《Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11》说完了一些大概及开发者应具备的条件等,给与出一个第六章才学到的box让大家过过瘾,但这个瘾不是好过的;
VS2010链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1htV2lNI 密码:sm4r;
DXSDK_Jun10.exe链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o9g5dH4 密码:nqqg
书链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jJhtjhG 密码:1unp
代码链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o9AXmm2 密码:asfv
(2)link 库文件,按书上说的即可,d3dll.lib;d3dxlld.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;Effectslld.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;把以上代码复制进去,但编译时会出现问题,d3dll等后边ll改为11,书上错了,正确为:d3d11.lib;d3dx11d.lib;D3DCompiler.lib;Effects11d.lib;dxerr.lib;dxgi.lib;dxguid.lib;注意分号用英文,不能在中文下编写。
(3)包含头文件与库文件,按书上操作,注意要包含2组头文件及库文件,头文件为 SDK下的include,common, SDK下的lib\X86,common;
也可以用一劳永逸的办法,但第一个困难来了,书上这样说的:In Visual Studio 2010, the directory paths are per project settings (this differs from Visual Studio 2008 behavior). This means you need to set the search paths for every project when you make a new project. If you make many demo projects, this can be annoying.However, there is a way to make these settings permanent for a user. Under the Visual Studio menu, select View > Other Windows >
Property Manager. Expand the property manager as in Figure 9, and double-click the Microsoft. Cpp. Win32, user item. You get a dialog box similar to the one in Figure 8, except that the paths you set here will persist across projects, so that you do not need to add them every time. More specifically, every new project you make will inherit the values set here.
大致意思为:“ 2010版的VS需要为每个项目设置目录路径(这和2008版不同)。这意味着你需要为每一个新建的项目设置搜索路径。假如你制作很多演示项目,会非常烦恼的。然而,这里有一种方法可以为开发者做永久性设置。在VS菜单下,视图》其他窗口》属性管理器。就像图9一样展开属性管理器......”
2.然后,第二个困难来了,怎么退回文件视图,以增加源文件、头文件等,跟VC++6.0不一样,选择视图》解决方案资源管理器 即可。
3. 将书上说的文件导入:1. Right-click on the project name under the Solution Explorer and select Add > Existing Item... from the dropdown menu, andadd BoxDemo.cpp to the project.
2. Right-click on the project name under the Solution Explorer and select Add > New Filter, and name the filter FX. Right-click on the FX filter and select Add > Existing Item... from the dropdown menu, and add FX\color.fx to the project.
3. Right-click on the project name under the Solution Explorer and select Add > New Filter, and name the filter Common. Right-click on the Common filter and select Add > Existing Item... from the dropdown menu, navigate to where you placed the book'sCommon directory code, and add all the .h/.cpp files from that directory to the project.
4. The source code files are now part of the project, and your Solution Explorer should look like Figure 11. You can now go to themain menu, and select Debug > Start Debugging to compile, link, and execute the demo. The application in Figure 12 shouldappear.F