#pragma once
#define BLOCK (len_ / (8 * sizeof(size_t)) + (len_ % (sizeof(size_t) * 8)? 1: 0))
#define BLOCKBIT (8 * sizeof(size_t))
using namespace std;
template //len_ is the number of bit(s)
class myBitset {
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const myBitset& bs)
// stored reversely, so output reversely
for (size_t i = 0; i < len_; i ++) {
if (bs.isTrue(len_ - i - 1)) out << "1";
else out << "0";
// printf("%d ",i);
return out;
myBitset() : block_(BLOCK)
num_ = new size_t[block_];
memset(num_, 0, block_ * sizeof(size_t));
// printf("%d %d %d\n", block_, sizeof(size_t), block_ * sizeof(size_t));
// for (int i = 0; i < block_; i ++) num_[i] = 0;
// cout << *this << endl;
myBitset(const myBitset& bs);
//invert signed number to myBitset, and avoid ambiguous calling for overloaded functions
myBitset(signed int num);
myBitset(unsigned int num);
myBitset(signed long);
myBitset(unsigned long);
// myBitset(signed long long);
// myBitset(unsigned long long);
myBitset(signed __int64 num);
myBitset(unsigned __int64 num);
myBitset(const string& s);
myBitset& operator= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset operator& (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator| (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator~ (void) const;
myBitset operator^ (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator<< (size_t shift) const;
myBitset operator>> (size_t shift) const;
myBitset& operator&= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator|= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator^= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator<<= (size_t shift);
myBitset& operator>>= (size_t shift);
myBitset& operator++ (void);
myBitset& operator-- (void);
myBitset operator++ (int dummy);
myBitset operator-- (int dummy);
// in operator+= we need local variables of myBitset, so argument is not reference
myBitset& operator+= (myBitset bs);
myBitset& operator-= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset operator+ (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator- (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator+ (void) const;
myBitset operator- (void) const;
myBitset operator* (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator/ (const myBitset& bs) const;
// myBitset operator% (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset& operator*= (myBitset bs);
myBitset& operator/= (myBitset bs);
bool operator> (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator>= (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator< (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator<= (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator== (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator!= (const myBitset& bs) const;
explicit operator bool(void) const;
void flip();// flip all bits
void set(size_t index);
void reset(size_t index);
bool isTrue(size_t index) const;
size_t getBlock(void) { return block_;}
size_t getLen(void) { return len_;}
size_t* num_; //pointer to where the bits stored
const size_t block_; //the size of the array
template myBitset::myBitset(const myBitset& bs) :
num_ = new size_t[block_];
for (size_t i = 0; i < bs.block_; i ++)
num_[i] = bs.num_[i];
// lower bit is stored in the smaller index
template myBitset::myBitset(unsigned __int64 num) : myBitset()
size_t p = 0;
// printf("%llu\n",num);
while (num && p < len_) {
if (num & 1) {
// printf("%d\n",p);
++ p;
num >>= 1;
// size_t is an unsigned type !!
//template myBitset::myBitset(unsigned long long num) :
// myBitset(unsigned __int64(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(unsigned long num) :
myBitset(static_cast<unsigned __int64>(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(unsigned int num) :
myBitset(static_cast<unsigned __int64>(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(signed __int64 num) :
myBitset(static_cast<unsigned __int64>(abs(num)))
if (num < 0) {
++ (*this);
//template myBitset::myBitset(signed long long num) :
// myBitset(signed __int64(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(signed long num) :
myBitset(static_cast<signed __int64>(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(signed int num) :
myBitset(static_cast<signed __int64>(num)) {}
template myBitset::myBitset(const string& s) : myBitset()
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i ++) {
if (s[i] != '0') {
set(s.size() - i - 1);
template myBitset::~myBitset()
delete []num_;
template inline void myBitset::set(size_t index)
// 1不加强制类型转换为什么会出现循环左移……
num_[index / BLOCKBIT] |= (size_t(1) << (index % BLOCKBIT));
// printf("%d %d %d\n",index, index / BLOCKBIT, index % BLOCKBIT);
return ;
template inline void myBitset::reset(size_t index)
num_[index / BLOCKBIT] &= ~(size_t(1) << (index % BLOCKBIT));
return ;
template inline bool myBitset::isTrue(size_t index) const
// if (num_[index / BLOCKBIT] & (size_t(1) << (index % BLOCKBIT))) printf(" %d %d %d\n",index, index / BLOCKBIT,index %BLOCKBIT);
// printf("%llu\n",1 << (index % BLOCKBIT));
return num_[index / BLOCKBIT] & (size_t(1) << (index % BLOCKBIT));
