
sh_get_ion -archive cddis -yr 2020 -doy 001 -ion igsg
ftp_info = sh_get_ftp_info -archive cddis -type ion
Information extracted from ftp_info
ftplogin anonymous [email protected]
ftpdir /pub/gps/products/ionex/YYYY/DDD
ftpcmd ftp -invp
Getting requested IONEX files
~/work/ngs/2020_001G ~/work/ngs/igs ~/work/ngs
Linked …/ionex/igsg0010.20i to ftest0.001 after download

[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ngs]$ sh_get_ion 
 Get IONEX files from CDDIS archive  
 Usage: sh_get_ion -archive  -yr  -doy  -ndays  -multiday 
                      -ion  -ftp_prog   
 Where:  Either cddis or igni [Defautl cddis] 
         4 char year of IONEX data requested  [Required] 
         3 char day of year of IONEX data requested  [Required] 
         Number of consecutive days of data to retreive  [Default 1] 
         Form a multiday IONEX file from downloaded files (not yet implemented)
         The precision of ion map requested.  [Default f] 
                  where f=final, r=rapid, p=predicted 
         IONEX file to be download  [Default igsg] 
                 available at cddis: igsg igrg codg corg jplg jprg upcg uprg
                 available at igni: all above + esag esrg 
         choose the ftp program to be used [default is ftp]
 Examples: sh_get_ion -yr 1998 -doy 235  
           sh_get_ion -yr 1998 -doy 235 -ion codg 
           sh_get_ion -yr 1998 -doy 235 -ndays 7 -ftp_prog ncftp
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ngs]$ 
