/home/robot/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libkinect2_registration.so: undefined reference to `clEnqueueWriteBuffer@OPENCL_1.0'
/home/robot/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libkinect2_registration.so: undefined reference to `clReleaseDevice@OPENCL_1.2'
/home/robot/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libkinect2_registration.so: undefined reference to `clGetPlatformInfo@OPENCL_1.0'
and I noticed that the solution of developer is as following:web address:https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2/issues/804
OK, so this only happens with third party compilation using installed libfreenect2.so, which is why I didn't see it happen with Protonect. To reproduce, firstsudo make install
libfreenect2, then cd examples; mkdir build && cd build; cmake ..; make
The cause of the issue is this:
First, libfreenect2 is built with ocl-icd which provides versioned libOpenCL.so. Therefore libfreenect2.so requires versioned symbols.
Then, when compiling an app with this libfreenect2, CUDA's libOpenCL.so will take precendence somehow and CUDA's libOpenCL.so is unversioned. So GCC would enforce versioning and report undefined references tosymbol@version
. But at runtime this versioning doesn't seem to be strictly enforced.
Still thinking about what to do with it.
although I do not want to do this, but I did it, I changed to the libfreenect2 directory, and removed the build folder, then created a new folder named build. And do as the github tutorial of libfreenect2 requestagain,and …
it passed the catkin_make!
Commands list is as following:
sudo rm -fr build/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/freenect2
sudo make install
Fortunately the problem was solved!
warning: do not try to delete the related packages and do catkin_make, I have tried to remove the libkinect2_registrationpackage, and the workspace of catkin_ws can’t pass the catkin_make either.