之前尝试了用seaborn去做category和distribution可视化。时间序列的数据也是数据分析&挖掘的常客,这次选取了1965-2016全球重大地震数据做一些可视化及分析。主要研究下seaborn中heatmap,time series 以及regression function的使用。
seaborn中的plot function:
* heatmap: 用颜色矩阵去显示数据在两个维度下的度量值
* tsplot: 用时间维度序列去展现数据的不确定性
* regplot: 用线性回归模型对数据做拟合
* residplot: 展示线性回归模型拟合后各点对应的残值.
ls ../input/earthquake/
earthquake@ earthquake.csv*
cd ../input/earthquake/
import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = pd.read_csv('earthquake.csv') data.head()
Date | Time | Latitude | Longitude | Type | Depth | Depth Error | Depth Seismic Stations | Magnitude | Magnitude Type | ... | Magnitude Seismic Stations | Azimuthal Gap | Horizontal Distance | Horizontal Error | Root Mean Square | ID | Source | Location Source | Magnitude Source | Status | |
0 | 01/02/1965 | 13:44:18 | 19.246 | 145.616 | Earthquake | 131.6 | NaN | NaN | 6.0 | MW | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ISCGEM860706 | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | Automatic |
1 | 01/04/1965 | 11:29:49 | 1.863 | 127.352 | Earthquake | 80.0 | NaN | NaN | 5.8 | MW | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ISCGEM860737 | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | Automatic |
2 | 01/05/1965 | 18:05:58 | -20.579 | -173.972 | Earthquake | 20.0 | NaN | NaN | 6.2 | MW | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ISCGEM860762 | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | Automatic |
3 | 01/08/1965 | 18:49:43 | -59.076 | -23.557 | Earthquake | 15.0 | NaN | NaN | 5.8 | MW | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ISCGEM860856 | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | Automatic |
4 | 01/09/1965 | 13:32:50 | 11.938 | 126.427 | Earthquake | 15.0 | NaN | NaN | 5.8 | MW | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ISCGEM860890 | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | ISCGEM | Automatic |
5 rows × 21 columns
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date']) data['Year'] = data['Date'].dt.year data['Month'] = data['Date'].dt.month data = data[data['Type'] == 'Earthquake']
import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline
plt.figure(1,figsize=(12,6)) Year = [i for i in range(1965,2017,5)] idx = [i for i in range(0,52,5)] sns.countplot(data['Year']) plt.setp(plt.xticks(idx,Year)[1],rotation=45) plt.title('Earthquake counts in history from year 1965 to year 2016') plt.show()
test = data.groupby([data['Year'],data['Month']],as_index=False).count() new = test[['Year','Month','ID']] temp = new.iloc[-120:,:] temp = temp.pivot('Year','Month','ID') sns.heatmap(temp) plt.title('Earthquake happened in recent 10 years') plt.show()
temp = data.groupby('Year',as_index=False).count() temp = temp.loc[:,['Year','ID']] plt.figure(1,figsize=(12,6)) sns.tsplot(temp.ID,temp.Year,color="r") plt.show()
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) plt.subplot(121) sns.regplot(x="Year", y="ID", data=temp,order=1) # default by 1 plt.ylabel(' ') plt.title('Regression fit of earthquake records by year,order = 1') plt.subplot(122) sns.residplot(x="Year", y="ID", data=temp) plt.ylabel(' ') plt.title('Residual plot when using a simplt regression model,order=1') plt.show()
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) plt.subplot(121) sns.regplot(x="Year", y="ID", data=temp,order=2) # default by 1 plt.ylabel(' ') plt.title('Regression fit of earthquake records by year,order = 2') plt.subplot(122) sns.residplot(x="Year", y="ID", data=temp,order=2) plt.ylabel(' ') plt.title('Residual plot when using a simplt regression model,order=2') plt.show()
plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) plt.subplot(121) sns.regplot(x="Year", y="Depth", data=data,x_jitter=.05, x_estimator=np.mean,order=3) # x_estimator是一个参数,相当于对每年地震记录中参数取平均值,探究平均值的趋势 plt.ylabel(' ') plt.title('Regression fit of depth,order = 3') plt.subplot(122) sns.regplot(x="Year", y="Magnitude", data=data,x_jitter=.05, x_estimator=np.mean,order=3) # x_estimator是一个参数,相当于对每年地震记录中参数取平均值,探究平均值的趋势 plt.title('Regression fit of magnitude,order=3') plt.show()