C# Redis 使用

C# Redis 使用:

Redis支持五种数据类型:string(字符串),hash(哈希),list(列表),set(集合)及zset(sorted set:有序集合)。



using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace CommonTool.Redis
    public static class RedisConnectionHelp
        public static readonly string SysCustomKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redisKey"] ?? "";

        private static readonly string RedisConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RedisExchangeHosts"].ConnectionString;

        private static readonly object Locker = new object();
        private static ConnectionMultiplexer _instance;
        private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary ConnectionCache = new ConcurrentDictionary();

        /// Singleton mode
        public static ConnectionMultiplexer Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    lock (Locker)
                        if (_instance == null || !_instance.IsConnected)
                            _instance = GetManager();
                return _instance;

        /// get cache 
        public static ConnectionMultiplexer GetConnectionMultiplexer(string connectionString)
            if (!ConnectionCache.ContainsKey(connectionString))
                ConnectionCache[connectionString] = GetManager(connectionString);
            return ConnectionCache[connectionString];

        private static ConnectionMultiplexer GetManager(string connectionString = null)
            connectionString = connectionString ?? RedisConnectionString;
            var connect = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(connectionString);

            //register some events
            connect.ConnectionFailed += MuxerConnectionFailed;
            connect.ConnectionRestored += MuxerConnectionRestored;
            connect.ErrorMessage += MuxerErrorMessage;
            connect.ConfigurationChanged += MuxerConfigurationChanged;
            connect.HashSlotMoved += MuxerHashSlotMoved;
            connect.InternalError += MuxerInternalError;

            return connect;

        #region events

        /// When configuration changes
        private static void MuxerConfigurationChanged(object sender, EndPointEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Configuration changed: " + e.EndPoint);

        /// When an error occurs
        private static void MuxerErrorMessage(object sender, RedisErrorEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("ErrorMessage: " + e.Message);

        /// Before re-establishing the connection error
        private static void MuxerConnectionRestored(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("ConnectionRestored: " + e.EndPoint);

        /// Connection failed, if you reconnect successfully you will not receive this notification
        private static void MuxerConnectionFailed(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Connection:Endpoint failed: " + e.EndPoint + ", " + e.FailureType + (e.Exception == null ? "" : (", " + e.Exception.Message)));

        /// Change the cluster
        private static void MuxerHashSlotMoved(object sender, HashSlotMovedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("HashSlotMoved:NewEndPoint" + e.NewEndPoint + ", OldEndPoint" + e.OldEndPoint);

        /// Internal Error
        private static void MuxerInternalError(object sender, InternalErrorEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("InternalError:Message" + e.Exception.Message);

        #endregion events


using Newtonsoft.Json;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace CommonTool.Redis
    public class RedisHelper
        private int DbNum { get; }
        private readonly ConnectionMultiplexer _conn;
        public string CustomKey;

        #region Constructor

        public RedisHelper(int dbNum = 0)
          : this(dbNum, null)

        public RedisHelper(int dbNum, string readWriteHosts)
            DbNum = dbNum;
            _conn =
             string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readWriteHosts) ?
             RedisConnectionHelp.Instance :

        #region Auxiliary methods

        private string AddSysCustomKey(string oldKey)
            var prefixKey = CustomKey ?? RedisConnectionHelp.SysCustomKey;
            return prefixKey + oldKey;

        private T Do(Func func)
            var database = _conn.GetDatabase(DbNum);
            return func(database);

        private string ConvertJson(T value)
            string result = value is string ? value.ToString() : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);
            return result;

        private T ConvertObj(RedisValue value)
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(value);

        private List ConvetList(RedisValue[] values)
            List result = new List();
            foreach (var item in values)
                var model = ConvertObj(item);
            return result;

        private RedisKey[] ConvertRedisKeys(List redisKeys)
            return redisKeys.Select(redisKey => (RedisKey)redisKey).ToArray();


        #endregion Constuctor

        #region String

        #region Sync method

        /// save single key value
        /// Redis Key
        /// save value
        /// expiry time
        public bool StringSet(string key, string value, TimeSpan? expiry = default(TimeSpan?))
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.StringSet(key, value, expiry));

        /// save multiple key value
        /// key value pair
        public bool StringSet(List> keyValues)
            List> newkeyValues =
             keyValues.Select(p => new KeyValuePair(AddSysCustomKey(p.Key), p.Value)).ToList();
            return Do(db => db.StringSet(newkeyValues.ToArray()));

        /// save an object
        public bool StringSet(string key, T obj, TimeSpan? expiry = default(TimeSpan?))
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            string json = ConvertJson(obj);
            return Do(db => db.StringSet(key, json, expiry));

        /// get a single key 
        /// Redis Key
        public string StringGet(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.StringGet(key));

