/// Credit Mrs. YakaYocha
/// Sourced from - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHp8LZ_0-iCvl-5pjHATsgw
/// Please donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RJ8D9FRFQF9VS
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[AddComponentMenu("Layout/Extensions/Vertical Scroller")]
public class UIVerticalScroller : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Scrollable area (content of desired ScrollRect)")]
public RectTransform _scrollingPanel;
[Tooltip("Elements to populate inside the scroller")]
public GameObject[] _arrayOfElements;
[Tooltip("Center display area (position of zoomed content)")]
public RectTransform _center;
[Tooltip("Select the item to be in center on start. (optional)")]
public int StartingIndex = -1;
[Tooltip("Button to go to the next page. (optional)")]
public GameObject ScrollUpButton;
[Tooltip("Button to go to the previous page. (optional)")]
public GameObject ScrollDownButton;
[Tooltip("Event fired when a specific item is clicked, exposes index number of item. (optional)")]
public UnityEvent ButtonClicked;
private float[] distReposition;
private float[] distance;
//private int elementsDistance;
private int minElementsNum;
private int elementLength;
//private int elementHalfLength;
private float deltaY;
private string result;
public UIVerticalScroller() { }
public UIVerticalScroller(RectTransform scrollingPanel, GameObject[] arrayOfElements, RectTransform center)
_scrollingPanel = scrollingPanel;
_arrayOfElements = arrayOfElements;
_center = center;
public void Awake()
var scrollRect = GetComponent();
if (!_scrollingPanel)
_scrollingPanel = scrollRect.content;
if (!_center)
Debug.LogError("Please define the RectTransform for the Center viewport of the scrollable area");
if (_arrayOfElements == null || _arrayOfElements.Length == 0)
var childCount = scrollRect.content.childCount;
if (childCount > 0)
_arrayOfElements = new GameObject[childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
_arrayOfElements[i] = scrollRect.content.GetChild(i).gameObject;
public void Start()
if (_arrayOfElements.Length < 1)
Debug.Log("No child content found, exiting..");
elementLength = _arrayOfElements.Length;
distance = new float[elementLength];
distReposition = new float[elementLength];
//get distance between buttons
//elementsDistance = (int)Mathf.Abs(_arrayOfElements[1].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y - _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y);
deltaY = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.height * elementLength / 3 * 2;
Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.x, -deltaY);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = startPosition;
for (var i = 0; i < _arrayOfElements.Length; i++)
AddListener(_arrayOfElements[i], i);
if (ScrollUpButton)
/// Credit Mrs. YakaYocha
/// Sourced from - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHp8LZ_0-iCvl-5pjHATsgw
/// Please donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RJ8D9FRFQF9VS
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[AddComponentMenu("Layout/Extensions/Vertical Scroller")]
public class UIVerticalScrollerMove : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Scrollable area (content of desired ScrollRect)")]
public RectTransform _scrollingPanel;//展示面板
[Tooltip("Elements to populate inside the scroller")]
public GameObject[] _arrayOfElements;//长度元素
[Tooltip("Center display area (position of zoomed content)")]
public RectTransform _center;//位置
[Tooltip("Select the item to be in center on start. (optional)")]
public int StartingIndex = -1;//初始指针(外界提供)
[Tooltip("Button to go to the next page. (optional)")]
public GameObject ScrollLeftButton;//左按钮
[Tooltip("Button to go to the previous page. (optional)")]
public GameObject ScrollRightButton;//右按钮
[Tooltip("Event fired when a specific item is clicked, exposes index number of item. (optional)")]
public UnityEvent ButtonClicked;//按钮点击
private float[] distReposition;//长度改变
private float[] distance;//长度列表
//private int elementsDistance;
private int minElementsNum;//最小元素数
private int elementLength;//元素长度
//private int elementHalfLength;
private float deltaX;//移动x
private string result;//结果
public UIVerticalScrollerMove() { }//构造函数
public UIVerticalScrollerMove(RectTransform scrollingPanel, GameObject[] arrayOfElements, RectTransform center)
_scrollingPanel = scrollingPanel;
_arrayOfElements = arrayOfElements;
_center = center;
public void Awake()
var scrollRect = GetComponent();//获取到排列
if (!_scrollingPanel)
_scrollingPanel = scrollRect.content;//如果不是展示面板,获取该物体的可滚动的面板
if (!_center)//如果设置不成功,打印失败
Debug.LogError("Please define the RectTransform for the Center viewport of the scrollable area");
if (_arrayOfElements == null || _arrayOfElements.Length == 0)
var childCount = scrollRect.content.childCount;
if (childCount > 0)
_arrayOfElements = new GameObject[childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
_arrayOfElements[i] = scrollRect.content.GetChild(i).gameObject;
public void Start()
if (_arrayOfElements.Length < 1)
Debug.Log("No child content found, exiting..");
elementLength = _arrayOfElements.Length;
distance = new float[elementLength];
distReposition = new float[elementLength];//通过子物体的长度定义距离长度列表与移动长度列表
//get distance between buttons
