Installation You-get with Ubuntu 16.04 beta

according to official wiki, you should install like this:

Option 1: Install via pip

The official release of you-get is distributed on PyPI, and can be installed easily from a PyPI mirror via the pip package manager. Note that you must use the Python 3 version of pip:

$ pip3 install you-get

this is different from install ShadowSocks, because you-get need Python3.X

well actually, this will give you some error.

after a clean install of Ubuntu, you should do:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo pip3 install you-get

then, you can use command 'you-get' anywhere.

you-get --no-merge

this '--no-merge' can prevent you-get automatically merge separate video segments.


an alternative way to install beta version of You-get, I prefer this way.

Option 4: Download from GitHub

You may either download the stable (identical with the latest release on PyPI) or the develop (more hotfixes, unstable features) branch of you-get. Unzip it, and put the directory containing the you-get script into your PATH.

Alternatively, run

$ [sudo] python3 install


$ python3 install --user

to install you-get to a permanent path.

use this command to install

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools

sudo python3 install

你可能感兴趣的:(Installation You-get with Ubuntu 16.04 beta)