template inline void myBitset::flip(void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
num_[i] = ~num_[i];
return ;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator= (const myBitset& bs)
if (this != &bs) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++)
num_[i] = bs.num_[i];
template myBitset myBitset::operator&(const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs &= bs;
return tbs;
template myBitset myBitset::operator|(const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs |= bs;
return tbs;
template myBitset myBitset::operator~(void) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
return tbs;
template myBitset myBitset::operator^(const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs ^= bs;
return tbs;
template myBitset myBitset::operator<<(size_t shift) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs <<= shift;
return tbs;
template myBitset myBitset::operator>>(size_t shift) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs >>= shift;
return tbs;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator&= (const myBitset& bs)
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
num_[i] &= bs.num_[i];
return *this;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator|= (const myBitset& bs)
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
num_[i] |= bs.num_[i];
return *this;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator^= (const myBitset& bs)
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
num_[i] ^= bs.num_[i];
return *this;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator<<= (size_t shift)
if (shift == 0) return *this;
if (shift >= len_) {
memset(num_, 0, block_ * sizeof(size_t));
return *this;
size_t blockShift = shift / BLOCKBIT; // the shift of how many units of array
size_t innerShift = shift % BLOCKBIT; // the shift in the unit of array
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
size_t opid = block_ - 1 - i;
if (opid < blockShift) {
num_[opid] = 0;
} else {
if (opid - blockShift > 0)
num_[opid] = num_[opid - blockShift] << innerShift;
return *this;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator>>= (size_t shift)
// printf("%llu\n",num_[0]);
if (shift == 0) return *this;
if (shift >= len_) {
memset(num_, 0, block_ * sizeof(size_t));
return *this;
size_t blockShift = shift / BLOCKBIT; // the shift of how many units of array
size_t innerShift = shift % BLOCKBIT; // the shift in the unit of array
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
if (i > block_ - 1 - blockShift) {
num_[i] = 0;
} else {
if (i + blockShift + 1 < block_)
num_[i] = num_[i + blockShift] >> innerShift;
// printf("%llu\n",tbs.num_[0]);
return *this;
template inline myBitset& myBitset::operator++ (void)
(*this) += 1;
return *this;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator++ (int dummy)
myBitset tbs = (*this);
++ (*this);
return tbs;
template inline myBitset& myBitset::operator-- (void)
(*this) -= 1;
return *this;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator-- (int dummy)
myBitset tbs = (*this);
-- (*this);
return tbs;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator+ (const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs += bs;
return tbs;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator- (const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs += -bs;
return tbs;
template inline myBitset& myBitset::operator-= (const myBitset& bs)
*this += -bs;
return *this;
template inline myBitset& myBitset::operator+= (myBitset bs)
myBitset tbs;
while ((bs)) {
tbs = (*this) ^ bs;
bs = (*this & bs) << 1;
*this = tbs;
return *this;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator+ (void) const
return *this;
template inline myBitset myBitset::operator- (void) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
return ~(tbs) + 1;
template myBitset::operator bool(void) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < len_ ; i ++) {
if (isTrue(i))
return true;
return false;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator*= (myBitset bs)
if (!bs || !*this) {
*this = 0;
return *this;
int flag = 0;
myBitset tbs(*this);
*this = 0;
if (isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
flag = ~flag;
tbs = -tbs;
if (bs.isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
flag = ~flag;
bs = -bs;
while (bs) {
if (bs & 1)
*this += tbs;
tbs <<= 1;
bs >>= 1;
if (flag) {
*this = -(*this);
return *this;
template myBitset myBitset::operator* (const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs *= bs;
return tbs;
template myBitset& myBitset::operator/= (myBitset bs)
// cout << *this << " " << bs << endl;
if (bs) {
int flag = 0;
myBitset tbs(*this);
*this = 0;
if (tbs.isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
flag = ~flag;
tbs = -tbs;
if (bs.isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
flag = ~flag;
bs = -bs;
// cout << tbs << " " << bs << endl;
size_t highbit = 0;
for (size_t i = len_ - 2; i > 0; i --) {
if (tbs.isTrue(i)) {
highbit = i;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= highbit; i ++) {
size_t op = highbit - i;
// avoid overflow!!!