//elementsDistance = (int)Mathf.Abs(_arrayOfElements[1].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y - _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y);
deltaX = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.width * elementLength / 3 * 2;
Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2( -deltaX,_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.y);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = startPosition;//获取到更改的按钮
for (var i = 0; i < _arrayOfElements.Length; i++)
AddListener(_arrayOfElements[i], i);
if (ScrollLeftButton)
ScrollLeftButton.GetComponent().onClick.AddListener(() => { ScrollLeft(); });
if (ScrollRightButton)
ScrollRightButton.GetComponent().onClick.AddListener(() => { ScrollRight(); });
if (StartingIndex > -1)
StartingIndex = StartingIndex > _arrayOfElements.Length ? _arrayOfElements.Length - 1 : StartingIndex;
private void AddListener(GameObject button, int index)
button.GetComponent().onClick.AddListener(() => DoSomething(index));
private void DoSomething(int index)
if (ButtonClicked != null)
public void Update()
if (_arrayOfElements.Length < 1)
for (var i = 0; i < elementLength; i++)
distReposition[i] = _center.GetComponent().position.x - _arrayOfElements[i].GetComponent().position.x;
distance[i] = Mathf.Abs(distReposition[i]);
//Magnifying effect
float scale = Mathf.Max(0.7f, 1 / (1 + distance[i] / 200));
_arrayOfElements[i].GetComponent().transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1f);
float minDistance = Mathf.Min(distance);//求出最小间距
for (var i = 0; i < elementLength; i++)
_arrayOfElements[i].GetComponent().interactable = false;
if (minDistance == distance[i])
minElementsNum = i;
_arrayOfElements[i].GetComponent().interactable = true;
result = _arrayOfElements[i].GetComponentInChildren().text;
private void ScrollingElements(float position)
float newX= Mathf.Lerp(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.x, position, Time.deltaTime * 1f);
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(newX,_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.y);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = newPosition;
public string GetResults()
return result;
public void SnapToElement(int element)
float deltaElementPositionX = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.width * element;
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(-deltaElementPositionX,_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.y);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = newPosition;
public void ScrollLeft()
float deltaLeft = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.width / 1.2f;
Vector2 newPositionLeft = new Vector2(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.x-deltaLeft, _scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.y);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = Vector2.Lerp(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition,newPositionLeft, 1);
public void ScrollRight()
float deltaRight = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.width / 1.2f;
Vector2 newPositionRight = new Vector2(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.x+deltaRight, _scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.y);
_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = newPositionRight;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.UI.Extensions;
public class ScrollingCalendarTest : MonoBehaviour {
public RectTransform monthsScrollingPanel;
public GameObject monthsButtonPrefab;
private GameObject[] monthsButtons;
public RectTransform monthCenter;
private int monthsSet;
UIVerticalScrollerMove monthsVerticalScroller;
//Initialize Months
private void InitializeMonths()
int[] months = new int[12];
monthsButtons = new GameObject[months.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < months.Length; i++)
string month = "";
months[i] = i;
GameObject clone = (GameObject)Instantiate(monthsButtonPrefab, new Vector3(i * 380,0, 0), Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))) as GameObject;
clone.transform.SetParent(monthsScrollingPanel, false);
clone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
month = ""+i;
clone.GetComponentInChildren().text = month;
clone.name = "Month_" + months[i];
monthsButtons[i] = clone;
// Use this for initialization
public void Awake()
//Yes Unity complains about this but it doesn't matter in this case.
monthsVerticalScroller = new UIVerticalScrollerMove(monthsScrollingPanel, monthsButtons, monthCenter);
public void SetDate()
// monthsSet = int.Parse(inputFieldMonths.text) - 1;
void Update()
string monthString = monthsVerticalScroller.GetResults();
public void MonthsScrollUp()
public void MonthsScrollDown()
一、Vue的两种使用方式扩展核心包开发直接通过引入Vue.js,适用于简单页面或局部功能增强。优点:轻量,无需构建工具。缺点:难以管理复杂项目,缺少工程化支持。工程化开发使用VueCLI、Vite等工具创建项目,结合Webpack/Vite构建。支持单文件组件(.vue文件),结构清晰(`,,)。插件生态丰富(如VueRouter、Vuex、Pinia)。二、Vue实例的深入理解核心配置项 new
use xmpl;
drop procedure if exists mockup_test_data_sp;
create procedure mockup_test_data_sp(
in number_of_records int
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MYSQL的随机抽取实现方法。举个例子,要从tablename表中随机提取一条记录,大家一般的写法就是:SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1。但是,后来我查了一下MYSQL的官方手册,里面针对RAND()的提示大概意思就是,在ORDER BY从句里面不能使用RAND()函数,因为这样会导致数据列被多次扫描。但是在MYSQL 3.23版本中,