关于Unity中的Mesh Collider碰撞器

原来我的场景中有一个平面Plane带Mesh Collider碰撞器组件,一个主角Hero带有一个Box Collider碰撞器和有重力的Rigidbody刚体组件,主角可以放在平面上。

在导入场景后,隐藏平面Plane,给一个地板添加一个Mesh Collider碰撞器,把主角放地板上,结果主角居然直接穿透过去,很奇怪。

然后我先隐藏平面Plane,再导入场景,再给一个地板添加一个Mesh Collider碰撞器,把主角放地板上,结果主角可以放在上面。




There are some limitations when using the Mesh Collider. Usually, two Mesh Colliders cannot collide with each other. All Mesh Colliders can collide with any primitive Collider. If your mesh is marked as Convex, then it can collide with other Mesh Colliders.





所以我先隐藏或者删除平面Plane再导入场景,再在场景的地板节点添加Mesh Collider碰撞器组件,就可以站在上面了。




1.Mesh Colliders cannot collide with each other unless they are marked as Convex. Therefore, they are most useful for background objects like environment geometry.

2.Convex Mesh Colliders must be fewer than 255 triangles.

3.Primitive Colliders are less costly for objects under physics control.

4.When you attach a Mesh Collider to a GameObject, its Mesh property will default to the mesh being rendered. You can change that by assigning a different Mesh.

5.To add multiple Colliders for an object, create child GameObjects and attach a Collider to each one. This allows each Collider to be manipulated independently.

6.You can look at the gizmos in the Scene View to see how the Collider is being calculated on your object.
可以通过场景视图(Scene View )中的线框(gizmos)来查看碰撞器在你的对象上的预期效果。

7.Colliders do their best to match the scale of an object. If you have a non-uniform scale (a scale which is different in each direction), only the Mesh Collider can match completely.

8.If you are moving an object through its Transform component but you want to receive Collision/Trigger messages, you must attach a Rigidbody to the object that is moving.

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