Deep Learning With Edge Computing: A Review

Deep Learning With Edge Computing: A Review


the challenge of moving data from source to cloud

  1. latency
  2. scalability
  3. privacy
  4. accommodating the high resource requirements of deep learning on less powerful edge compute resources
  5. how the edge devices should coordinate with other edge devices and with the cloud
  6. privacy(exchanged between edge devices and possibly the cloud.)


A. Background on Deep Learning

the tradeoff between accuracy and computational resources and energy


Computer Vision

  1. cameras located at the network edge
  2. Uploading camera data to the cloud also has privacy concerns
  3. Scalability(uplink bandwidth to a cloud server may become a bottleneck )

ex:Vigil, VideoEdge

Natural Language Processing

voice assistants——Wakeword detection

Network Functions

  • intrusion detection
  • wireless scheduling
  • In-network caching

Internet of Things

  • human activity recognition from wearable sensors
  • pedestrian traffic in a smart city
  • electrical load prediction in a smart grid


  • compressing the deep learning models to fit onto computationally weak end devices
  • privacy concerns

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality


On-Device Computation

  • Model Design
    reducing memory and execution latency, while aiming to preserve high accuracy.

  • Model Compression
    compress the existing DNN models with minimal accuracy loss compared with the original model.Hardware

  • Hardware

Edge Server Computation

  • Data Preprocessing
    reduce data redundancy and thus decrease communication time
  • Edge Resource Management
    Transfer learning enables multiple applications to share the common lower layers of the DNN model and computes higher layers unique to the specific application

Computing Across Edge Devices

  • Offloading
    which DNN model or which portion of the model to run.
    (the size of the data、the hardware capabilities、the DNN model to be executed、network quality)

  • DNN Model Partitioning
    1.layer-wise partitioning
    some layers are computed on the device, and some layers are computed by the edge server or the cloud(60 13)
    2.input-wise partitioning(107 60)

  • Edge Devices Plus the Cloud
    the edge server computes the initial layers of the DNN model, and the cloud computes the higher layers of the DNN

  • Distributed Computation
    The DNN partition decision is made based on the computation capabilities and/or memory of the end devices

Private Inference

  • adding noise to obfuscate the data uploaded by end devices to edge

  • secure computation using cryptographic techniques.


  • data parallelism
  • model parallelism

Frequency of Training Updates

Reducing the frequency of communications and the size of each communication

  • synchronous stochastic gradient descent
  • asynchronous stochastic gradient descent

Size of Training Updates

review gradient compression techniques, which can reduce the size of the updates communicated to a central server.

  • gradient quantization
    the floating-point gradients using low-bit width numbers
  • gradient sparsification
    discards unimportant gradient updates and only communicates updates that exceed a certain threshold

Decentralized Communication Protocols

each device computes its own gradient updates based on its training data and then communicates its updates to some of the other devices(gossip-type algorithm)

Private Training


Systems Challenges

  • Latency
    Keeping up with new deep learning designs will continue to be a major systems’ challenge.
  • Energy
  • Migration
    Migrating edge computing applications between different edge servers
    (VM migration techniques、Docker containers、multipath TCP )

Relationship to SDN and NFV Technologies

Management and Scheduling of Edge Compute Resources

Deep Learning Benchmarks on Edge Devices

apples-to-apples containing benchmark com- parisons between the models on different hardwares
