Capacityof Single-user Wireless Channel with Single Antenna

Project Proposal

Project Information

Project Type: Literature Survey

Project Subject: Capacity of Single-user Wireless Channel with Single Antenna

Group Member: 13010180006 Yang Hengjie; 13010180033 Li Junheng

Contact Emails: [email protected](Yang); [email protected] (Li)


lI  General Description of the Project

Our project aims to derive a general overview of the capacity of single-user wireless channel where the transmitter and the receiver have one antenna, and we also make a simple research in capacity with diversity in Rayleigh fading channels.

Channels under these premises can be classified into three categories: AWGN, flat fading and frequency-selective fading channels, with the latter two all in the consumption of AWGN. In the project, we take deep insight in the latter two kinds of channels. We put our emphasis on flat fading channels: we investigate channel distribution information (CDI) in [1], [2] and [3], while the latter two papers illustrate FMSC with i.i.d inputs and general inputs respectively. Besides, we get a comprehensive analysis of capacity of flat fading channels with different channel side information (CSI) conditions in [4]and [5]. As for various fading conditions, we study capacity of Rayleigh and Nakagami fading channels in [6] and [7]. Capacity with diversity is only studied under Rayleigh fading in [6]. Finally, for frequency-selective fading channels,we merely survey the time-varying channel with full CSI in [8].


lII  Collaboration Criterions

For the three criterions, it is apparent that our amount of work satisfies the first

one since we have 8 papers to investigate as a whole. The project is a general research including summarization and comparison of channel capacities under different fading conditions, therefore it is an integrated job which demands sophisticated cooperation rather than separated and uncorrelated work, and hence it is consistent with the second criterion. As for the third one, the following is our respective description of contributions in this project:

Yang: My priority is to investigate channel capacities under different CSI conditions, that is, [4], [5], [6] and [7] to be precise. On top of that, I will go over Li’s work so as to collaborate well in the final report.

Li: I have to investigate the CDI conditions in flat fading and the capacity of time-varying channel in frequency-selective fading channels to complete my part in the final report. Of course I will skim over Yang’s as well so that the final report would not be like a rigid combination of two separate parts written by us separately.



[1]I.C.Abou-Faycal, M.D.Trott, and S.Shamai, “The capacity of discrete-time memory-

  less Rayleigh fading channels”, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, pp.1290-1301, May2001.

[2]A.J.Goldsmith and P.P.Varaiya, “Capacity, mutual information and coding for finite-

  state Markov channels”, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, pp.268-86, May 1996.

[3]T.Holliday, A.Goldsmith, and P.Glynn, “Capacity of finite state Markov channels

  with general inputs”, Proc.IEEE Internat.Sympos.Inform.Theory, p.289,July 2003.

[4]A.J.Goldsmith and P.P.Varaiya, “Capacity of fading channels with channel side

  information”, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, pp.1986-92, November 1997.

[5] G.Caireand S.Shamai, “On the capacity of some channels with channel state

  information”, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, pp.2007-19, September 1999.

[6]M.-S.Alouini and A.J.Goldsmith, “Capactity of Rayleigh fading channels under

  different adaptive transmission and diversity-combining techiniques”, IEEE

  Trans.Veh.Tech,pp. 1165-81, July 1999.

[7] M.-S.Alouiniand A.J.Goldsmith, “Capacity of Nakagami multipath fading channel”,

  IEEE Trans.Veh.Tech,pp.358-362, 1997.

[8]A.J.Goldsmith and M.Medard, “Capacity of time-varying channels with channel

  side information”, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, 1999.

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