或者 https://download.csdn.net/download/zhoury/11929633
并查集生成迷宫参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40693171/article/details/100716766
import random
# 并查集生成迷宫
aa = 5
tree = [] # 节点地图
isling = [] # 节点连通关系
for i in range(0, aa):
ta = []
for j in range(0, aa):
ta.append(-1) # 初始值为-1
for i in range(0, aa * aa):
tb = []
for j in range(0, aa * aa):
tb.append(-1) # 初始值为-1
def getnei(a): # 获得邻居号,上下左右四个节点 random
x = int(a / aa) # 要精确成整数
y = a % aa
mynei = [] # 储存邻居
if x - 1 >= 0:
mynei.append((x - 1) * aa + y) # 上节点
if x + 1 < aa:
mynei.append((x + 1) * aa + y) # 下节点
if y - 1 >= 0:
mynei.append(x * aa + y - 1) # 左节点
if y + 1 < aa:
mynei.append(x * aa + y + 1) # 右节点
ran = random.randint(0, len(mynei) - 1)
return (mynei[ran])
def search(a): # 找到根节点
if tree[int(a / aa)][a % aa] > 0: # 说明是子节点
return search(tree[int(a / aa)][a % aa])
return a
def union(a, b): # 合并
a1 = search(a) # a根
b1 = search(b) # b根
if a1 != b1:
if tree[int(a1 / aa)][a1 % aa] < tree[int(b1 / aa)][b1 % aa]: # 这个是负数()
tree[int(a1 / aa)][a1 % aa] += tree[int(b1 / aa)][b1 % aa] # 个数相加 注意是负数相加
tree[int(b1 / aa)][b1 % aa] = a1 # b树成为a树的子树,b的根b1直接指向a,值>0
tree[int(b1 / aa)][b1 % aa] += tree[int(a1 / aa)][a1 % aa]
tree[int(a1 / aa)][a1 % aa] = b1 # a所在树成为b所在树的子树,值>0
while search(0) != search(aa * aa - 1): # 并查集主要思路
num = int(random.randint(0, aa * aa - 1)) # 产生一个小于aa*aa-1的随机数
neihbour = getnei(num) # 取一个邻居
if search(num) == search(neihbour): # 检查是否在同一个集合中
else: # 不在同一个集合中则将两个集合合并
isling[num][neihbour] = 1 # 表示 num 和 neihbour 两节点连通
isling[neihbour][num] = 1
union(num, neihbour)
# 以下为显示迷宫
# 画第一条横线
s = "+"
for j in range(0, aa):
s = s + "-+"
# 画第一行至aa-1行格子及下面的横线
for i in range(0, aa):
s = "|"
for k in range(0, aa - 1): # 防止最后一列溢出
s = s + " "
if isling[i * aa + k][i * aa + k + 1] == 1:
s = s + " "
s = s + "|"
s = s + " |" # 追加画最后一格
# 画格子下面的横线,要检测是否与下一行格子连通
s = "+"
for k in range(0, aa):
if i < aa - 1: # 防止最后一行溢出
if isling[i * aa + k][(i + 1) * aa + k] == 1:
s = s + " "
s = s + "-"
s = s + "+"
else: # 追加画最后一行横线
s = s + "-+"
# AStar算法
class Node: # 节点
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x # 节点坐标
self.y = y
self.g = 0 # 到起点的长度
self.h = 0 # 到终点的长度
self.px = -1 # 父节点x
self.py = -1 # 父节点y
class AStar: # 算法类
def __init__(self, w, h, isling):
self.W = w # 地图宽
self.H = h # 地图高
self.Isling = isling # 节点连通关系
self.OpenSet = [] # 开放节点表
self.CloseSet = [] # 关闭节点表
def findPath(self, startNode, endNode): # 路径查找
curNode = startNode # 将开始节点设为当点节点
bFound = False
while (not bFound):
self.CloseSet.append(curNode) # 当前节点加入关闭节点
cura = curNode.x * self.W + curNode.y # 节点二维坐标转为一维
arrs = []
if curNode.x - 1 >= 0:
arrs.append([curNode.x - 1, curNode.y]) # 左节点
if curNode.x + 1 < self.W:
arrs.append([curNode.x + 1, curNode.y]) # 右节点
if curNode.y - 1 >= 0:
arrs.append([curNode.x, curNode.y - 1]) # 上节点
if curNode.y + 1 < self.H:
arrs.append([curNode.x, curNode.y + 1]) # 下节点
for arr in arrs:
a = arr[0] * self.W + arr[1] # 节点二维坐标转为一维
if self.Isling[cura][a] != 1: # 该节点与当前节点不连通,则跳过
found = 0
for cnode in self.CloseSet: # 查找是否已在CloseSet
if cnode.x == arr[0] and cnode.y == arr[1]: # 在OpenSet中
found = 1
if found == 1: #在Closet中,则跳过
node = Node(arr[0], arr[1])
node.g = curNode.g + 1 # 重新设置到起点的长度
node.h = abs(node.x - endNode.x) + abs(node.y - endNode.y) # 计算到终止节点的长度
node.px = curNode.x # 父节点改为当前节点
node.py = curNode.y
if node.x == endNode.x and node.y == endNode.y: # 如果是终止节点,则表示已找到,返回
bFound = True
return node
found = 0
i = -1
for onode in self.OpenSet: # 查找是否已在OpenSet
i = i + 1
if onode.x == node.x and onode.y == node.y: # 在OpenSet中
if node.g < onode.g: # 如果新g值更小,则更新节点
self.OpenSet[i].g = node.g
self.OpenSet[i].h = node.h
self.OpenSet[i].px = node.px
self.OpenSet[i].py = node.py
found = 1
if found == 0: # 如果不在OpenSet中,则新节点加入OpenSet
# 在OpenSet中查找最小f=g+h值,设为当前节点
f = 99999
i = -1
j = -1
for onode in self.OpenSet:
i = i + 1
if f > onode.g + onode.h:
f = onode.g + onode.h
j = i
if j < 0: # 找到了OpenSet为空,表示找不到路径
return None
curNode = self.OpenSet[j]
del self.OpenSet[j]
astar = AStar(aa, aa, isling)
startNode = Node(0, 0)
endNode = Node(aa - 1, aa - 1)
node = astar.findPath(startNode, endNode)
if node == None:
for cnode in astar.CloseSet:
if cnode.x == node.x and cnode.y == node.y:
tree[node.x][node.y] = aa*aa
node.x = cnode.px
node.y = cnode.py
# 以下为显示迷宫解答
# 画第一条横线
s = "+"
for j in range(0, aa):
s = s + "-+"
# 画第一行至aa-1行格子及下面的横线
for i in range(0, aa):
s = "|"
for k in range(0, aa - 1): # 防止最后一列溢出
if tree[i][k] == aa*aa:
s = s + "@"
s = s + " "
if isling[i * aa + k][i * aa + k + 1] == 1:
s = s + " "
s = s + "|"
if tree[i][aa-1] == aa*aa: # 追加画最后一格
s = s + "@"
s = s + " "
s = s + "|"
# 画格子下面的横线,要检测是否与下一行格子连通
s = "+"
for k in range(0, aa):
if i < aa - 1: # 防止最后一行溢出
if isling[i * aa + k][(i + 1) * aa + k] == 1:
s = s + " "
s = s + "-"
s = s + "+"
else: # 追加画最后一行横线
s = s + "-+"