Larry is working on an encryption algorithm based on DES.
He hasn't worked out all the kinks yet, but he thinks it works.
Your job is to confirm that you can decrypt a message, given the algorithm and parameters used.
His system works as follows:
Choose a plaintext that is divisible into 12bit 'blocks'
Choose a key at least 8bits in length
For each block from i=0 while ithe following operations
Repeat the following operations on block i, from r=0 while rthe block into 2 6bit sections Lr,Rr
Using Rr, "expand" the value from 6bits to 8bits.
Do this by remapping the values using their index, e.g.
1 2 3 4 5 6 -> 1 2 4 3 4 3 5 6
XOR the result of this with 8bits of the Key beginning with Key[iR+r] and wrapping back to the beginning if necessary.
Divide the result into 2 4bit sections S1, S2
Calculate the 2 3bit values using the two "S boxes" below, using S1 and S2 as input respectively.
S1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 101 010 001 110 011 100 111 000
1 001 100 110 010 000 111 101 011
S2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 100 000 110 101 111 001 011 010
1 101 011 000 111 110 010 001 100
Concatenate the results of the S-boxes into 1 6bit value
XOR the result with Lr
Use Rr as Lr and your altered Rr (result of previous step) as Rr for any further computation on block i
increment r
He has encryped a message using Key="Mu", and R=2. See if you can decipher it into plaintext.
Submit your result to Larry in the format Gigem{plaintext}.
Binary of ciphertext: 01100101 00100010 10001100 01011000 00010001 10000101
然后我对题目的操作过程的翻译:(就是靠这个过程解密的) 建议别看我翻译,还是直接看英文吧…
4,5步骤放一起 对于每个块,进行R次的重复性操作(R后面给出来了),将块分成Lr跟Re的两个6bit的块.
01100101 00100010 10001100 01011000 00010001 10000101
def getstr(intnum): #16 hex to str
intstr = hex(intnum).lstrip('0x').rstrip('L')
if len(intstr) % 2 == 1:
intstr = '0' + intstr
intstr = intstr.decode('hex')
return intstr
for item in itertools.product(string.printable, repeat=3):
def encrypt(s, key, offset):
#1, Choose a plaintext that is divisible into 12bit 'blocks'
plain = s
#2, Choose a key at least 8bits in length
#3, For each block from i=0 while i8 / 12 #block
R = 2
result = 0
pint = int(plain.encode('hex'), 16)
for i in range(N):
#4, Repeat the following operations on block i, from r=0 while r> (12 * (N - 1 - i))) & 0xfff
Lr = (p >> 6) & 0x3f
Rr = p & 0x3f #step 5
for r in range(R):
tmp = ((Rr << 2) & 0xc0) | (Rr & 0x3) | ((Rr & 0x8) << 1) | ((Rr & 0x8) >> 1) | ((Rr & 0x4) << 1) | ((Rr & 0x4) << 3)
subkey = getsubkey(int(key.encode('hex'),16), (i + offset) * R + r, len(key) * 8)
tmp = tmp ^ subkey #step 7,tmp is 8 bit
S1 = (tmp >> 4) & 0xf #step 8
S2 = tmp & 0xf #step 8
tmp = (S1box(S1) << 3) | S2box(S2) #step 9 10
tmp = tmp ^ Lr #step 11
Lr = Rr
Rr = tmp
result = (result << 12) | ((Lr << 6) | Rr)
return getstr(result)
def S1box(S1):
box = [[0b101, 0b010, 0b001, 0b110, 0b011, 0b100, 0b111, 0b000],
[0b001, 0b100, 0b110, 0b010, 0b000, 0b111, 0b101, 0b011]]
return box[(S1>>3) & 0x1][S1 & 0x7]
def S2box(S2):
box = [[0b100, 0b000, 0b110, 0b101, 0b111, 0b001, 0b011, 0b010],
[0b101, 0b011, 0b000, 0b111, 0b110, 0b010, 0b001, 0b100]]
return box[(S2>>3) & 0x1][S2 & 0x7]
def getsubkey(key, index, n):
result = 0
for i in range(8):
tmp = (((key >> ((n - 1 - (index + i)) % n) & 1) << (7 - i)))
result = result | tmp
return result
def encrypt(s, key, offset):
#1, Choose a plaintext that is divisible into 12bit 'blocks'
plain = s
#2, Choose a key at least 8bits in length
#3, For each block from i=0 while i
# Currently no padding
N = len(plain) * 8 / 12 #block
R = 2
result = 0
pint = int(plain.encode('hex'), 16)
for i in range(N):
#4, Repeat the following operations on block i, from r=0 while r
p = (pint >> (12 * (N - 1 - i))) & 0xfff
Lr = (p >> 6) & 0x3f
Rr = p & 0x3f #step 5
for r in range(R):
tmp = ((Rr << 2) & 0xc0) | (Rr & 0x3) | ((Rr & 0x8) << 1) | ((Rr & 0x8) >> 1) | ((Rr & 0x4) << 1) | ((Rr & 0x4) << 3)
subkey = getsubkey(int(key.encode('hex'),16), (i + offset) * R + r, len(key) * 8)
tmp = tmp ^ subkey #step 7,tmp is 8 bit
S1 = (tmp >> 4) & 0xf #step 8
S2 = tmp & 0xf #step 8
tmp = (S1box(S1) << 3) | S2box(S2) #step 9 10
tmp = tmp ^ Lr #step 11
Lr = Rr
Rr = tmp
result = (result << 12) | ((Lr << 6) | Rr)
return getstr(result)
def getstr(intnum): #16 hex to str
intstr = hex(intnum).lstrip('0x').rstrip('L')
if len(intstr) % 2 == 1:
intstr = '0' + intstr
intstr = intstr.decode('hex')
return intstr
enc = 0b011001010010001010001100010110000001000110000101
encstr = getstr(enc)
print (encstr)
import string, itertools, time
# brute force
flag = ''
time1 = time.time()
for i in range(2):
for item in itertools.product(string.printable, repeat=3):
#print item
if encrypt(''.join(item), 'Mu', i * 2) == getstr((enc >> (1 - i) * 24) & 0xffffff): #twice so we get it
print item
flag += ''.join(item)
time2 = time.time()
print ' flag is Gigem{' + flag + '}, passed time:', time2 - time1
flag is Gigem{MiN0n!}, passed time: 11.4236609936