

1:Operation notpermitted

2:No such fileor directory

3:No suchprocess

4:Interruptedsystem call


6:No such deviceor address

7:Argument listtoo long

8:Exec formaterror

9:Bad filedescriptor

10:No childprocesses

11:Resourcetemporarily unavailable

12:Cannot allocatememory


14:Bad address

15:Block devicerequired

16:Device orresource busy

17:File exists

18:Invalidcross-device link

19:No suchdevice

20:Not adirectory

21:Is adirectory


23:Too many openfiles in system

24:Too many openfiles

25:Inappropriateioctl for device

26:Text filebusy

27:File toolarge

28:No space lefton device

29:Illegal seek

30:Read-onlyfile system

31:Too manylinks

32:Broken pipe

33:Numericalargument out of domain

34:Numericalresult out of range

35:Resourcedeadlock avoided

36:File name toolong

37:No locksavailable

38:Function notimplemented

39:Directory notempty

40:Too manylevels of symbolic links

41:Unknown error41

42:No message ofdesired type


44:Channelnumber out of range

45:Level 2 notsynchronized

46:Level 3halted

47:Level 3 reset

48:Link numberout of range

49:Protocoldriver not attached

50:No CSIstructure available

51:Level 2halted


53:Invalidrequest descriptor

54:Exchange full

55:No anode

56:Invalidrequest code

57:Invalid slot

58:Unknown error58

59:Bad font fileformat

60:Device not astream

61:No dataavailable

62:Timer expired

63:Out ofstreams resources

64:Machine isnot on the network

65:Package notinstalled

66:Object isremote

67:Link has beensevered


69:Srmount error

70:Communicationerror on send



73:RFS specificerror

74:Bad message

75:Value toolarge for defined data type

76:Name notunique on network

77:Filedescriptor in bad state

78:Remoteaddress changed

79:Can notaccess a needed shared library

80:Accessing acorrupted shared library

81:.lib sectionin a.out corrupted

82:Attempting tolink in too many shared libraries

83:Cannot exec ashared library directly

84:Invalid orincomplete multibyte or wide character

85:Interruptedsystem call should be restarted

86:Streams pipeerror

87:Too manyusers

88:Socketoperation on non-socket

89:Destinationaddress required

90:Message toolong

91:Protocolwrong type for socket

92:Protocol notavailable

93:Protocol notsupported

94:Socket typenot supported

95:Operation notsupported

96:Protocolfamily not supported

97:Addressfamily not supported by protocol

98:Addressalready in use

99:Cannot assignrequested address

100:Network isdown

101:Network isunreachable

102:Networkdropped connection on reset

103:Softwarecaused connection abort

104:Connectionreset by peer

105:No bufferspace available

106:Transportendpoint is already connected

107:Transportendpoint is not connected

108:Cannot sendafter transport endpoint shutdown

109:Too manyreferences: cannot splice

110:Connectiontimed out


112:Host is down

113:No route tohost

114:Operationalready in progress

115:Operationnow in progress

116:Stale NFSfile handle

117:Structureneeds cleaning

118:Not a XENIXnamed type file

119:No XENIXsemaphores available

120:Is a namedtype file

121:Remote I/Oerror

122:Disk quotaexceeded

123:No mediumfound

124:Wrong mediumtype


126:Required keynot available

127:Key hasexpired

128:Key has beenrevoked

129:Key wasrejected by service

130:Owner died

131:State notrecoverable

132:Unknownerror 132

133:Unknownerror 133

134:Unknownerror 134

135:Unknownerror 135

136:Unknownerror 136

137:Unknownerror 137

138:Unknownerror 138

139:Unknownerror 139

140:Unknownerror 140

141:Unknownerror 141

142:Unknownerror 142

143:Unknownerror 143

144:Unknownerror 144

145:Unknownerror 145

146:Unknownerror 146

147:Unknownerror 147

148:Unknownerror 148

149:Unknownerror 149
