1):co-gnu3.lnt 2):pingtai.lnt 3):project.lnt 4):/pclint_include目录(静态检查用到的标准库文件) 5):PC-Lint报告模版.xls |
//*『说明』*****************工程头文件路径,注意:您的路径不同! 各个工程的头文件路径,根据需要修改。下面是一个例子,请根据实际情况修改。
-iD:\project\E6000_mm\201108_Integrity\IPMI\src\ipmi -iD:\project\E6000_mm\201108_Integrity\IPMI\src\vos //-iE:\work\代码检视\模块和Pclint\82xx\mtv_82xx\include -iD:\project\project_doc\20110819_pclintcfg\pclint_include -elib(*)
-w2 |
2)在options菜单中打开custom Commands,如图:
3)在打开的Custom Commands窗口中,
“cmd.exe /c SI_ICP.cmd LNT
D:\project\project_doc\20110819_pclintcfg/project.lnt %f”,
// 2006-05-19 Add by FanRong -"format=%(%F(%l):%) error %n: (%t -- %m)" //平台标准的PC-Lint执行结果输出格式 //-"format=Error %(%F %l: %)%t %n %m"
// 2006-05-19 Add by FanRong //-"format=%(%F(%l):%) error %n: (%t -- %m)" //平台标准的PC-Lint执行结果输出格式 -"format=Error %(%F %l: %)%t %n %m"
// co-gnu3.lnt
// Compiler Options for GCC versions 2.95.3 and later
// This file contains options to allow FlexeLint to process source
// files for the Gnu compiler (GCC).
// flint co-gnu.lnt source-file(s)
// If you are using GCC on some other system you will need to change
// the following options:
-cgnu // Notifies FlexeLint that gcc is being used.
// Begin: System Dependent Options
// -------------------------------
-d__i386__ // a define of this type is machine-dependent
// modify if you are running on non-intel hardware.
-d__linux__ // Linux define!
//-d__mc68000__ //a machine dependent define
-di386=1 // needed for some Unix's
-a#machine(i386) // #assert's machine(i386) (SVR4 facility).
// What follows is the trickiest thing about a gcc installation, i.e.,
// one or more -i options to tell FlexeLint where the header files
// are coming from.
-i/usr/include // This is pretty standard throughout the Unix world
-i/FlexeLint/supp/ansi // This we humbly offer as a collection of ...
// ANSI (i.e ISO) header files. Replace the word "FlexeLint"
// with the name of the directory in which FlexeLint has
// been installed. Note, you might want to replace "ansi"
// with "posix".
-i/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/2.5.8/include // This is only offered as
// an example. It will clearly change with the version
// of GCC.
-si4 // int's are typically 4 bytes
-sp4 // ptr's are typically 4 bytes
// -----------------------------
// End: System Dependent Options
+cpp(.cc,.C) // extensions for C++ that are commonly used in addition
// to the default extensions of .cpp and .cxx
// while processing library headers
-wlib(1) // sets the warning level within library headers to 1
// (no warnings, just syntax errors). Comment out if you
// are actually linting library headers. This
// option makes obsolete options of the form -elib(axxx) where
// xxx >= 400 which may be retained for historical reasons.
-elib(15) // redeclaration of symbol
-elib(516) // lots of redeclarations in Linux stdlib.h
-elib(652) // suppress message about #define of earlier declared symbols
-elib(762) // suppress message about multiple identical declarations and
-elib(760) // suppress message about multiple identical macro defs
-elib(553) // undefined preprocessor variables are taken as 0
-elib(410) // unusual size_t
-elib(767) // differently defined macro
-elib(624) // typedef symbol redeclared
-elib(607) // parameter substitution within string
-elib(602) // in dial.h there are comments within comments ?
-elib(537) // repeated include files
-elib(2) // unclosed quotes in nserve.h
-elib(123) // size is both a variable and a macro with args
-elib(1014) // class member definition within extern "C++"
-emacro(734,putc) // don't complain about items being too large.
