文章来自https://blog.csdn.net/yelangjueqi/article/details/52622080 (推荐直接访问这个链接)
一 Google官网对分析ANR日志和死锁的阐述
ANRs and deadlocks
(Reading Bug Reports章节)
Bugreports can help you identify what's causing Application Not Responding (ANR) errors and deadlock events.
Identifying unresponsive apps
When an application does not respond within a certain time, usually due to a blocked or busy main thread, the system kills the process and dumps the stack to /data/anr. To discover the culprit behind an ANR, grep for am_anr in the binary event log.
grep "am_anr" bugreport-2015-10-01-18-13-48.txt
10-01 18:12:49.599 4600 4614 I am_anr : [0,29761,com.google.android.youtube,953695941,executing service com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.app.offline.transfer.OfflineTransferService]
10-01 18:14:10.211 4600 4614 I am_anr : [0,30363,com.google.android.apps.plus,953728580,executing service com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.apps.photos.service.PhotosService]
You can also grep for ANR in in the logcat log, which contains more information about what was using CPU at the time of the ANR.
Finding stack traces
You can often find stack traces that correspond to an ANR. Make sure the timestamp and PID on the VM traces match the ANR you are investigating, then check the main thread of the process. Keep in mind:
1.The main thread tells you only what the thread was doing at the time of the ANR, which may or may not correspond to the true cause of the ANR. (The stack in the bug report may be innocent; something else may have been stuck for a long time—but not quite long enough to ANR—before becoming unstuck.)
2.More than one set of stack traces might exist. Make sure you are viewing the correct section.
Finding deadlocks
Deadlocks often first appear as ANRs because threads are getting stuck. If the deadlock hits the system server, the watchdog will eventually kill it, leading to an entry in the log similar to: WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS. From the user perspective, the device reboots, although technically this is a runtime restart rather than a true reboot.
1.In a runtime restart, the system server dies and is restarted; the user sees the device return to the boot animation.
2.In a reboot, the kernel has crashed; the user sees the device return to the Google boot logo.
To find deadlocks, check the VM traces sections for a pattern of thread A waiting on something held by thread B, which in turn is waiting on something held by thread A.
根据官网论述,死锁现象也会作为ANR的一种表现方式出现,也会把日志记录到/data/anr目录下,但是如果死锁发生在system server进程中,则看门狗(watchdog)会杀掉system server进程,并且在main log中会看到关键字"WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS",系统运行时将会重启,system server也会重启,此时用户会看到开机动画会再次播放。
二 ANR阈值定义
2.1 Android规定ANR出现的场景
A 用户界面内如果5秒钟之内无法响应屏幕触摸事件或者键盘输入事件就会出现ANR
B 前台Service如果20秒之内未结束就会出现ANR,后台Service如果200秒之内未结束就会出现ANR
C 前台Broadcast如果在10秒之内未结束就会出现ANR,后台Broadcast如果60秒之内未结束就会出现ANR
Android 6.0.1
zhanghu@winth:~$ adb shell getprop dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file
2.2 ANR阈值常量声明
2.2.1 Android6.0.1
// How long we wait for a service to finish executing.
static final int SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 20*1000; //20秒
// How long we wait for a service to finish executing.
// How long we allow a receiver to run before giving up on it.
static final int BROADCAST_FG_TIMEOUT = 10*1000; //10秒
static final int BROADCAST_BG_TIMEOUT = 60*1000;//60秒
// How long we wait until we timeout on key dispatching.
static final int KEY_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT = 5*1000; //5秒
// Default input dispatching timeout if there is no focused application or paused window
// from which to determine an appropriate dispatching timeout.
const nsecs_t DEFAULT_INPUT_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT = 5000 * 1000000LL; // 5 sec
2.2.2 Android1.6
// How long we allow a receiver to run before giving up on it.
static final int BROADCAST_TIMEOUT = 10*1000; //10秒
// How long we wait for a service to finish executing.
static final int SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 20*1000; //20秒
// How long we wait until we timeout on key dispatching.
static final int KEY_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT = 5*1000; //5秒
三 ANR出现时调用的函数
final void appNotResponding(ProcessRecord app, ActivityRecord activity,
ActivityRecord parent, boolean aboveSystem, final String annotation) {
if (mController != null) {
try {
// 0 == continue, -1 = kill process immediately
int res = mController.appEarlyNotResponding(app.processName, app.pid, annotation);
if (res < 0 && app.pid != MY_PID) {
app.kill("anr", true);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mController = null;
long anrTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
synchronized (this) {
// PowerManager.reboot() can block for a long time, so ignore ANRs while shutting down.
if (mShuttingDown) { //关机时忽视ANR
Slog.i(TAG, "During shutdown skipping ANR: " + app + " " + annotation);
} else if (app.notResponding) { //忽视重复的ANR
Slog.i(TAG, "Skipping duplicate ANR: " + app + " " + annotation);
} else if (app.crashing) { //应用发生crash时忽视ANR
Slog.i(TAG, "Crashing app skipping ANR: " + app + " " + annotation);
// In case we come through here for the same app before completing
// this one, mark as anring now so we will bail out.
app.notResponding = true;
// 记录ANR event log
// Log the ANR to the event log.
