年 12月 21日 VisionSDK更新为新版本SDK8.2.4。

访问我们技术支持网站可以下载Vision SDK升级版, 本次更新主要包括:新功能的工作流程改进和错误修复。

具体更新事项,请查看8.2.4说明文档中的“Release Notes”部分。


1. 第三方集成 SDK 更新



2. 基于脚本可进入Time of Day设置

现在你可以基于脚本进入Time of day设置并通过它可以修改一天的时间。和它有关的Lua class也可以通过渲染器:GetTimeOfDayHandle而获取。

请查看下面示例脚本(sample script):


3. 对vForge的许多工作流程进行改进


1)现在在C++变量table setup中,如果把 PropertyOrderNum(x) statement添加到 EditorHint属性的话,可以在vForge中定义entity的变量顺序。更多信息, 请查看RTTI章节。

2)现在不仅在组建属性面板(Components Properties Panel),也可以在形状属性面板(shape properties panel)中复制并粘贴单个属性。这修复了按下ctrl+v后偶尔不复制属性,而复制形状的错误。

3)现在vForge的Prefab系统支持把单个entity属性作为Prefab属性而暴露的功能。这是一个非常有用的功能,现在你可以在每个instance level中很容易设置entity属性,甚至把它们嵌入到prefab时也可以用这项功能。


4. 阴影映射的质量改进



5. Scaleform绑定现在可以与Scaleform Gfx 4.0.14兼容

Vision Plus的Scaleform绑定版本仍然是Scaleform 4.0.13,但是Vision绑定版本可兼容Scleform4.1.14。但这时要修改有关asynchronous thread management的Scaleform Manager。


6. vMax2 导出器插件改进


•现在如果在节点上没有设置材质颜色(material color)话,导出器插件不以顶点颜色为提取3DSXMax的节点颜色(3DSMax node color).

•我们添加了适用于顶点动画(vertex animation)和变形目标(morph targets)的多个文件导出功能

•导出器插件现在从3D Studio Max中正确地提取对皮肤(Skin)和体形修改器(Physique modifiers)的skin pose, 如果无法使用skin pose时,可以使用frame0.


7. 适用于移动游戏开发的新的工具vFileServe

移动设备的文件系统管理器更改为vFileServe工具了,现在所有数据都得从运行服务器应用程序(server application)的PC中下载。

现在不需要为了减少周转时间,把应用程序的数据打包到包文件中。现在只有在移动设备上被隐藏的文件和曾被修改过的文件才从PC中重新加载. 以便减少加载时间(loading time)。



8. 更改了Havok Physics绑定的默认Scale

现在Havok和Vision的默认Scale从50更改为100了.(Vision和Havok分别使用cm, meter),但你仍然可以在加载文件前,代码中使用vHavokConversionUtils的staticmethod来修改文件。


9. 改进Havok AI绑定


• 我们新增了有关导航网格的动态切割的Havok AI引擎相关应用示例。

• 现在在vForge中,执行“playing the game”时,可以链接Havok Physics World,通过它,可以基于rigid body(刚体)进行动态导航网格的切割。通过呼叫 vHavokAiModule::CreateAiWorld()你也可以在其他应用程序中执行它。

•AI world从现在开始基于多线程来执行。(基于具有工作队列的vHavokPhysicsModule而提供)

•导航网格(navigation mesh)不再导出到vForge内部的the .vscene 文件中,而会单独保存。




10. SpeedTree绑定减少内存消耗

在SpeedTree绑定中,我们减少了对小树组(small tree group)的内存溢出(memory overhead), 以前由数千万个小树组构成的场景在32bit版本vForge中常常遇到out-of-memory exception错误。


11. Beast绑定改进

vForge中的Beast panel现在提供更多的设置选项,你也可以选择自定义的Beast XML设置文件(custom BeastXML setting file),另外,我们也添加了被命名为 "GlobalResolutionScaling"新的设置,以便你在一个属性中可以调整光照贴图分辨率(light map resolution)。




有关更新的更多信息,请查看Change Log


13. 具体变更事项:

Vision Engine:

•New: Added wrapper for IVTimeOfDay in Lua, accessible via Renderer:GetTimeOfDayHandler()

•New: Added SetRemoveWhenFinished for Lua wrapper of VisParticleEffect_cl. [#5236]

•New: VarTable: It is now possible to add a "PropertyOrderNum(x)" as EditorHint in your VarTableEntry. x is the order number that should be used when displaying the property in vForge. Use ';' as a seperator to combine this new attribute with an available one like "dropdownlist (Animation);PropertyOrderNum(300)". Please note that attributes not tagged with this code are just numerated in the order they are defined in the vartable, starting at 0. [#5003]

•New: New functions VisStaticGeometryInstance_cl::SetCustomID/GetCustomID with serialized ID to mimic old 8.1 behavior [#5155]

