cordova 常用命令总结

PS D:\GOpath\src\KirinProject\androidApp> cordova -h

    cordova command [options]

Global Commands
    create ............................. Create a project
    help ............................... Get help for a command
    telemetry .......................... Turn telemetry collection on or off
    config ............................. Set, get, delete, edit, and list global cordova options

Project Commands
    info ............................... Generate project information
    requirements ....................... Checks and print out all the requirements
                                            for platforms specified

    platform ........................... Manage project platforms
    plugin ............................. Manage project plugins

    prepare ............................ Copy files into platform(s) for building
    compile ............................ Build platform(s)
    clean .............................. Cleanup project from build artifacts

    run ................................ Run project
                                            (including prepare && compile)
    serve .............................. Run project with a local webserver
                                            (including prepare)

Learn more about command options using 'cordova help '

    build -> cordova prepare && cordova compile
    emulate -> cordova run --emulator

    -v, --version ...................... prints out this utility's version
    -d, --verbose ...................... debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,
    --no-update-notifier ............... disables check for CLI updates
    --nohooks .......................... suppress executing hooks
                                         (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)


    cordova create myApp org.apache.cordova.myApp myApp
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
    cordova platform add android
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera --nosave
    cordova platform add android --nosave
    cordova requirements android
    cordova build android --verbose
    cordova run android
    cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
    cordova config ls
cordova emulate android //在模拟器上运行(前提是创建好AVD)

cordova serve //在浏览器运行

cordova build android //打包cordova项目到android平台。

cordova run android //通过USB直接安装到真机(该语句已经包括了build命令,如果你手机电脑连接好,并且打开了手机里的usb调试模式,就可以这样直接run)

