

  • 正则语言与有穷自动机

    • 可数无穷
    • 正则表达式(注意+不是正则,*是正则; L=L=
    • DFA
      • M = ( K , Σ , δ , s , F ) where
        K is a finite set of states,
        Σ is an alphabet,
        sK is the initial state,
        FK is the set of final states,
        δ is the transition function form K×Σ to K
    • NFA
      • M = ( K , Σ , Δ , s , F ) where
        K is a finite set of states,
        Σ is an alphabet,
        sK is the initial state,
        FK is the set of final states,
        Δ is the transition relation form K×(Σ{e})×K to K
        • for each NFA, there is an equivalent DFA
    • closure 和 pumping theory
      • The class of languages accepted vy finite automata is closed under:
        1. union
        2. concatentenation
        3. Kleene star
        4. complementation
        5. intersection
      • A language is regular if and only if it is accepted by finite automaton
        正则表达式和DFA, NFA的相互转化按照步骤生成
      • Pumping Theory: Let L be a regular language. There is an integer n1 such that any string wL with |w|n can be rewritten as w=xyz such that ye,|xy|n , and xyizL for each i0

    Give DFA or NFA write Regular Expression
    Give regular expression, write DFA or NFA
    Show a given language is (construct) or is not regular (pumping)

  • context-free and pushdown自动机

    • context-free grammar
      • G = ( V , Σ , R , S ) where
        V is an alphabet
        Σ is the set of terminals, is a subset of V
        R is the set of rules (VΣ)×V
        S is the start Symbol, is an element of VΣ
      • all regular languages are context-free
      • parse tree, leftmost derivation, rightmost derivation
        Grammars with strings that have two or more distinct parse trees are called ambiguous
    • PDA

      • M = ( K , Σ , Γ , Δ , s , F ) where
        K is a finite set of states
        Σ is an alphabet (the input symbols)
        Γ is an alphabet (the stack symbols)
        sK is initial state
        FK is the set of final states
        Δ is the transition relation (K×(Σ{e})×Γ)×(K×Γ)

      • The class of languages accepted by PDA is exactly the class of context-free languages
        The transitions from CFL to PDA:

        1. ((p,e,e),(q,S))
        2. ((q,e,A),(q,x)) for each rule Ax in R
        3. ((q,a,a),(q,e)) for each aΣ.
    • clousure, pumping theory
      • CFL are closed under union, concatenation, Kleene star, CFL在补和交上不封闭
      • CFL与正则的交集为CFL
      • pumping theory: Let G = ( V , Σ , R , S ). Then any string wL(G) of length greater than ϕ(G)|VΣ| can be written as w=uvxyz in such a way that either v or y is nonempty and uvnxynz is in L(G) for every n0

    Given context-free language, write context-free grammar and PDA
    Give context-free grammar, write PDA
    Show a given language is or is not Context-free

  • Turing Machine and Recursive Enumerable Language

    • Turing machine

      • M = ( K , Σ , δ , s , H ) where
        K is a finite set of states
        Σ is an alphabet, containing the blank symbol and the left end symbol , but not containing the symbol and
        sK is the initial state
        HK is the set of halting states
        δ , the transition function (KH)×Σ to K×(Σ{,})
      • 一些图灵机的符号表达(左右平移机( S,S ), 复制机)

      • M decide L : if wL then M accepts w , and if wL then M rejects w
        Call a language recursice if there is a TM decides it.

      • A function f is called recursive if there is a TM computes f
      • M semidecides L : wL iif M halts on input w
        Call a language recursicely enumerable iif there is a TM semidecides it.
      • if a language is recursive, then it is recursively enumerable
      • the complement of recursive language is also recursive
      • 多带和复合
        Corollary: Any function that is computed or language that is decided or semidecided by a k-tape TM is also computed, decided or semidecided by a standard TM.
    • Grammar
      • G = ( V , Σ , R , S ) where
        V is an alphabet
        Σ is the set of terminals, is a subset of V
        R is the set of rules (V(VΣ)V)×V
        S is the start Symbol, is an element of VΣ
      • a language is generated by a grammar iif it is recursively enumerable
      • G computes f , if: SwSGv iif v=f(w) .
        A function f is called grammatically computable iif there is a grammar G computes it.
      • A fucntion f is recursive iif it is grammatically computable
      • the transition form TM to Grammar? (P230)
    • Numerical Function
      • Basic Function:
        1. zero, zerok(n1,n2,...,nk)=0
        2. identity, idk,j(n1,n2,...,nk)=nj
        3. successor, succ(n)=n+1
      • The primitive recursive functions are all basic functions, and all functions that can be obtained by them by any number of successive application of composition and recursive definition
      • other primitive resursive funstion:
        • plus(m,n)=m+n use m+n
        • mult(m,n)=mn use mn
        • exp(m,n)=mn use mn
        • all constant functions of the form f(n1,...,nk)=17
        • sgn(n) which is zero if n=0
        • mn=max{mn,0} (defined use a predecessor function pred(0)=0,pred(n+1)=n )
        • primitive recursive predicate (primitive functions that only takes values 0 and 1):
          • greaterthan(m,n) , greaterthanorequal(m,n) , equal(m,n)
          • iszero(n) , isone(n) , positive(n)
          • Those function’s negation, disjunction and conjunction are also primitive recursive predicates
          • Funstion defined by cases:(can be written as)
        • rem(m,n) and div(m,n)
      • not all computable functions are primitive recursive
      • denote minimalization of g by μ m[g(n1,n2,...,nk,m)=1] The obvious method:
        m:=0 ;
        while g(n1,n2,...nk,m)1 do m:=m+1
        output m
        But it is not a algorithm becaues it may fail to terminate
        • call a function g minimalizable if the above method always terminates.
        • Call a function μ -recursive if it can be obtained form basic functions by operations of composition, recursive definition, and minimalization of minimalizable funtions.
        • log(m,n)=μ p[greaterthanorequal((m+2)p,n+1)]
        • A function is μ -recursive iif it is recursive(that is, computable by a TM)