•New: Support for CTX1 and DXN texture formats on Xbox360. [#5115]

•New: New models in CheckHardwareProcessingSupport. [#4899]

•New: Scaleform manager is prepared to capture the thread when advancing asynchronously, for gfx 4.0.14+ versions. [#5109]

•Changed: Improved Shadow Mapping Cascade selection

•Changed: Particle systems that automatically update their bounding box at certain intervals will also do so on creation. [HS:#4734]

•Changed: Trigger Box Entity: Protected function TestOrientedBoxOverlap() has been marked for export. [#5059]

•Changed: Alpha blended entities rendered on the shadow mask. [#5176]

•Fixed: Alpha blending for multiple render-targets on PS3. [#5235]

•Fixed: Hardware occlusion culling of portals now works correctly on all platforms. [#4733]

•Fixed: Transition State Machine: StateAnimControl is only set to loop when the end of animation type is loop.[#5205]

•Fixed: ShadowMaps: Fixed artifacts when using terrain vegetation objects with shadowmaps and pointlights. [#5031]

•Fixed: Engine crash when calling UnloadScene more than once without loading a scene in between [#5054]

•Fixed: Forward rendering: In very rare cases the scene remains black when creating a forward renderer node via code (broken projection matrix)

•Fixed: Disabled timer didn't return the 33fps that the documentation points out. [#4980]

•Fixed: Disabling wireframe for different Render to texture methods in deferred rendering. [#5086]

•Fixed: Transition State Machine: Animation events were not forwarded when the TSM was in the blending state. [#5172]

•Fixed: Bind flags incompatibility creating texture in d3d10.0 with multisampling and depth stencil flags. [#5174]


•New: vForge: It is now possible to copy and paste single properties in the Shape Properties Panel as well as the Components Properties Panel. This consequently fixes a bug that sometimes copied a shape instead of a property when hitting ctrl+v. [#5143]

•New: vForge API: PrefabsUniqueIDInPrefabChanged event is now also fired when you create a new prefab instance or change the filename of an available one. The old unique IDs in the event args are the IDs from the prefab xml file. [#5045]

•New: vForge Manifest Files: The path to the additional engine or editor plugins can now be relative to the project directory. [#5148]

•New: SliderEditorAttribute now also works for int properties

•New: Entity properties can be exposed as single properties in prefabs

•Fixed: Shapes can not be linked anymore to other shapes in different zones [#5223]

•Fixed: Bug in the "Show Permutations" dialog in vForge: The permutations were incorrectly mapped to their configurations [occured in #5216].

•Fixed: Prefabs: Removed wrong error message when you try to change the parent or rename a collapsed prefab containing linked shapes. [#5087]

•Fixed: Particle Editor: Trail overlap UI elements were not updated immediately when switching topology type. [#5204]

•Fixed: Scene wizard now enables deferred lighting postprocessor by default. Postprocessor settings are now cached correctly during renderer switches. [#4739]

•Fixed: Particle Editor: 1. ColorPickerDialog is now initialized properly when it used, 2. OnMoveLayerUp/Down now works well even if same layername exist. [#5187]

•Fixed: vForge scene export times for large vscene files have been improved

•Fixed: Convert Entity To StaticMesh: Crash when you tried to convert an entity to an staticmeshinstance while a prefab is attached to the entity as a child. [#5045]

•Fixed: Thumbnails: Saving thumbnails for models/meshes is now also possible when the *.model_data or *.vmesh_data folder is not available. The save thumbnail routine will simply create a new folder if it is not available. [#5098]

•Fixed: Thumbnails: Saving thumbnails for particles with the resource viewer panel is now possible again. This feature was broken some time ago. [#5158]

•Fixed: Exposing of component properties in prefabs: Now also works for multiple components of the same type (e.g. script components) if the components have a unique string ID assigned in the component editor. [#5102]


•New: VWindow::CheckWindowSettingForIME introduced, it allows you to check IME problem.[#5181]

•New: Added VArray::Reserve function and new constructor.

•Changed: VStringUtil::Hash method now has one more parameter which allows you to take into account case-sensitivity.[#4554, HS#4079]

•Changed: VArray and DynObjArray_cl now use the same helper functions from 'VBaseMem.hpp' for in place constructors and destructors.

•Fixed: Improved allocation behavior of VMemoryStream::AppendBytes - improves vForge scene export times for large vscene files

•Fixed: The VInputDeviceManagerPC::GetInputMethodMouse now correctly returns the currently active mouse input method.


•New: Added a new method to generate the UV coordinates in the UVGenerator (which is the new default)

•Fixed: Portal indices in visibility output files didn't point to correct target portals.


