

    ECCV的全称是European Conference on Computer Vision(欧洲计算机视觉国际会议) ,两年一次,是计算机视觉三大会议(另外两个是ICCV和CVPR)之一。每次会议在全球范围录用论文300篇左右,主要的录用论文都来自美国、欧洲等顶尖实验室及研究所,中国大陆的论文数量一般在10-20篇之间。




    Quaternion Equivariant Capsule Networks for 3D Point Clouds


    DeepFit: 3D Surface Fitting by Neural Network Weighted Least Squares


    MoSaNAS: Multi-Objective Surrogate-Assisted Neural Architecture Search


    Describing Textures using Natural Language


    Empowering Relational Network by Self-Attention Augmented Conditional Random Fields for Group Activity Recognition


    AiR: Attention with Reasoning Capability


    Self6D: Self-Supervised Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation


    Invertible Image Rescaling


    Synthesize then Compare: Detecting Failures and Anomalies for Semantic Segmentation


    House-GAN: Relational Generative Adversarial Networks for Graph-constrained House Layout Generation


    Crowdsampling the Plenoptic Function


    End-to-End Estimation of Multi-Person 3D Poses from Multiple Cameras


    End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers


    DeepSFM: Structure From Motion Via Deep Bundle Adjustment


    Ladybird: Deep Implicit Field Based 3D Reconstruction with Sampling and Symmetry


    Segment as Points for Efficient Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation


    Conditional Convolutions for Instance Segmentation


    MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning from Network Width and Resolution


    Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset


    Privacy Preserving Structure-from-Motion


    Rewriting a Deep Generative Model


    Compare and Reweight: Distinctive Image Captioning Using Similar Images Sets


    Long-term Human Motion Prediction with Scene Context


    NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis


    ReferIt3D: Neural Listeners for Fine-Grained 3D Object Identification in Real-World Scenes


    MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images


    Learning and aggregating deep local descriptors for instance-level recognition


    A Consistently Fast and Globally Optimal Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem


    Learn to Recover Visible Color for Video Surveillance in a Day


    Deep Fashion3D: A Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Garment Reconstruction from Single-view Images


    Spatially Adaptive Inference with Stochastic Feature Sampling and Interpolation


    BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection


    Regularization with Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training


    Du$^2$Net: Learning Depth Estimation from Dual-Cameras and Dual-Pixels


    Model-Agnostic Boundary-Adversarial Sampling for Test-Time Generalization in Few-Shot learning


    Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing based Retrieval


    Gradient Centralization: A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks


    Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation


    Multi-View Optimization of Local Feature Geometry


    Efï¬cient Model Fitting by Combining Lifted Optimization with Phong Surface Models


    Forecasting Human-Object Interaction: Joint Prediction of Motor Attention and Actions in First Person Video


    Learning Stereo from Single Images


    Prototype Rectification for Few-Shot Learning


    Learning Feature Descriptors using Camera Pose Supervision


    Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing


    Appearance Consensus Driven Self-Supervised Human Mesh Recovery


    Diffraction Line Imaging


    Aligning and Projecting Images to Class-conditional Generative Networks


    Suppress and Balance: A Simple Gated Network for Salient Object Detection


    Visual Memorability for Robotic Interestingness Prediction via Unsupervised Online Learning


    Post-Training Piecewise Linear Quantization for Deep Neural Networks


    Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification


    In-Home Daily-Life Captioning Using Radio Signals


    Self-Challenging Improves Cross-Domain Generalization


    A Competence-aware Curriculum for Visual Concepts Learning via Question Answering


    Multi-task Learning Increases Adversarial Robustness


    S2DNAS: Transforming Static CNN Model for Dynamic Inference via Neural Architecture Search


    Improving Deep Video Compression by Resolution-adaptive Flow Coding


    Motion Capture from Internet Videos


    Appearance-Preserving 3D Convolution for Video-based Person Re-identification


    Solving the Blind Perspective-n-Point Problem End-To-End With Robust Differentiable Geometric Optimization


    Exploiting Deep Generative Prior for Versatile Image Restoration and Manipulation


    Deep Spatial-angular Regularization for Compressive Light Field Reconstruction over Coded Apertures


    Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Cross-verified Feature Disentangling


    Combining Implicit Function Learning and Parametric Models for 3D Human Reconstruction


    Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network


    Mining Cross-Image Semantics for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation


    Coherent full scene 3D reconstruction from a single RGB image


    Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning Dynamics of DNNs


    RAFT: Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow


    Domain-invariant Stereo Matching Networks


    DeepHandMesh: Weakly-supervised Deep Encoder-Decoder Framework for High-fidelity Hand Mesh Modeling from a Single RGB Image


