MongoDB aggregate


val tradingArea = getConnection("shopTest")
val myLocation = new BasicDBList()
myLocation.put(0, "113.610008".toDouble)
myLocation.put(1, "23.118244".toDouble)

val geoNear = new BasicDBObject("$geoNear",
  new BasicDBObject("near", myLocation)
    .append("limit", 1)
    .append("distanceField", "centerCoordinates")
    .append("maxDistance", 2000 / 6378137))

println("near:" + geoNear)
val areaId = tradingArea.aggregate(util.Arrays.asList(geoNear))
  .map(doc => {
  }).toStream.headOption getOrElse ("")


When using $geoNear, consider that:

  • You can only use $geoNear as the first stage of a pipeline.
  • You must include the distanceField option. The distanceField option specifies the field that will contain the calculated distance.
  • The collection must have a geospatial index.
  • The $geoNear requires that a collection have at most only one 2d index and/or only one 2dsphere index.
  • You do not need to specify which field in the documents hold the coordinate pair or point. Because$geoNear requires that the collection have a single geospatial index, $geoNear implicitly uses the indexed field.
  • If using a 2dsphere index, you must specify spherical: true.
  • You cannot specify a $near predicate in the query field of the $geoNear stage.

Generally, the options for $geoNear are similar to the geoNear command with the following exceptions:

  • distanceField is a mandatory field for the $geoNear pipeline operator; the option does not exist in the geoNear command.
  • includeLocs accepts a string in the $geoNear pipeline operator and a boolean in thegeoNear command.