-emacro((???),va_arg) // the va_arg() macro can yield 415, 416, 661, 662
// 796 and 797 (out-of-bounds errors).
-emacro(413,offsetof) // use of NULL pointer creates a stir
-emacro(545,offsetof) // addressing an array member is OK
-elib(793) // Linux has minor ANSI violation in stddef.h
-elib(569) // Linux truncates some data in huge_val.h
// We don't care if we don't reference some GNU funcs
// The following options were found necessary when processing
// the Unix headers within /usr/include
//+fdi // Use the directory of the including file
+ppw(ident) // Tolerate #ident
+rw(__inline) // enable the (non-standard) __inline keyword
+rw(__inline__) // enable the (non-standard) __inline__ keyword
// The following functions exhibit variable return modes.
// That is, they may equally-usefully be called for a value
// as called just for their effects. Accordingly we inhibit
// Warning 534 for these functions.
// Feel free to add to or subtract from this list.
// For non-ANSI compilers we suppress messages 515 and 516
// for functions known to have variable argument lists.
// For ANSI compilers, header files should take care of this.
// The following options are required by most compilers to
// noiselessly process iostream.h
-elib(1717) //empty prototypes
-elib(522) //function return value ignored
-elib(1053) //prototypes cannot be distinguished
-elib(1721) //unusual operator =() declaration
-elib(1720) //assignment op has non-const parameter
-elib(655) // bitwise operator combining compatible enum's
-elib(641) // converting enum's to int
-elib(537) // repeated include file (ios.h)
-elib(1511) // member (rdbuf) hides nonvirtual member
-elib(1712) // default constructor not defined for class
// These functions return things that are frequently ignored.
-elib(747) //significant prototype coercion
-elib(740) //unusual pointer casts
-elib(1029) //default argument repeated -- can't dist. char, signed char
-elib(1055) //call to rdbuf() questioned?
-elib(1708,1709) // minor C/C++ declaration conflict
-elib(763) // redundant declaration
-elib(1510) // base class has no destructor
-elib(1516) // data member hiding inherited member
-elib(1730) // class/struct inconsistancy
-elib(569) // loss of information 8-bits - 7bits
// What follows here is a collection of options we have found
// to be needed to support Version 3 of GCC. The need for these
// options actually predate Version 3 and are of the 2.9... time frame
-e93 // allow newlines within quoted string arguments to macros
-dasm()= // support inline assembly code by ignoring asm(...)
-d__attribute__()= // ignore this keyword and following parenthetical
-d__extension__= // ignore this keyword
-d__builtin_va_list=void* // used by stdarg.h
-d__builtin_stdarg_start()=_to_semi // ditto
-d__builtin_va_end()=_to_semi // ditto
+rw(_to_semi) // needed for the two macros above.
-d__const=const // gconv.h uses __const rather than const
-d__STDC_VERSION__=199901L // required by C99
+fwc // wchar_t is builtin
-d_WCHAR_T // tell the header files as much
-elib(148) // Some of the libraries are redefining member
// functions
-elib(1073) // reverse_iterator<> is being invoked with
// an insufficient number of parameters.
+rw(__typeof__) // activate __typeof__ keyword
-d__typeof=__typeof__ // an alternative to using __typeof__
// 中央平台质量部制定的标准选项文件
// 本文件只能由专门人员进行修改,任何其他人不得修改
// 2005-11-4 create by lidongqin.