    Design Turing machine to compute a function or decide (semidecide) a language

  • Undecidablity

    • Church Turing Thesis
      • 在所有输入上停机 算法
    • Chomasky hierachy
    • Universal Turing Machine
      • 状态 {q}{0,1}
        符号 {a}{0,1}
        特殊符号: , , ,  四个字典序下最小的符号
      • 通用图灵机

    • Halting problem
      • H={"M","w": TM M halts on input string w} is recursively enumerable It is precisely the language semidecided by universal TM U.
      • The language H is not Recursive; therefore, the class of recursive languages is a strict subset of the class of recursively enumerable languages.
      • The class of recursively enumerable languages is not closed under complement
    • Some Undecidable problem and Reduction
      • 若有 XY (X规约到Y), X 不可判定,则 Y 不可判定;Y 可判定, 则 X 可判定。
    • Properites of recursive languages
      • A lanuage is recursive iif both it and its complement are recursively enumerable
      • Turing-enumerable and lexicographioally Turing enumerable
        • A language is Turing-enumerable iif there is a TM enumerates it.
        • A language is recursively enumerable iif it is turing-enumerable.
        • A language is recursive iif it is lexicographically Turing-enumerable
    • Rice

    Show a given language be recursive enumerable
    show a given language be not recursive last one

  • 来自总结的一些例子:

    1. abc{anbncn,n>=0} is context free but not regular
    2. L=L1L2 , L 是context free, 则 L1 一定是context free (x)
    3. Regular - context free不一定是CFL (如 abcanbn 包含 anbncn )
    4. 2-way PDA(i.e. PDA whose input head can move both left and right are more powerful than 1-way PDA
    5. Given a PDA M1 and an FA M2 , the problem L(M1)L(M2) is deciable
    6. 非正则语言的kleen star也可能是正则的。
    7. 正则语言的子集也可能非正则。

    8. 递归与 μ 递归等价

    9. PDA中,若每一个格局至多有一个格局接在它后面,则为确定型的。确定型CFL在补下封闭
    10. A countable union of regular languages is necessarily regular (x) 可数包含可数无穷

    11. 计算理论总结_第6张图片

    12. 这里写图片描述
    13. 有时构造context-free不太好想时,通过构造PDA证之。
    14. It is decidable whether or not a given string belongs to a context-free language.
      It is decidable whether or not a context-free language is empty.

    15. 计算理论总结_第10张图片
    16. pumping theory不能反过来证明是否正则或CFL
    17. If L1 is regular, L2 is not regular, then L1L2 must be non-regular (X)
    18. 判断
    19. 对于非确定图灵机的n步,确定图灵机要用n的指数步来模拟
  • 判断下面问题是否可判定

    • 两个基本问题(前者为递归可枚举但不递归,后者不是递归可枚举)
      1. 一个图灵机至少有481个状态 (YES)
      2. 给定图灵机在空串上走了481步还没有停机 (YES)
      3. 给定图灵机,判断它是否在一些输入上经过481步还没有停机 (YES)
      4. 给定图灵机,判断它是否在所有输入上经过481步还没有停机 (YES)
      5. 给定图灵机是否接受空串 (NO)
      6. 给定TM M, 是否存在在M上停机的串? (NO)
        给定TM M,M是否在所有串上停机? (NO)
      7. 给定TM M,is L(M) finite? (NO)(通过取非?)
      8. 给定TM M, 带上是否出现过a(a Σ )? (NO)
      9. 给定 M1,M2 ,他们是否在同一个字符串上停机? (NO)
      10. 给定M, 只要M接受w, M接受 wR (NO)
      11. {M||L(M)|>2}. 递归可枚举但不递归
      12. countable
      13. RE