if ((tbs >> op) >= bs) {
tbs -= (bs << op);
*this += (myBitset(1) << op);
// cout << op << " " << tbs << " " << bs << " " << *this << endl;
if (flag) {
*this = -(*this);
return *this;
} else {
cout << "divisor cannot be 0 !" << endl;
return *this;
template myBitset myBitset::operator/ (const myBitset& bs) const
myBitset tbs(*this);
tbs /= bs;
return tbs;
template bool myBitset::operator>= (const myBitset& bs) const
return (*this > bs || *this == bs);
template bool myBitset::operator> (const myBitset& bs) const
if (!isTrue(len_ - 1) && isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
return true;
if (isTrue(len_ - 1) && !isTrue(len_ - 1)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < block_; i ++) {
size_t op = block_ - i - 1;
if (num_[op] > bs.num_[op]) {
return true;
if (num_[op] < bs.num_[op]) {
return false;
return false;
template bool myBitset::operator== (const myBitset& bs) const
if (*this ^ bs) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
template inline bool myBitset::operator< (const myBitset& bs) const
return !(*this >= bs);
template inline bool myBitset::operator<= (const myBitset& bs) const
return !(*this > bs);
template inline bool myBitset::operator!= (const myBitset& bs) const
return !(*this == bs);
#include "bit.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
cout << (-11111 >> 30) << endl;
cout << size_t(-1) << endl;
cout << "test for set, reset and flip" << endl;
myBitset<32> bt;
cout << bt << endl;
cout << bt << endl;
cout << bt << endl;
cout << bt << endl;
cout << endl << "test for constructor" << endl;
string s = "100010";
myBitset<32> bt1;
cout << bt1 << endl;
myBitset<33> bt2(s);
cout << bt2 << endl;
myBitset<33> bt31(64);
cout << bt31 << endl;
myBitset<65> bt32(static_cast<unsigned long long>((size_t(1) << 63) + ((size_t(1) << 63) - 1)));
cout << bt32 << endl;
myBitset<33> bt4(bt31);
cout << bt4 << endl;
cout << endl << "test for <<, >> and =" << endl;
myBitset<100> bt5(size_t(pow(2,31))+15);
cout << bt5 << endl;
cout << (bt5 << 4) << endl;
cout << (bt5 >> 4) << endl;
cout << (size_t(1) << 33) << endl;
myBitset<100> bt6("100000011111111111000010101");
cout << bt6 << endl;
bt6 = bt5;
cout << bt6 << endl;
myBitset<129> bt7 = string("10110011101111011111010101");
cout << bt7 << endl;
cout << (bt7 >> 7) << endl;
cout << (bt7 << 7) << endl;
cout << (bt7 << 65) << endl;
cout << (bt7 >> 65) << endl;
cout << endl << "test for &, |, ~ and ^" << endl;
myBitset<70> bt8("1011011101111011111011111101111111011111111011111111101111111111011110");
cout << bt8 << endl;
myBitset<70> bt9(~bt8);
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << (bt8 | bt9) << endl;
cout << (bt8 & bt9) << endl;
cout << (bt8 ^ bt9) << endl;
cout << (bt8 ^ bt9 ^ bt8) << endl;
cout << endl << "test for &=, |= and ^=" << endl;
cout << bt8 << endl;
bt8 &= bt9;
cout << bt8 << endl;
bt8 |= bt9;
cout << bt8 << endl;
bt8 ^= ~bt9 ^ 1;
cout << bt8 << endl;
cout << endl << "test for <<= and >>=" << endl;
myBitset<70> bt10("1011011101111011111011111101111111011111111011111111101111111111011111");
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << (bt10 << 65) << endl;
bt10 <<= 65;
cout << bt10 << endl;
bt10 = string("1011011101111011111011111101111111011111111011111111101111111111011111");
cout << (bt10 >> 65) << endl;
bt10 >>= 65;
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << endl << "test for + and -" << endl;
bt9 = string("1011011101111011111011111101111111011111111011111111101111111111011111");
bt10 = ~bt9;
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << (-bt9) << endl;
cout << (-bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt9 + bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt9 - (bt10>>3)) << endl;
bt9 = -1;
bt10 = 64;
cout << (bt9 + bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt9 - bt10) << endl;
cout << endl << "test for ++, -- , += and -=" << endl;
