import * as Excel from 'exceljs'; ; // 如果是js则为 var Excel = require('exceljs');
import * as Stream from 'stream';
import { CellData } from '../models/base/zzj-cell.base';
const tinytinycolor = require('tinytinycolor'); //颜色值的生成
this.workBook = new Excel.Workbook();
if(Object.prototype.toString.call(excel) == '[object String]') {
await this.workBook.xlsx.readFile(<string>excel);
} else {
await this.workBook.xlsx.read(excel);
this.workBook.getWorksheet(this.worksheetNum); //从1开始计数
(this.worksheet)._merges; // _开头的方法或变量都是约定的私有的,所以在index.d.ts中没声明,js中就没影响了
worksheet.eachRow((row, rowNum) => {
// 遍历每一行
public eachRow(callBack: EachCellCallback) {
let row = (this.worksheet)._rows;
for(let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
if(row[i] == undefined) continue;
callBack(row[i], i);
export interface Cell extends Style, Address {
readonly worksheet: Worksheet;
readonly workbook: Workbook;
readonly effectiveType: ValueType;
readonly isMerged: boolean;
readonly master: Cell;
readonly isHyperlink: boolean;
readonly hyperlink: string; // todo
readonly text: string;
readonly fullAddress: {
sheetName: string;
address: Address;
row: Row;
col: Column;
model: CellModel;
* Assign (or get) a name for a cell (will overwrite any other names that cell had)
name: string;
* Assign (or get) an array of names for a cell (cells can have more than one name)
names: string[];
* Cells can define what values are valid or not and provide
* prompting to the user to help guide them.
dataValidation: DataValidation;
* Value of the cell
value: CellValue;
* convenience getter to access the formula
readonly formula: string;
* convenience getter to access the formula result
readonly result: number | string | Date;
* The type of the cell's value
readonly type: ValueType;
* The type of the cell's formula
readonly formulaType: FormulaType;
* The styles of the cell
style: Partial