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_ANR, app.userId, app.pid,
app.processName, app.info.flags, annotation);
// Dump thread traces as quickly as we can, starting with "interesting" processes.
int parentPid = app.pid;
if (parent != null && parent.app != null && parent.app.pid > 0) parentPid = parent.app.pid;
if (parentPid != app.pid) firstPids.add(parentPid);
if (MY_PID != app.pid && MY_PID != parentPid) firstPids.add(MY_PID);
for (int i = mLruProcesses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ProcessRecord r = mLruProcesses.get(i);
if (r != null && r.thread != null) {
int pid = r.pid;
if (pid > 0 && pid != app.pid && pid != parentPid && pid != MY_PID) {
if (r.persistent) {
} else {
lastPids.put(pid, Boolean.TRUE);
// 记录ANR 到 main log
// Log the ANR to the main log.
StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();
info.append("ANR in ").append(app.processName); //关键字"ANR in"
if (activity != null && activity.shortComponentName != null) {
info.append(" (").append(activity.shortComponentName).append(")");
info.append("PID: ").append(app.pid).append("\n");
if (annotation != null) {
info.append("Reason: ").append(annotation).append("\n");
if (parent != null && parent != activity) {
info.append("Parent: ").append(parent.shortComponentName).append("\n");
final ProcessCpuTracker processCpuTracker = new ProcessCpuTracker(true);
// dump堆栈log
File tracesFile = dumpStackTraces(true, firstPids, processCpuTracker, lastPids,
String cpuInfo = null;
synchronized (mProcessCpuTracker) {
cpuInfo = mProcessCpuTracker.printCurrentState(anrTime);
Slog.e(TAG, info.toString());
if (tracesFile == null) {
// There is no trace file, so dump (only) the alleged culprit's threads to the log
Process.sendSignal(app.pid, Process.SIGNAL_QUIT);
// 将ANR信息丢掉DropBox
addErrorToDropBox("anr", app, app.processName, activity, parent, annotation,
cpuInfo, tracesFile, null);
if (mController != null) {
try {
// 0 == show dialog, 1 = keep waiting, -1 = kill process immediately
int res = mController.appNotResponding(app.processName, app.pid, info.toString());
if (res != 0) {
if (res < 0 && app.pid != MY_PID) {
app.kill("anr", true);
} else {
synchronized (this) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mController = null;
// Unless configured otherwise, swallow ANRs in background processes & kill the process.
boolean showBackground = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
Settings.Secure.ANR_SHOW_BACKGROUND, 0) != 0;
synchronized (this) {
mBatteryStatsService.noteProcessAnr(app.processName, app.uid);
if (!showBackground && !app.isInterestingToUserLocked() && app.pid != MY_PID) {
app.kill("bg anr", true);
// Set the app's notResponding state, and look up the errorReportReceiver
activity != null ? activity.shortComponentName : null,
annotation != null ? "ANR " + annotation : "ANR",
//Set the trace file name to app name + current date format to avoid overrinding trace file
String tracesPath = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", null);
if (tracesPath != null && tracesPath.length() != 0) {
File traceRenameFile = new File(tracesPath);
String newTracesPath;
int lpos = tracesPath.lastIndexOf (".");
if (-1 != lpos)
newTracesPath = tracesPath.substring (0, lpos) + "_" + app.processName + "_" + mTraceDateFormat.format(new Date()) + tracesPath.substring (lpos);
newTracesPath = tracesPath + "_" + app.processName;
traceRenameFile.renameTo(new File(newTracesPath));
// 显示ANR对话框
// Bring up the infamous App Not Responding dialog
Message msg = Message.obtain();
msg.obj = map;
msg.arg1 = aboveSystem ? 1 : 0;
map.put("app", app);
if (activity != null) {
map.put("activity", activity);
public static File dumpStackTraces(boolean clearTraces, ArrayList
ProcessCpuTracker processCpuTracker, SparseArray
String tracesPath = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file", null);
if (tracesPath == null || tracesPath.length() == 0) {
return null;
File tracesFile = new File(tracesPath);
try {
File tracesDir = tracesFile.getParentFile();
if (!tracesDir.exists()) {
if (!SELinux.restorecon(tracesDir)) {
return null;
FileUtils.setPermissions(tracesDir.getPath(), 0775, -1, -1); // drwxrwxr-x
if (clearTraces && tracesFile.exists()) tracesFile.delete();
FileUtils.setPermissions(tracesFile.getPath(), 0666, -1, -1); // -rw-rw-rw-
} catch (IOException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to prepare ANR traces file: " + tracesPath, e);
return null;
dumpStackTraces(tracesPath, firstPids, processCpuTracker, lastPids, nativeProcs);
return tracesFile;
private static void dumpStackTraces(String tracesPath, ArrayList
ProcessCpuTracker processCpuTracker, SparseArray
// Use a FileObserver to detect when traces finish writing.