        /// get multiple keys
        /// Redis Key collection
        public RedisValue[] StringGet(List listKey)
            List newKeys = listKey.Select(AddSysCustomKey).ToList();
            return Do(db => db.StringGet(ConvertRedisKeys(newKeys)));

        /// get an object by a key
        public T StringGet(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => ConvertObj(db.StringGet(key)));

        /// Increase val for numbers
        /// Can be negative
        /// Increased value
        public double StringIncrement(string key, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.StringIncrement(key, val));

        /// Reduce val for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// reduced value
        public double StringDecrement(string key, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.StringDecrement(key, val));


        #region Asyn method

        /// save single key value
        /// Redis Key
        /// save time
        /// expiry time
        public async Task StringSetAsync(string key, string value, TimeSpan? expiry = default(TimeSpan?))
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.StringSetAsync(key, value, expiry));

        /// save multiple key value
        /// key value pair
        public async Task StringSetAsync(List> keyValues)
            List> newkeyValues =
             keyValues.Select(p => new KeyValuePair(AddSysCustomKey(p.Key), p.Value)).ToList();
            return await Do(db => db.StringSetAsync(newkeyValues.ToArray()));

        /// save an object
        public async Task StringSetAsync(string key, T obj, TimeSpan? expiry = default(TimeSpan?))
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            string json = ConvertJson(obj);
            return await Do(db => db.StringSetAsync(key, json, expiry));

        /// get a single key 
        /// Redis Key
        public async Task StringGetAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.StringGetAsync(key));

        /// get multiple keys
        /// Redis Key collection
        public async Task StringGetAsync(List listKey)
            List newKeys = listKey.Select(AddSysCustomKey).ToList();
            return await Do(db => db.StringGetAsync(ConvertRedisKeys(newKeys)));

        /// get an object from a key
        public async Task StringGetAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            string result = await Do(db => db.StringGetAsync(key));
            return ConvertObj(result);

        /// increase val for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// increased value
        public async Task StringIncrementAsync(string key, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.StringIncrementAsync(key, val));

        /// reduce val for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// reduced value
        public async Task StringDecrementAsync(string key, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.StringDecrementAsync(key, val));


        #endregion String

        #region List

        #region Sync method

        /// Delete the corresponding value from list according to the key
        public void ListRemove(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            Do(db => db.ListRemove(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// get the specific list according to the key 
        public List ListRange(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis =>
                var values = redis.ListRange(key);
                return ConvetList(values);

        /// into the queue
        public void ListRightPush(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            Do(db => db.ListRightPush(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// out of the queue
        public T ListRightPop(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db =>
                var value = db.ListRightPop(key);
                return ConvertObj(value);

        /// into the stack
        public void ListLeftPush(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            Do(db => db.ListLeftPush(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// out of stack
        public T ListLeftPop(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db =>
                var value = db.ListLeftPop(key);
                return ConvertObj(value);

        /// get the length of list according to the key 
        public long ListLength(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis => redis.ListLength(key));

        #endregion Sync method

        #region Asyn method

        /// remove the value with specific key in the list  
        public async Task ListRemoveAsync(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.ListRemoveAsync(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// get a list by key
        public async Task> ListRangeAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            var values = await Do(redis => redis.ListRangeAsync(key));
            return ConvetList(values);

        /// into the queue
        public async Task ListRightPushAsync(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.ListRightPushAsync(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// out of the queue
        public async Task ListRightPopAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            var value = await Do(db => db.ListRightPopAsync(key));
            return ConvertObj(value);

        /// into the stack
        public async Task ListLeftPushAsync(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.ListLeftPushAsync(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// out of stack
        public async Task ListLeftPopAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            var value = await Do(db => db.ListLeftPopAsync(key));
            return ConvertObj(value);

        /// get length of the list by key
        public async Task ListLengthAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(redis => redis.ListLengthAsync(key));

        #endregion Asyn method

        #endregion List

        #region Hash

        #region Sync method

        /// if existed in the cache
        public bool HashExists(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.HashExists(key, dataKey));

        /// save data into the hash table
        public bool HashSet(string key, string dataKey, T t)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db =>
                string json = ConvertJson(t);
                return db.HashSet(key, dataKey, json);

        /// remove a single value in hash
        public bool HashDelete(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.HashDelete(key, dataKey));

        /// remove multiple values in hash
        public long HashDelete(string key, List dataKeys)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            //List dataKeys1 = new List() {"1","2"};
            return Do(db => db.HashDelete(key, dataKeys.ToArray()));

        /// get data from a hash table
        public T HashGet(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db =>
                string value = db.HashGet(key, dataKey);
                return ConvertObj(value);

        /// increase value for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// increased value
        public double HashIncrement(string key, string dataKey, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.HashIncrement(key, dataKey, val));

        /// reduce value for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// reduced value
        public double HashDecrement(string key, string dataKey, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.HashDecrement(key, dataKey, val));

