jvm troubleshoot command: jstat




The jstat utility uses the built-in instrumentation in the Java HotSpot VM to provide information about performance and resource consumption of running applications. The tool can be used when diagnosing performance issues, and in particular issues related to heap sizing and garbage collection. The jstat utility does not require the VM to be started with any special options. The built-in instrumentation in the Java HotSpot VM is enabled by default. This utility is included in the JDK download for all operating system platforms supported by Oracle.

jstat工具通过使用java HotSpot虚拟机内建的设施为我们提供应用程序的性能及资源使用的一些信息,当诊断一些性能问题、堆内存以及垃圾回收相关的问题的时候可以使用到它,该命令不需要虚拟机开启一些特别的参数,java HostSpot虚拟机内建的设置默认就支持该命令,