bt9 = string("1011011101111011111011111101111111011111111011111111101111111111011111");
bt10 = ~bt9;
cout << (bt9 ++) << endl;
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << (bt10 --) << endl;
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << (++ bt9) << endl;
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << (-- bt10) << endl;
cout << bt10 << endl;
bt10 += 1;
cout << bt10 << endl;
bt10 -= 3;
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << endl << "test for *, *=, /, /=" << endl;
bt9 = -13;
bt10 = 3;
bt9 *= bt10;
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << (bt9 * bt10) << endl;
bt9 *= -3;
bt10 *= 100;
cout << bt9 << endl;
cout << bt10 << endl;
cout << endl << "test for /, /=" << endl;
bt9 = 10;
bt10 = 3;
cout << (bt9 >= bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt9 >> 3) << endl;
cout << ((bt9 >> 3) >= bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt9 << 0) << endl;
cout << (myBitset<70>(1) << 0) << endl;
bt9 /= bt10;
cout << bt9 << endl;
bt9 = -10;
bt10 = 3;
cout << (bt9 / bt10) << endl;
cout << (bt10 / bt9) << endl;
return 0;
六种位运算& | ~ ^ << >> 支持基础数据类型,但是基础数据类型的大小是固定的,不能支持bit数高于8 * sizeof(size_t)(最大一般是64bit)的要求,而且不能支持任意位数的bit类型数组,这样显然不能满足我们的要求。
1. 构造函数:
之后是拷贝构造函数,myBitset(unsigned __int64 num); myBitset(const string& s); 它们首先使用默认构造函数进行委托构造,之后再实现自己特定的构造。
在之后是以其他各种无符号或有符号整数做参数的构造函数,它们使用myBitset(unsigned __int64 num);进行委托构造,从而完成功能。
void flip();
void set(size_t index);
void reset(size_t index);
bool isTrue(size_t index) const;
2. 位运算运算符以及=的重载
myBitset& operator= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset operator& (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator| (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator~ (void) const;
myBitset operator^ (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator<< (size_t shift) const;
myBitset operator>> (size_t shift) const;
myBitset& operator&= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator|= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator^= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset& operator<<= (size_t shift);
myBitset& operator>>= (size_t shift);
首先实现的是&= |= 等函数,之后& |等运算符通过调用&= |= 等实现功能。
3. 四则运算与自增自减
myBitset& operator++ (void);
myBitset& operator– (void);
myBitset operator++ (int dummy);
myBitset operator– (int dummy);
myBitset& operator+= (myBitset bs);
myBitset& operator-= (const myBitset& bs);
myBitset operator+ (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator- (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator+ (void) const;
myBitset operator- (void) const;
myBitset operator* (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset operator/ (const myBitset& bs) const;
myBitset& operator*= (myBitset bs);
myBitset& operator/= (myBitset bs);
同样,首先实现的是+= -=等,对应的双目运算符则调用前者,单目-调用~运算符。
前置自增自减调用+= -=,而后置自增自减调用前置自增自减。
4. 逻辑运算符与bool类型转换
bool operator> (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator>= (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator< (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator<= (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator== (const myBitset& bs) const;
bool operator!= (const myBitset& bs) const;
explicit operator bool(void) const;
为了支持四则运算,必须提供参数无符号整型和有符号整型的构造函数,开始我只定义了unsigned __int64和 signed __int64为参数的构造函数,然而这时就会遇到二义调用的问题。
因为首先实现的是<<=和>>= ,<< >>是通过调用<<= >>= 实现的,移位的时候可能会出现运算结果覆盖未进行运算数据的情况,所以要注意运算的顺序,>>要先从低位开始算,<<要先从高位开始算。
一开始并没有把operator bool 声明为explicit,于是出现了双目运算符调用时的二义调用(左操作数为myBitset对象而右操作数为基础数据类型时),因为myBitset可以隐式的转换为bool类型,c++中bool类型实质上就是int类型。
5. 不小心就会发生的间接递归
6. 乘法与除法
7. size_t类型
For (size_t I = len_ - 1; I >= 0; I ++)
a) 实现了任意长度的位类型
b) 满足了所有的要求
c) 尽量使用已定义的方法去定义其他方法
d) 对于多个方法(已实现的或是以后可能实现的)会使用的相同方法,将该方法定义为一个函数
e) 实现了四则运算,自增自减,重载了流插入操作符。
a) 最重大的失误:没有将二元运算符用非成员函数实现。(3 + myBitset<10>(1)是非法的)
b) 没有实现[]操作符。(代理模式)
c) 没有用myBitset类实现阶乘(主要是没有转换成整型的方法)
d) 没有定义将myBitset转换为整型的方法(大数进制转换)
e) 部分方法效率不高