•Fixed: CreateLightmapMeshes caused a crash if there are shadow and none-shadow materials together in one primitive. [#5222]

•Fixed: Invisible terrain sectors were considered for lightmapping [#4859]


•Fixed: -nocam command line parameter was not working

Engine Samples:

•Fixed: Mouse pointer clamping in Scaleform sample.

vMax2 Exporter Plugin:

•New: Extract 3DSMax node color as vertex color, when no material is set on node [HS-Roadmap 8.3: #963]

•New: Multi-file animation support for Vertex animations and Morph targets

•New: Correctly extract SkinPose from 3DSMax for Skin and Physqiue modifiers, use frame 0 as fallback

•Changed: Changed the method to generate the lightmap UV coordinates [#4995]

•Fixed: UV-Coordinate extraction works always when Texture coordinate collection is enabeld in the options, independent of materials assigned in 3DSMax

•Fixed: Fixed a bug that crashed vMax2 when the uvchannel_diffuse option was empty.

•Fixed: Tangent export has been corrected to consider flipped and mirrored UV-coordinates as well as Smoothing groups [#5118]

•Fixed: Specular map texture extraction failure when texture was set in Specular Level map slot, because of internal 3DSMax map channel remapping [#5177]

vMaya2 Exporter Plugin:

•Changed: Changed the method to generate the lightmap UV coordinates [#4995]

Havok Physics Integration:

•Changed: The stepHeight parameter from the vHavokCharacterController::MoveController method has been removed since it doesn't have any effect. If you get a compile error due to that then please remove the stepHeight parameter from your MoveController() call.

•Changed: The default for the Havok to Vision scale is now 100 (so Vision in cm, Havok in metres), instead of 50. You can still change this in code via the vHavokConversionUtils::SetHavok2VisionScale() static method, before loading files.

•Changed: Added vHavokPhysicsModule_GetWorldCreateSettings that allow you to change the Broadphase extents

•Changed: By default the hkpWorld is created as late as possible (only when really needed, so Broadphase can be auto computed etc). It should not affect any user code, but something to look pout for if there are any issues.

•Fixed: Non uniform scaling on static meshes breaks rotation

•Fixed: Keyframed: Motiondelta is now taken into account when a rigid body is set to keyframed mode.

•Fixed: The Havok_NoDeactivate property on the rigid body did not work properly, since it only configured the solver but not the rigid body accordingly. [#5058]

Havok AI Integration:

•New: Connection to the Havok Physics world is now supported when "playing the game" within vForge to allow dynamic nav mesh cutting by rigid bodies. This can be achieved in other applications by calling vHavokAiModule::CreateAiWorld().

•New: The AI world is now stepped using multiple threads (provided the vHavokPhysicsModule has a job queue).

•Changed: The 'metersConversionFactor' nav mesh shape property in vForge has been removed; 'Vision Units in a Meter' on the Havok Physics panel is now used as the scale factor.

•Changed: The nav mesh is now stored internally in meters instead of Vision units. This means that if you are using the nav mesh for direct queries you need to scale your Vision units to meters and back again.

•Changed: The nav mesh is no longer exported in the .vscene file within vForge. Loading nav meshes from .vscene files has been deprecated.

•Changed: The navmesh_cache.hkt has been renamed to include the scene name in the file name. Applications now need to call vHavokAiModule::LoadNavMesh() with a .hkt file name to load the nav mesh. [#5144]

•Changed: The way the nav mesh test path works in vForge has been changed. A test path is now a shape type so any number of paths can be created and saved.

•Changed: The nav mesh and test path are no longer drawn in the OnUpdateSceneFinished callback. Instead vHavokAiModule::DrawNavMesh() / vHavokAiModule::ComputeAndDrawPath() should be called directly.

•Changed: The HavokAi engine sample has been modified to demonstrate dynamic nav mesh cutting.


Scaleform Integration:

•New: Scaleform manager is prepared to capture the thread when advancing asynchronously, for gfx 4.0.14+ versions. [#5109]

•Changed: Scaleform IME : Now it uses VWindow::CheckHandleIMEInput to check IME Input. [#5181]

Speedtree Integration:

•New: Improved performance when switching between edit and play mode, because engine instances are not re-created

•New: Improved export performance

•New: Decreased memory overhead for small tree groups. Before, scenes with thousands of small tree groups ran into out-of-memory exception in the 32bit version of vForge [#5179]

Beast Integration:

•New: Quality settings and custom Beast XML setting

•New: New setting 'GlobalResolutionScaling' [#5135]

•Fixed: Lightgrid calculation required scene to be reloaded to take effect [#5277]

•Fixed: Main menu 'Static Lighting'->'Edit Settings' now shows the Beast panel rather than running the lighting

•Fixed: Lighting output files are now saved to sub-directory if the scene is located in a subdirectory of the project as well

•Fixed: Correct interaction with RCS, e.g. Perforce

Project Templates:

•Changed: Re-exported scenes with 8.2 vForge

•Changed: Extracted the GamePlugin IMPEXP macro to separate header file, so that other projects can correctly import classes and data from the plugin