// The order of traces is considered important to maintain for legibility.
FileObserver observer = new FileObserver(tracesPath, FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE) {
public synchronized void onEvent(int event, String path) { notify(); }
try {
// First collect all of the stacks of the most important pids.
if (firstPids != null) {
try {
int num = firstPids.size();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
synchronized (observer) {
Process.sendSignal(firstPids.get(i), Process.SIGNAL_QUIT);
observer.wait(200); // Wait for write-close, give up after 200msec
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Slog.wtf(TAG, e);
// Next collect the stacks of the native pids
if (nativeProcs != null) {
int[] pids = Process.getPidsForCommands(nativeProcs);
if (pids != null) {
for (int pid : pids) {
Debug.dumpNativeBacktraceToFile(pid, tracesPath);
// Lastly, measure CPU usage.
if (processCpuTracker != null) {
try {
synchronized (processCpuTracker) {
processCpuTracker.wait(500); // measure over 1/2 second.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// We'll take the stack crawls of just the top apps using CPU.
final int N = processCpuTracker.countWorkingStats();
int numProcs = 0;
for (int i=0; i
if (lastPids.indexOfKey(stats.pid) >= 0) {
try {
synchronized (observer) {
Process.sendSignal(stats.pid, Process.SIGNAL_QUIT);
observer.wait(200); // Wait for write-close, give up after 200msec
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Slog.wtf(TAG, e);
} finally {
public void addErrorToDropBox(String eventType,
ProcessRecord process, String processName, ActivityRecord activity,
ActivityRecord parent, String subject,
final String report, final File logFile,
final ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) {
// NOTE -- this must never acquire the ActivityManagerService lock,
// otherwise the watchdog may be prevented from resetting the system.
final String dropboxTag = processClass(process) + "_" + eventType;
final DropBoxManager dbox = (DropBoxManager)
// Exit early if the dropbox isn't configured to accept this report type.
if (dbox == null || !dbox.isTagEnabled(dropboxTag)) return;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
appendDropBoxProcessHeaders(process, processName, sb);
if (activity != null) {
sb.append("Activity: ").append(activity.shortComponentName).append("\n");
if (parent != null && parent.app != null && parent.app.pid != process.pid) {
sb.append("Parent-Process: ").append(parent.app.processName).append("\n");
if (parent != null && parent != activity) {
sb.append("Parent-Activity: ").append(parent.shortComponentName).append("\n");
if (subject != null) {
sb.append("Subject: ").append(subject).append("\n");
sb.append("Build: ").append(Build.FINGERPRINT).append("\n");
if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) {
sb.append("Debugger: Connected\n");
// Do the rest in a worker thread to avoid blocking the caller on I/O
// (After this point, we shouldn't access AMS internal data structures.)
Thread worker = new Thread("Error dump: " + dropboxTag) {
public void run() {
if (report != null) {
if (logFile != null) {
try {
sb.append(FileUtils.readTextFile(logFile, DROPBOX_MAX_SIZE,
} catch (IOException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Error reading " + logFile, e);
if (crashInfo != null && crashInfo.stackTrace != null) {
String setting = Settings.Global.ERROR_LOGCAT_PREFIX + dropboxTag;
int lines = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), setting, 0);
if (lines > 0) {
// Merge several logcat streams, and take the last N lines
InputStreamReader input = null;
try {
java.lang.Process logcat = new ProcessBuilder("/system/bin/logcat",
"-v", "time", "-b", "events", "-b", "system", "-b", "main",
"-b", "crash",
"-t", String.valueOf(lines)).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
try { logcat.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
try { logcat.getErrorStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
input = new InputStreamReader(logcat.getInputStream());
int num;
char[] buf = new char[8192];
while ((num = input.read(buf)) > 0) sb.append(buf, 0, num);
} catch (IOException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Error running logcat", e);
} finally {
if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
dbox.addText(dropboxTag, sb.toString());
if (process == null) {
// If process is null, we are being called from some internal code
// and may be about to die -- run this synchronously.
} else {
public boolean inputDispatchingTimedOut(final ProcessRecord proc,
final ActivityRecord activity, final ActivityRecord parent,
final boolean aboveSystem, String reason) {
if (checkCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.FILTER_EVENTS)
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
throw new SecurityException("Requires permission "
+ android.Manifest.permission.FILTER_EVENTS);
final String annotation;
if (reason == null) {
annotation = "Input dispatching timed out";
} else {
annotation = "Input dispatching timed out (" + reason + ")";
if (proc != null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (proc.debugging) {
return false;
if (mDidDexOpt) {
// Give more time since we were dexopting.
mDidDexOpt = false;
return false;
if (proc.instrumentationClass != null) {
Bundle info = new Bundle();
info.putString("shortMsg", "keyDispatchingTimedOut");
info.putString("longMsg", annotation);
finishInstrumentationLocked(proc, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, info);
return true;
mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
appNotResponding(proc, activity, parent, aboveSystem, annotation);
return true;