    Content Adaptive and Error Propagation Aware Deep Video Compression


    Towards Streaming Image Understanding


    Towards Automated Testing and Robustification by Semantic Adversarial Data Generation


    Adversarial Generative Grammars for Human Activity Prediction


    Greedy Sampler and Dumb Learner: A Surprisingly Effective Approach for Continual Learning


    Learning Lane Graph Representations for Motion Forecasting


    What Matters in Unsupervised Optical Flow


    Synthesis and Completion of Facades from Satellite Imagery


    Mapillary Planet-Scale Depth Dataset


    V2VNet: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Joint Perception and Prediction


    Training Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks by Differentiating Class-specific Filters


    EagleEye: Fast Sub-net Evaluation for Efficient Neural Network Pruning


    Intrinsic Point Cloud Interpolation via Dual Latent Space Navigation


    Cross-Domain Cascaded Deep Translation


    "Look Ma, no landmarks!" - Unsupervised, model-based dense face alignment


    Online Invariance Selection for Local Feature Descriptors


    Rethinking image inpainting via a mutual encoder-decoder with feature equalization


    TextCaps: a Dataset for Image Captioning with Reading Comprehension


    It is not the Journey but the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction


    Learning What to Learn for Video Object Segmentation


    SIZER: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3D Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3D Clothing


    LIMP: Learning Latent Shape Representations with Metric Preservation Priors


    Unsupervised Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis


    A simple way to make neural networks robust against diverse image corruptions


    SoftpoolNet: Shape Descriptor for Point Cloud Completion and Classification


    Hierarchical Face Aging through Disentangled Latent Characteristics


    Hybrid Models for Open Set Recognition


    TopoGAN: A Topology-Aware Generative Adversarial Network


    Learning to Localize Actions from Moments


    ForkGAN: Seeing into the Rainy Night


    TCGM: An Information-Theoretic Framework for Semi-Supervised Multi-Modality Learning


    ExchNet: A Unified Hashing Network for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval


    A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation


    ProxyBNN: Learning Binarized Neural Networks via Proxy Matrices


    Fair Attribute Classification through Latent Space De-biasing


    HMOR: Hierarchical Multi-person Ordinal Relations for Monocular Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation


    Mask2CAD: 3D Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve


    A Unified Framework of Surrogate Loss by Refactorization and Interpolation


    Deep Reflectance Volumes: Relightable Reconstructions from Multi-View Photometric Images


    Memory-augmented Dense Predictive Coding for Video Representation Learning


    PointMixup: Augmentation for Point Clouds


    Identity-Guided Human Semantic Parsing Learning for Person Re-Identification


    Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation


    Few-Shot Unsupervised Image Translation with a Content Conditioned Style Encoder


    Corner Proposal Network for Anchor-free, Two-stage Object Detection


    PhraseClick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmentation by Phrase and Click


    Unified Multisensory Perception: Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing


    Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-Person Pose Estimation


    Learning to plan with uncertain topological maps


    Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints


    Learning Open Set Network with Discriminative Reciprocal Points


    Convolutional Occupancy Networks


    Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes Based on Multi-View Geometry


    A General Toolbox for Understanding Errors in Object Detection


    PointContrast: Unsupervised Pretraining for 3D Point Cloud Understanding


    DSA: More Efficient Budgeted Pruning via Differentiable Sparsity Allocation


    Circumventing Outliers of AutoAugment with Knowledge Distillation


    S2DNet: Learning accurate correspondences for sparse-to-dense feature matching


    RTM3D: Real-time Monocular 3D Detection from Object Keypoints for Autonomous Driving


    Video Object Segmentation with Graph Memory Network


    Rethinking Bottleneck Structure for Efficient Mobile Network Design


    Side-Tuning: A Baseline for Network Adaptation via Additive Side Networks


    Towards Part-aware Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation: An Architecture Search Approach


    A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets


    Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding


    Collaborative Learning of Gesture Recognition and 3D Hand Pose Estimation with Multi-Order Feature Analysis


    Studying the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors


    TuiGAN: Learning Versatile Image-to-Image Translation with Two Unpaired Images


    Semi-Siamese Training for Shallow Face Learning


    GAN Slimming: All-in-One Unified GAN Compression


    Human Interaction Learning on 3D Skeleton Point Clouds for Video Violence Recognition


    Binarized Neural Network for Single Image Super Resolution


    Axial-DeepLab: Stand-Alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation


    Adaptive Computationally Efficient Network for Monocular 3D Hand Pose Estimation


    Chained-Tracker: Chaining Paired Attentive Regression Results for End-to-End Joint Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking


    Distribution-Balanced Loss for Multi-Label Classification in Long-Tailed Datasets


    Hamiltonian Dynamics for Real-World Shape Interpolation


    Learning to Scale Multilingual Representations for Vision-Language Tasks