-e46 //编译器支持BIT域定义的数据结构,可以使用非int型定义
-e537 //头文件被多次包含是不可避免的,这个问题是可以由在书写头文件时,做到防止重复包含来解决。
-e641 //允许屏蔽
-e715 //参数没使用时出现,有时是为了跟已有的函数原型匹配,但并不使用其中的部分参数,如定时器,这个没有必要消除
-e717 //一般可供多个函数公用,但又不宜组织成函数的一段代码最好是组织成宏函数,但是为了不致引用错误,可以定义成do{…}while(0)这样的形式
-e788 //在switch语句中,如果变量是一个枚举的类型,这个告警要求每个枚举都有一个case分支,但程序设计时,
-e1701 //重复的访问限定符(public, prtected, private).屏蔽,向导经常产生重复的限定符. (确认一下此项告警的真正含义)
-e1702 //在C++模式中非常常见,一些operator操作符作为全局和成员函数同时定义(用新pclint版本确认一下两个类都有同样的操作符是否也会告警)
-e1704 //在C++模式中非常常见,构造函数为私有,这是为了独体类实现需要
-e1711 //使用的第三方代码中存在这种用法] 类中有虚函数但是该类未被继承。类不被继承则虚函数没有优点反而带来开销。
-e1717 //空的函数原型如void f();空的参数对于C与C++的意义是不同的。可声明为(void).屏蔽,在VC中这是习惯写法.
-e1736 //类中多余的访问限定符。显式的操作限定符不是必需的,因为较早的操作限定符将会起作用。屏蔽,向导经常产生重复的限定符 yes
// 中央平台质量部制定的标准选项文件
// 本文件只能由专门人员进行修改,任何其他人不得修改
// 2005-11-4 create by lidongqin.
-e46 //编译器支持BIT域定义的数据结构,可以使用非int型定义
-e537 //头文件被多次包含是不可避免的,这个问题是可以由在书写头文件时,做到防止重复包含来解决。
-e641 //允许屏蔽
-e715 //参数没使用时出现,有时是为了跟已有的函数原型匹配,但并不使用其中的部分参数,如定时器,这个没有必要消除
-e717 //一般可供多个函数公用,但又不宜组织成函数的一段代码最好是组织成宏函数,但是为了不致引用错误,可以定义成do{…}while(0)这样的形式
-e788 //在switch语句中,如果变量是一个枚举的类型,这个告警要求每个枚举都有一个case分支,但程序设计时,
-e1701 //重复的访问限定符(public, prtected, private).屏蔽,向导经常产生重复的限定符. (确认一下此项告警的真正含义)
-e1702 //在C++模式中非常常见,一些operator操作符作为全局和成员函数同时定义(用新pclint版本确认一下两个类都有同样的操作符是否也会告警)
-e1704 //在C++模式中非常常见,构造函数为私有,这是为了独体类实现需要
-e1711 //使用的第三方代码中存在这种用法] 类中有虚函数但是该类未被继承。类不被继承则虚函数没有优点反而带来开销。
-e1717 //空的函数原型如void f();空的参数对于C与C++的意义是不同的。可声明为(void).屏蔽,在VC中这是习惯写法.
-e1736 //类中多余的访问限定符。显式的操作限定符不是必需的,因为较早的操作限定符将会起作用。屏蔽,向导经常产生重复的限定符 yes
// 2006-05-19 Add by FanRong
//-"format=%(%F(%l):%) error %n: (%t -- %m)" //平台标准的PC-Lint执行结果输出格式
-"format=Error %(%F %l: %)%t %n %m"
//中硬定义的告警屏蔽文件,不需要的请用双斜杠注释掉--2010.11.5 modified by wangjing
-e818 // 函数指针必须声明为const类型,否则会出现此警告
-e155 //对于gcc编译器,默认把花括号中的内容{..}当作0,从而引起其他告警,因此去除。
-e160 //支持({...})格式的代码段
-emacro( {746}, EIEIO )
-emacro( {1055}, EIEIO )
-emacro( {572}, BYTE_SWAP16 )
-emacro( {572}, BYTE_SWAP32 )
-emacro( (572), LONGSWAP )
-wlib(1) //只显示库函数中的句法错误
-esym(*,_*) //PCLINT不识别__asm__预插入宏等内联指令而产生的告警*/
-DCHIP_DSP=1 //算法所需要定义的芯片类型;
--rw(cregister) //增加cregister关键字
-width(0) // don't break lines
-hFmn1 // always supply a File but no macro