        /// Get hashkey all Redis key
        public List HashKeys(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db =>
                RedisValue[] values = db.HashKeys(key);
                return ConvetList(values);

        #endregion Sync method

        #region Asyn method

        /// if existed in the cache
        public async Task HashExistsAsync(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.HashExistsAsync(key, dataKey));

        /// save data into the hash table
        public async Task HashSetAsync(string key, string dataKey, T t)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db =>
                string json = ConvertJson(t);
                return db.HashSetAsync(key, dataKey, json);

        ///  remove a single value in hash
        public async Task HashDeleteAsync(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.HashDeleteAsync(key, dataKey));

        /// remove multiple values in hash
        public async Task HashDeleteAsync(string key, List dataKeys)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            //List dataKeys1 = new List() {"1","2"};
            return await Do(db => db.HashDeleteAsync(key, dataKeys.ToArray()));

        /// get data from a hash table
        public async Task HashGeAsync(string key, string dataKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            string value = await Do(db => db.HashGetAsync(key, dataKey));
            return ConvertObj(value);

        /// increase value for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// increased value
        public async Task HashIncrementAsync(string key, string dataKey, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.HashIncrementAsync(key, dataKey, val));

        /// reduce value for numbers
        /// can be negative
        /// reduced value
        public async Task HashDecrementAsync(string key, string dataKey, double val = 1)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(db => db.HashDecrementAsync(key, dataKey, val));

        /// Get hashkey all Redis key
        public async Task> HashKeysAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            RedisValue[] values = await Do(db => db.HashKeysAsync(key));
            return ConvetList(values);

        #endregion Asyn method

        #endregion Hash

        #region SortedSet

        #region Sync method

        /// add
        public bool SortedSetAdd(string key, T value, double score)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis => redis.SortedSetAdd(key, ConvertJson(value), score));

        /// delete
        public bool SortedSetRemove(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis => redis.SortedSetRemove(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// getall
        public List SortedSetRangeByRank(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis =>
                var values = redis.SortedSetRangeByRank(key);
                return ConvetList(values);

        /// get count in the colloection
        public long SortedSetLength(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(redis => redis.SortedSetLength(key));

        #endregion Sync method

        #region Asyn method

        /// add
        public async Task SortedSetAddAsync(string key, T value, double score)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(redis => redis.SortedSetAddAsync(key, ConvertJson(value), score));

        /// delete
        public async Task SortedSetRemoveAsync(string key, T value)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(redis => redis.SortedSetRemoveAsync(key, ConvertJson(value)));

        /// get all
        public async Task> SortedSetRangeByRankAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            var values = await Do(redis => redis.SortedSetRangeByRankAsync(key));
            return ConvetList(values);

        /// get count in collection
        public async Task SortedSetLengthAsync(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return await Do(redis => redis.SortedSetLengthAsync(key));

        #endregion Asyn method

        #endregion SortedSet

        #region key management
        /// key management
        /// redis key
        /// if it is deleted
        public bool KeyDelete(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.KeyDelete(key));

        /// delete mutiple keys 
        /// rediskey
        /// deleted count
        public long KeyDelete(List keys)
            List newKeys = keys.Select(AddSysCustomKey).ToList();
            return Do(db => db.KeyDelete(ConvertRedisKeys(newKeys)));

        /// if the key is saved
        /// redis key
        public bool KeyExists(string key)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.KeyExists(key));

        /// rename key
        /// old redis key
        /// new redis key
        public bool KeyRename(string key, string newKey)
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.KeyRename(key, newKey));

        /// set key expiry time
        /// redis key
        public bool KeyExpire(string key, TimeSpan? expiry = default(TimeSpan?))
            key = AddSysCustomKey(key);
            return Do(db => db.KeyExpire(key, expiry));

        #endregion key

        #region Publish  Subscribe

        /// Subscribe
        public void Subscribe(string subChannel, Action handler = null)
            ISubscriber sub = _conn.GetSubscriber();
            sub.Subscribe(subChannel, (channel, message) =>
                if (handler == null)
                    Console.WriteLine(subChannel + " subscription news:" + message);
                    handler(channel, message);

        /// Publish 
        public long Publish(string channel, T msg)
            ISubscriber sub = _conn.GetSubscriber();
            return sub.Publish(channel, ConvertJson(msg));

        /// cancle Subscribe
        public void Unsubscribe(string channel)
            ISubscriber sub = _conn.GetSubscriber();

        /// cancle Subscribe all
        public void UnsubscribeAll()
            ISubscriber sub = _conn.GetSubscriber();


        #region Others

        public ITransaction CreateTransaction()
            return GetDatabase().CreateTransaction();

        public IDatabase GetDatabase()
            return _conn.GetDatabase(DbNum);

        public IServer GetServer(string hostAndPort)
            return _conn.GetServer(hostAndPort);

        /// set the prefix
        public void SetSysCustomKey(string customKey)
            CustomKey = customKey;

        #endregion Others


